
Chapter 1, A Fiery Adventure Begins Part 1

Desmond Royal didn't know what he was thinking.


Was He really ready to do this?

"Excuse me?"

What would his father say—


Desmond Royal shot back into reality now acknowledging the desk lady's presence. Where was Desmond again? Oh right, he's standing in the middle of a local Hunter Employment center. On the Des, his official Hunter's license, which stated accordingly.

Hunter's Name: Desmond Royal

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Species: Faunus

Graduated: Shade Academy

License Obtained: 7/18/13

Kingdom Aliment: Freelancer

There were a couple lies on that false license, Desmond wasn't 23, he's 18 years old. He has never been to Shade Academy nor did he graduate from any academy.

Desmond Royal was simply a liar.

The dragon let his desperation take the wheel, and it lead him to purchase a falsified license from the...well he never got a name. Say what you want about thieves and criminal, they're skilled at forgery. How he managed to get this far without being swarmed by cops was beyond him. But he might go onwards to the end. That Doesn't mean he wouldn't feel guilty for every lie he told.

"I'm sorry, zoned out for a minute there could you repeat what you said?" Desmond asked with a strained smile.

"I said, your services will be assigned to the Kingdom Of Vale. Since you're a freelancer, you can still accept missions from other Kingdoms. The mission board is constantly being updated, most of the time you will be required to go outside the walls."

"Right!" Desmond nodded. "Anything else I need to know?"

"You're holding up the line." The Lady said returning the license to Desmond. The long line behind him impatiently waiting for the dragon faunus to move on. Desmond thought it would be best to leave quickly, since some of those hunters were fully armed to remove him. It wasn't like Desmond couldn't fight, in fact he's great fighter for his age. But real pro- Hunters could possibly demolish him effortlessly.

Draconic Adventures.

The dragon boy was dressed in simple civilian clothing, he wore a sleeveless orange hoodie and black sweat pants. He wore orange sneakers with black accents and had a gold necklace around his neck. His masterpiece Draco, an orange longsword with a black outline was strapped to his hip, the crossguard resembled a pair of dragon wings and a circular pommel. Desmond Royal had smooth dark skin, his hair was short and black, matching the stubble on his chin. His faunus features consisted of a pair of longhorns pointing back, a dark tail wrapped around his waist to keep it from being stepped on, his winning feature was his wide orange wings. Desmond's eyes were different from others, frightening on first glance, his sclera was a deep black and his irises were a bright orange. Similar to a spec of light in the darkness. He was born with more features than an average faunus which earned him, a few disgusted looks from regular people. They often stared back when he was watching, he thought of it as another day in the life for a faunus species which had never been seen. Sure there were your cats, monkeys, and rabbits but never his kind. Even an average faunus would feel uncomfortable in his presence.

Desmond rarely traveled to the city of Vale, he use to go with his father, Isaac Royal. They would visit a variety of shops, dust stores, malls, and restaurants. Desmond only enjoyed the food though, his favorite restaurant was a place called, Sunvalley Diner. They serve the best burgers, he could really go for one right now to ease the tension he felt.

Desmond is now an official Huntsman/criminal. What was the sentence for falsifying a Huntsman license? Years of imprisonment? Life Sentence? Or even capital punishment?! No, he was pretty sure they wouldn't go that far. What did they even use to execute people with aura? Desmond assumed it was unnecessarily big or would they just politely ask to deactivate your aura and allow them to electrocute you. Honestly Desmond prefer a less painful outcome if it came down to that.

People may ask why would he turn to forgery? Because truthfully he wanted to live up to his family legacy. Isaac Royal was a brilliant and skilled Huntsman, he could fly faster than any Altesian bullhead thanks to his draconic abilities, he matched the strength of a Goliath, he was known for his incredible semblance.


Fire alone is a destructive element to control. However, his control over it was outstanding. The elder dragon never required any dust to conjure fire, he would draw it from the air and from his body. Though the ability came with a setback, if used too much, the body becomes weaker to the point of paralysis. He used different colors of fire, Orange, natural fire, Blue fire, which Desmond saw his father construct weapons out of. Red fire wielded more explosive power and proved more chaotic. Desmond never learned the true capabilities of his inherited semblance, Isaac claims there was more to Desmond's semblance, so much more.

Sadly, Isaac didn't live long enough to explain how.

Isaac embarked on a mission one day...and never came back. Desmond was devastated only seventeen when it happen. Now alone, The young dragon thrive to take care of himself. Their home is located in Patch, and was built deep in the wilderness. Desmond never had to worry about house payments or rent because the house was made by his father's two hands. He still needed money though. The situation forced him to drop out of Signal, not meeting the requirements to go to an academy. The job he got did pay well and he was able to afford certain things, including his fake license. Who knew a Master Forger would cost so damn much, it left him flat broke. Adding to that, Desmond quit his job at the cafe thinking being a Huntsman would pay a hell of a lot more. Except that he wasn't a Huntsman, he was a liar, Nay, a Criminal.

Maybe they did discover his forges, the lady could have contacted the authorities when he left. Desmond should be on alert for police siren, Not the young women who was ready to running straight towards him.

Their foreheads collided, sending them both to the ground. Since Desmond's dragon faunus heritage included draconic horns, the impact to the young green haired woman was more painful.

"I'm so sorry, are you oka—" Desmond paused mid sentence, looking up to see the girl was being pursued.

"Stop that thief!" One heavier man shouted, sweating drenching his tailored and expensive suit. An averagely built woman dressed in the same formal attire kept her, Boss from dropping to his knees in exhaustion. "She stole my diamond!"

"Diamond?" Desmond went to look for himself but the girl was already gone. "What the hell? She was right—"

"She's right in front of you, idiot, grab her!" The heavily built man grimaced.

Desmond blinked twice seeing that the green haired girl had dashed right by him, making a sharp turn in the alleyway. The dragon is left bewildered, he recovered fast enough to chase after the Green haired girl.

Scene Change

The streets of Vale are more crowded than they needed to be, however, Desmond's target used that to her advantage. The green haired girl shoulder checked a pedestrian passing by, sending him to Desmond's direction. The dragon boy paused to catch the man from falling and placed him aside.

"Sorry!" Desmond yelled, continuing his pursuit.

Desmond was bumping into people left and right, slowing his advance, while the green haired girl proved more agile and aware of her surroundings, narrowly avoiding anyone in her path like a pro runner back. She's definitely no stranger to being chased.

The green haired girl looked back momentarily, red eyes meeting orange, stopping in her tracks by a conveniently positioned fruit stand. The thief emptied one of the crates, covering the sidewalk in fruit. Seriously? Did she think fruit would going to delay him-

Then she threw the empty crate directly at Desmond's forehead causing him to collapse on the concrete. The thief smiled at the display, sticking her tongue out briefly and dashing away. Desmond got up dizzily, he felt the smushed fruit on the back of his hoodie. Now he smelled of oranges and, Desmond sniffed, tomatoes? Why not, Tomatoes are fruits too. At this point, Desmond will never catch up to the thief, though another thought came to Desmond's mind, why the heck was he running when he can fly?

Emerald Sustrai, was pleased with herself. Not only did she bamboozle a wannabe hero but stole a valuable diamond straight from an employee's hands. The semblance she has grown to rely on, once again aids her survival on the streets.

Too bad, she couldn't keep her bounty.

If only she hadn't decided to steal from that f*cking sleaze. Becoming too greedy had brought her to a fatal position, she once thought of it as one last score to get her out of Vale. The guards were easy to fool, flash them a stolen I.D and used her illusions to match the photo on it. Step 1 cleared, Step 2 get pass the Malachite twins by showing them an illusion of Junior. That worked for a while until the real Junior came out of his office. The mobsters were on her in seconds, she couldn't fight them all and she ended up in Junior's 'special' room for uninvited guest.

Emerald shouldn't have stolen from that crook, he's deadly and quick to kill if needed. However, Junior astonishingly showed mercy and rather than kill her now, he decided to make use of her talents. All she had to do was steal a diamond for one of those annoying twins. Who was it? Melanie Malachite, spoiled kid wanted a diamond for her birthday today. Something that matched her dress. Emerald wanted to bash her head in just for saying that, the twins spoke so condescendingly to her. "Dirty and desperate." is what they said to her face. Sadly, they weren't wrong, being a street rat is obviously not the best way to live.

A shadow loomed overhead which drew Emerald's attention to the sky. Next thing she knew a masculine figure pounced on her, wrestling the thief to the ground.

"S-Stop resisting!" Desmond growled as a stray palm caught him across the cheek. "Ouch! Come on please stop resisting?" he tried for a more subtle route.

Only for Emerald to reach down to her waist and unholster a green pistol. A clicking sound was Desmond's only warning to swiftly roll aside, missing the bullet by an inch. Emerald jumped to her feet continuing to fire. Desmond's wings enveloped his body, the bullets pinging off. Emerald started backing away, keeping the dragon at bay with rapid gunfire. The dragon rushed forward, his wings spreading apart allowing his claw to swipe downward, only for his hand to slide straight through. Desmond's eyes widen in shock, he wasn't aware of the shoe flying his way, striking the dragon in his temple. Desmond fell to his knees hard giving Emerald another opportunity to run. The thief's left gun extended into a long chain, launching forward and hooking to a trash can. Emerald yanked it back sending the object crashing into Desmond.

"That should keep him busy for a while, " Emerald sighed, increasing in speed. "If it doesn't, then he would have Junior's men to worry about."

Scene Change

The club was clear of party goers, which made Emerald nervous. Fewer witnesses to see her death unfold. Who would care if a street rat was lying dead anyway? Hopefully, The twins will accept the damn diamond so she can walk out of here. Junior sat at the bar downing a margarita, slamming it down afterwards. The malachites stood on each side of the crime boss, the red one tapped her boss's shoulder drawing Junior's attention.

"Errand girl is back," Miltia smirked, her eyes glancing at the White diamond. "With a present."

Melanie gasped in excitement, speeding to Emerald and snatching the clear white diamond, nearly ramming into the thief.

"You actually came back, " Junior stood to his full height looking down on Emerald. "For a moment I thought you skipped town, but you look like a smart enough girl, to know how futile that would be."

"Trust me, I don't plan to make the same mistake again." Emerald turned to leave, only to be blocked by Mobsters. The room seemed more crowded now, dozens of mobsters occupying it. Great...looks like Junior doesn't plan to make this easy. Neither did she. "I thought you said-"

"Let my associate inspect the merchandise first." Junior scowled, turning to Melanie. "How's the quality?"

"Terrible." Melanie gagged, tossing the diamond behind her. Chills ran down Emerald's spine as she said that. Mobsters began encircling around her, blocking all routes of escape. "Why is it so dusty? Did you go back to your box shelter before coming here?"

"Is that a scratch on it?" Miltia pointed out.

"T-that wasn't my fault!" Emerald raised her hand in surrender. "Someone was chasing after me and I had to-"

"You lead them back here?!" Junior nostrils flared. Emerald bit her lip in response to her own idiocy. "This won't do...sorry, street rat. Can't risk any law enforcement searching the place. Don't take it personally, kid."

"Screw that, " Emerald glared, her hand clutching her holstered weapon. However, she was outgunned by several mobsters including the Malachites and Junior. "I'm walking out of here, Junior."

"More like carried," Junior shrugged, preparing to take his leave. "Tell the cops she broke in here and we fired in self-defense. This was a wasteful evening-"

The club doors suddenly flew open. Junior and his men turned to see an out of breath dragon Faunus resting his hands on his knees, heaving and wheezing. Desmond took a quick glance, reading the room. Ten gunmen, Ten melees, a pair of hot twins, a mob boss telling by the outfit vs one thief. Desmond isn't the smartest faunus but he's sure that the thief would lose.

"Ahem.."Desmond cleared his throat and stood upright. "So what's the problem here, fellas? A little disagreement?"

"You can say that, " Melanie said, a malicious smirk forming across her face. "She wanted to live...and we didn't."

"O-okay, never expected this on the first day," Desmond spoke meekly, shivering a bit. "I'm sure there's a hotline for that, Ma'ma, what's making you feel that way?"

The mobsters paused lowering their weapons to stare at the young dragon. Melanie raised an elegant eyebrow, crossing her arms.

"Excuse me?"

"Listen, I'm sorry if you feel like life isn't treating you well but I'm certain there's a better way to-"

"You know what, " Junior waves his hand dismissively. "keep your thoughts to yourself, kid. Get out my club, I and the rat have unfinished business."

Emerald glared at the goon, there were too many to use her semblance. Maybe, she could still escape, she'll make Junior see Desmond was attacking and-

"I-I'm afraid I can't do that sir." Desmond's words alarmed Emerald.

"What?" The thief blinked in surprise.

"Yeah, I need to bring her in-"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Milita said. "Junior's giving you a free pass to leave a gun fight and you're still here."

"That's the second time, someone interrupted me." Desmond said, displaying slight annoyance. "that's really unnerving so I'm gonna have to ask you to drop your weapons and step aside from official huntsman business." The dragon coughed afterward, not quite use to calling himself that.

"Wait...you're a Huntsman?" Junior's eyes widen, the kid didn't look older than eighteen in his eyes.

"Y-yeah, " Desmond said somewhat confidently, pulling the license from his pocket on full display. Emerald's jaw dropped, she was being pursued by a pro-Huntsman? No wonder the dragon was relentless. Emerald could take advantage if this, Junior isn't stupid enough to attack a trained huntsman. Even if he did manage to kill him, that would lead to an investigation Junior couldn't afford to have. "Now since that mess is cleared up, please hand her over."

"Nice forgery, " Junior gave a toothy grin.

"Umm what?" Sweat fell from Desmond's brow.

"It's a damn fine piece of work, kid, I'll give you that." Junior clapped momentarily, he noticed the astonished expression Desmond wore, he was happy to explain. "I've been a club owner for a while, this isn't my first time seeing a fake ID. You could've fooled anyone else though."

"I-I see..." Desmond frowned, color draining from his face.

"Shit, " Emerald lets out an exasperated sigh, before swinging her sickle into a Mobster's hip earning a pained scream. Emerald tugged on the sickle pulling the Mobster in front of her as a human shield to catch an incoming bullet from the second mobster's handgun. Emerald then kicked the Mobster into the second one before diving across a table and flipping over to use for cover.

"Kill them both!" Junior ordered with a snapped of his fingers, signaling the mobsters to start firing a parade of bullets at the two criminals. Well a half a criminal.

Desmond squealed leaping behind the bar counter, the bullets flew over shattering countless bottles, causing alcohol to shower the dragon's head. Which mixed with the splattered fruit on his hoodie.

"Watch it you idiots, I said kill them not my product!" Junior growled.

Desmond tuned out the noises around him, dumbstruck by what he gotten himself into. First day as a criminal and he was already starting gun fights? All he could think about now is how shitty his day had been.

End Of Part 1