

"Are you really going to let her go men shopping brother?" David asked. He couldn't believe Chris had actually agreed to that. It's not like Chris didn't know Scarlett had a mate or wasn't even interested in the whole idea of shopping for men. "Say something brother, she's your mate and she's bonded to you, she's yours now, you can't let her roam around the city, she's on heat for fuck sake,"

"I suggest you find other matters to meddle in brother," Seth said coldly as he pulled his gloves on and then he was gone. David sighed to himself. Why does he even bother? Seth was right; he should find other matters to meddle in.

He materialized in Claire's estate; in the sitting room was Elizabeth, who had a screen glued to her face that she didn't even sense his presence. He stole a glance of what it was that had her attention and realized she was reading a novel. Judging from the little he was able to read before he heard footsteps, it was a romance and fantasy novel. Claire stood in front of him and motioned for him to follow her into the kitchen.

"You do realize she's reading a fantasy romance novel right?" David asked.

"I know what the romance is about and yeah I don't mind, as long as she knows what to expect in life,"

"How is she? The whole accepting that she's not human,"

"Well it's harder for me because she's part werewolf but it's a working progress," Claire said. "Thank you for bringing her David,"

"It's no problem, she's a beautiful girl and she deserves a mother,"

"What did she mean by what she said the last time you were here?"

"What's that?"

"Don't act dumb with me David, I see it in your eyes and Gallus' as well, I can't say the same for Seth because his are cold. What happened to your mother?"

"It's a story I don't wish to tell Claire,"

"If she's still alive, you will see her again but if she's not…"

"Thank you, I should take my leave,"

"Won't you say hi to her?"

"No! Don't let her know I was here, just keep her safe and happy," David said. "I trust you can do that,"


Seth stood at the top of the grand staircase staring at nothing in particular. His mind still replayed everything David had said 'she's your mate and she's bonded to you, she's yours now' no matter how much he tried to ignore the obvious, she's his now.

A familiar yet faint almost impossible to believe presence made him come back to reality. He made his way to the underground dungeon and stilled in front of the open door. Gallus stood opposite him with his head bowed. Seth's eyes remained fixated on the ground staring at the bodies lying there shocked.

"It's been more than five centuries since mother, Lilith and Aerith were trapped in that abyss," Gallus still had his head bowed. He knew Seth wouldn't say anything. "I've been with their bodies since the night of your mate's dark outburst, her explosion released their bodies from the crystal in the door to the abyss," Gallus looked up at Seth and their eyes met, a tear dropped from Gallus' eyes.

Seth remained quiet, there was nothing he could say to his brother, no word or action would ease the pain in his brother's heart. He knew just how much Gallus loved his woman but unfortunately he couldn't understand it. He slowly made his way to his mother and sister's soulless bodies. He went down on one knee and caressed his mother's ashen face. Gently, he kissed her forehead and turned to his sister, he held her hand. He kissed her cheeks and rested his forehead on his sister's.

"I'm going to Ascia," Gallus said. "I want to see father," Seth glared at Gallus at those words. "Relax brother,"

"If you get into any trouble, don't expect me or David to help you," Seth finally spoke. Gallus smirked at him causing Seth to arch a brow at him.

"Your mate is one of my allies, she'll definitely help me," Gallus said. Seth glare turned even colder at those words. Gallus knew Seth would be possessive over his mate and he wanted to make sure it wouldn't just remain possessiveness.

'Don't dare me brother, I'll make you regret ever meeting her' Seth's voice echoed in Gallus' head.

"Don't forget dear brother, I met her first," Gallus said with a smirked and quietly walked passed Seth. If he wanted his mother and sister back then he would need Scarlett to be motivated to do it and not just because of what she owed Seth for teaching her to fight with daggers but because she wanted to. It was high time Seth's frosty heart thawed out.


"First stop, a frat house," Michael said. "You know what it is right?" Scarlett stared at him silently.

"You don't," Chris said not in the slightest disappointed at the outcome.

"This might not be the best idea," Michael said. "Frat houses are like a playground for players and hookups and you don't exactly fit into either categories and let's not forget, not in the slightest experienced," he paused and turned to Nicole. "She's our friend and we don't want to see her get hurt Nicole even though that may probably never happen in a place like this,"

"What the hell are you doing Michael?" Nicole asked slightly irritated.

"Look here me out babe, those guys in there…they're not exactly known for their respect for women and we don't want Scarlett to get taken advantage of or caught up in something that's not good for her…"

"I'm wondering if that's possible," Chris interrupted.

"Plus, we're trying to help her find someone genuine, not some dickhead frat bro who's just looking for a conquest. Let's get out of here and…"

"I think she beat you to it Michael," They watched as Scarlett made her way across the road as though she was going to the frat house. "Or maybe not," As she got to the end of the road, an auto piloted power bike pulled up in front of her.

"It's Quinn Incorporation latest model," she said as she got on. "Anything but a frat house," she revved the engine and then she was gone. Nicole, Michael and Chris stared at the spot where Scarlett stood surprised, they hadn't expected that but Chris and Michael both burst out laughing.

"This is going to be an amazing week, don't you think Nicole?" Chris teased as they all got into the car. "I guess the frat's house's off the list, what else do you have in store for her?"

"I'll think of something," Nicole said with a frown on her face as she stared out the window.

"Just…not a place as hot as a…frat house okay babe?" Michael said but Nicole glared at him causing Chris to chuckle.

"Don't worry Nicole, she'll bend, it's all just a matter of time," Chris said.

'I hope' Nicole thought as she leaned on Michael's shoulder.


Scarlett walked through the doors of Debbie's room. It was actually the first time she'd been in her since seven months ago. The walls were painted azure and had patterns drawn in white. The room was perfect and big enough for a fifteen year old teenage girl.

Debbie lay on her bed using her laptop; it was a top model of Quinn electro. As Scarlett walked in, she looked up at her sister and a smile spread across her face. Debbie shut the laptop and sat up with a bright smile on her face.

"Hey Deb," Scarlett said. "I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise…but I'm here now," she said as she sat on Debbie's bed.

"It's okay…" Debbie said. "What about Nicole, Chris and Michael?"

"I ditched them; they want me to go men shopping,"

"Seriously…that's…wait aren't you mated to Seth?"

"I am," Scarlett sighed. "Nicole doesn't trust Seth and I'm ignorant about this stuff. I want to make her happy but I don't want to go men shopping either,"

"Which means you choose Seth?"

"I don't know Deb,"

"How do you feel when you see him?"

"Normal," Scarlett said. In an instant, she had her back to the wall and Debbie's hand around her throat in an attempt to choke her. Debbie's eyes were red and she snarled at Scarlett. "How else am I meant to feel?" Scarlett choked.

"Ugh really Scar?!" Debbie said frustrated. "He's your mate for goodness sake! You have to feel something like uh…do you feel tongue-tied? Do you feel your heartbeat accelerate? What about blood coursing faster than normal through your veins? A chilling yet hot sensation that goes down your spine and makes you shiver, do you feel any of these things?"

"No," Scarlett said. Debbie felt disappointed. She had thought with the look in her sister's eyes and the way she rejected the men shopping idea that Scarlett was finally becoming a teenage girl who could be affected by a man but Scarlett was nowhere near that road. "You can let go now Debbie," Scarlett coughed out. Debbie's eyes darkened and her nails grew longer digging into Scarlett's neck.

"I'm not done," Debbie said. "I feel you're lying to me, so until I'm sure you're not, I'll let go,"


"How the hell did you survive high school? Let's not forget the devil's your great grandfather and his unrealistically handsome and you're insanely beautiful, every guy would fall for you…so how?"Debbie asked.

"I told you Debbie, I'm ignorant, I ignore every asshole who comes near me because I don't care about falling in love, I just want my family safe and happy, I want to get the throne back so we don't have to fight so hard anymore,"

"But the fight will never end Scarlett, as long as we're all still breathing, we will always keep fighting, either for survival or for the ones we love,"

"I know that," Scarlett said.

"It's good to see you two bonding but could you make it a little less bloody?" Scarlett and Debbie turned to door. Zev leaned on the frame with his hands in his pockets and a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"Hey Zev," the girls said as Debbie let Scarlett go. Scarlett coughed and smiled at him.

"Let me tell you how Debbie," Zev said as he returned the smile and walked inside then sat on Debbie's bed. Debbie also sat on the bed while Scarlett made her way to a couch after cleaning her bloody neck. "Every year on the first of July, our dearest sister Scarlett while in high school, received at least a hundred love letters, dozens of chocolate, car keys and billions of dollars as birthday gifts from different guys," Debbie stared at Zev then turned to Scarlett surprised.

"Are you kidding me? What do you do with all that stuff?" Scarlett had a smug smile on her face.

"I have a storage room and garage for everything in Ensco, the letters are in heart shaped envelops, the chocolates are in refrigerators, the cars are in the garage while the cash is in my bank account,"

"I want chocolate and I want to read those letters," Debbie said. "Can I have some chocolate?"

"Is that good for your health?"

"Oh please I'm a hybrid," Debbie said. "Are you coming brother?"

 "I would love to check out Scar's collection but I have a lot to take care of at the office,"

"We'll see you later then?" Scarlett asked and Zev nodded. "And it's not my collection…it's just a random preservation of stupid piece of papers, I'm burning all those letters at the end of the year as a bonfire"

"Why would you do that?" Debbie asked.

"I have better things to store than stupid letters,"

"Why don't you burn the cars and money as well? It'll make the fire blaze even more," Zev said teasingly.

"Would you?" Scarlett asked with a raised brow. Zev didn't answer but he had a smirk on his face.

"I'll see you two later okay," he said and kissed their cheeks. In an instant, he was gone.

"Now…let's take a look at your gifts shall we?" Debbie said. Scarlett let out a relieved breath, that felt amazing, spending time with Zev and Debbie felt really refreshing.

"We have to go to Ensco Deb,"

"That's not a problem," Scarlett smiled hearing that.


They took a bike from Scarlett's mansion in Ensco and Scarlett drove it to a remote location in Ensco, a large warehouse stood in the middle of the area. The entrance was the garage and there were amazing, expensive and brand new brands of cars that hadn't been driven, the cars were either black with a touch of gold or a dark shade of blue with a touch of white.

"What is it with you and these colors?"

"I'm not sure; I guess I just like the combination," Scarlett said. "The chocolate's over there in those large refrigerators,"

"Are those refrigerators?" Debbie asked in disbelief as she stared at three large blocks that had handles. "All that's in there…is chocolate?"

"Yeah," she led Debbie farther inside the warehouse and stopped in front of a set of huge mahogany drawers and a shelf. "The shelves has jewelry in them, chains, bracelets, name it," Scarlett turned to Debbie. "I haven't been here in a while; I think the number increased,"


"I didn't come here last year, you know I lost my memories so I didn't check it out but…I think…" she paused as she made her way to a control panel. She inputted a few codes and a door slid open. "…these are the new entries," Scarlett said as the lights came on.
