
Dr. Angel

The novel tells the life of Dr. Angel, a psychiatrist who needs psychological treatment himself.

YusufY · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


Every morning I look in the mirror and ask myself, "Who am I?"

A person's nature changes based on the people around them. They try to adapt so that balance is not disrupted.

In this journey of change, one loses their identity.

They start liking some things over others without their own will, just to gain the approval of those around them.

But do those people deserve that change? The answer is mostly no.

Life is not fair in any way.

Those you love don't care about you at all, while those you dislike actually care about you.

I wonder,

Am I still myself?

Or have I changed for someone else?

But the person in the mirror knows I will not change. Whoever wants me as I am, welcome.

And whoever wants me to change, they can go to hell.


After the place quieted down, we exchanged looks for a few minutes.

My tongue didn't know how to justify the situation, and my mind stopped speaking loudly as usual.

I just look into those blue eyes and think,

"What are you thinking about now? Do you want t~"

- As I was saying, my father left us when I was a child due to conflicts between him and my mother~

Wow, she got over the situation simply and continued talking.

This is a promising start; she might have a genuinely interesting story.

As she spoke, my mind started chattering as usual.

I think she's the type who posts something targeted at a specific person instead of telling them directly.

She addresses me in the plural form, not used to direct conversation.

Okay, she seems addicted to those dumb social media sites.

I'm really bored, can't wait for this session to end, umm

Excuse me, earlier I asked you not to share personal information,

but what's your name?

- Amy.

Okay, Amy,

Can we continue tomorrow? I'm tired now and my mind is starting to wander.

- Sure, but if you promise that I'll be the first.

You have my word.

- Alright, goodbye, and I wish you a good day.

On my way home, I listen to music because I can't stand the noise in my head at that moment.

Even though I understand human nature, the mind cannot be understood because it simply deceives us,

just like it's deceiving me now. Despite listening to music, it doesn't stop chattering.

I got home and luckily the guard wasn't there. I started going up quickly, but I saw that skull again, and this time with a hand moving in a circular motion beside it.


Is there a demon messing with my mind?

In that case, it would be good so it wouldn't be real.

I ignored it and went up to my apartment and took a shower.

I wasn't in a good state at that time, not sure why, but I sat and started thinking,

Why is my life so miserable?

I see everyone around me happy except me.

I wish the psychiatrist's trick would work on me, but I know its reality.

I turned off the water and left the house to walk a bit to clear my mind,

and I won't care about that damn skull.

I love the feeling of cold air; it gives me chills that bring back some cheerful memories.

While walking and gazing at the stars...

- Oh, Dr. Angel.

Amy? What are you doing here?

- My house is nearby, I was buying some things. You still remember the promise, right?

Yes, of course, you'll be the first.

- Umm, there's a café nearby. Do you want to go?

Sure, why not, let's go.

Amy was joking a lot and speaking spontaneously. Although I know she's not mentally stable, she wears that mask in front of people.

For the first time, my mind didn't mock anyone after spending that period with them.

There's something different about that girl,

and somehow I like that.

The café singer was absent that day,

and Amy volunteered to sing instead.

We all clapped for her, and as soon as she started singing, I was mesmerized by her. I just looked into those angelic eyes and knew that was my lifeline.

♪ Could I have known.

♪ That I was about to fall in love with you.

♪ You're secretive, I know.

♪ Your world is a place I don't belong.

♪ But still, I'll never give up on you.

♪ Because you roam in my mind daily.

♪ In every way, you live in my heart.

♪ You make me feel we were never separated.

♪ Never separated.