
Downward Ascension

After unfortunately passing away in his old life in a modern world, our protagonist Chris finds himself reincarnated in a fantasy world like no other. After coming to terms with his death, he sets out to live a normal life filled with peace and hapiness. Sadly, Chris finds out the hard way how cruel fate truly is..... NOTE: None of the reference art belongs to me, all credit belongs to the creators. If you would like me to remove your art, let me know by commenting on the latest chapter.

TheCravenLord · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 1- Pilot

Chris Erikson, peered down below at the ledge of the 200 meter tall building he worked at for 10years, with an expression of pure sadness and guilt written all over his face.

Sadness, because he knew what he had to do and why he has to do it. Yet he still hesitates to go through with it, hence the guilt.

Chris was a tall, dark haired individual with beautiful blue eyes that certainly gave some charm to his otherwise below average looks that allowed him to atleast climb the ranks to make him a 6/10 when it came to attractiveness.

What could possibly push a man to where he is today?

Simple...but yet such a complex question....it varies from victim to victim.

But for Chris.....it.....it was his mother.

Chris's mother, Julia Erikson, was an alcoholic and a narcissistic individual who would frequently get physical with her child and constantly remind him of the failure he was and take out her anger on the poor boy who could nothing but take the beatings of his evil mother.

By the time he was 17, Chris developed a distrust and apprehension towards people, and in turn, which led him to be perceived as a loner and an outcast by society which didnt help in his attempt to make friends. At the most, he could make you perceive him as friendly but would never see you as anything, other than a potential threat

Fast forward 11 years into the future, Chris is an adult in his late twenties, making enough money to live by himself away from his mother, although every week he has to send money back to Julia, in order to be allowed to live alone.

And after years of solitude, chris decided to come forward in his life and embrace change in to his husk of a life and gather the courage to ask out a girl who he has known since highschool.

Emily Hawkins(the girl he asked out) agrees with a beaming smile, that chris notices, but finds unsettling.

The sun sets, and its showtime.....

Emily invites chris over to her place, which happens to be in a questionable neighborhood, which is famous for muggings at this hour of the day. But Chris brushes all thoughts to the side at the prospect of finally having a girlfriend, and a pretty one too!.

"It's just up ahead" said emily with the smile on her face. She takes a turn and descend down an alleyway, which is odd, but chris remains optimistic.

"NOW!" ,shouts Emily, as she dashes forward.

"Whaat!?" ,Chris says as an alarm goes off in his head.



A shower of paint crashes onto chris that bathes him in sticky yet oily sensations all over his body.

Surprised. He looks up only to find a group of people cackling at his expense. It didn't take him long to put 2 and 2 together and figure out he was played by his date and his feelings were used as playthings yet again.

"it was just a prank,chris" "No hard feelings" were the only words chris was hearing instead of a lengthy explanation or apology that he so dearly needed.

"Yeah, it was just a harmless, little joke. You know how it is right, chris." said Emily as she held her hand mid-air to insinuate a handshake, likely trying to amend some sort of disagreement with me as if there was any left.

"Yeah, I understand." said chris with a weak smile.

"See, I told you there was nothing to worry about." she said while looking to one male in particular of the rooftop group, who appeared to be the leader basing off of the way he carried himself.

The brown haired individual who appeared to be the leader, jumped down and landed perfectly ahead of them without a scratch.

After he leaped of the rooftop, the brown haired individual gave chris the impression of swimmer athletes given the amount of training that goes into their legs and deduced that he was no doubt an athlete that puts a heavy amount of effort into his legs and began calmly walking to them, while staring at me with disgust written all over his sharp face.

"I heard some skinny nerd had the gall to hit on my girl, too bad I was worrying for nothing." he said while looking chris up and down as if he was some meme on the internet.

He wraps his arm around emily, and they begin to walk away along with the other guys on the rooftop leaving chris all alone in the alleyway.

Chris has had enough.

The next morning after a painful and dreadfully long shower he heads to the bank to withdraw all his money to go off the grid and start a new life in a different country.

2 Hours later....





Chris had a look of anguish and dread visible on his tired face as the bank robbers took control of the bank.However, it far from over, he told himself, he could still escape with his already withdrawn money and crawl his way to the door.

Excuse my grammar and punctuation skill as English isn't my first language nor is it my second either.

Apart from that, Please enjoy!!!

TheCravenLordcreators' thoughts