
Dovakiin In Thedas

A random guy thrown into Thedas with the soul of a Dragon

MrHugs · Videojogos
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2 Chs


"Woah" I whispered and fell to my knees gaping for air.

I looked over at the Shade that was already dissolving into a pile of ash and then down at the strange glowing blue sword in my hand and froze as I instantly recognized its design.

It wasn't just any sword! It was a Daedric Sword! Or more specifically an illusionary Daedric Sword summoned using the Bound Sword Spell! And that the giant icicle sticking out of the Shade's body looked eerily similar to the Ice Spike Spell.

...But, how was that possible?

I was already struggling with the fact that I somehow transmigrated into Dragon Age Inquisition and now I mysteriously knew magic from freaking Skyrim! What the hell was going on!?

Shaking my head I dispelled the sword and let go of it for now since I had bigger problems to deal with.

Looking back at the Rage Demon is saw that Cassandra and the Inquisitor clearly had everything handled and that the Rage Demon was on its last legs.

Taking this rare moment of rest before our journey continued I closed my eyes to try and feel the Mana within me choosing to completely ignore the absurdness of that sentence. I was going to be doing a lot more fighting in the near future and I needed to know how much gas I had left in the tank so to speak. And after a moment of sensing I felt that the strange warmth inside of me that I assumed was mana was still mostly full.

Which wasn't what I was expecting considering I just used two different spells which I knew had decent mana costs.

Not that I was complaining but, why did I have so much mana?

Even now I could feel the mana inside me regenerating at decent rate which would bring me back up to 100% in only minute or two.

Still even if I had a ton of it I didn't want to be wasting mana unless it was absolutely necessary since it could save my life in a dangerous situation, so I needed to find a proper weapon.

I turned back to the sword and shield combo I saw earlier. If how I killed that Shade was any indication I was skilled enough with a sword that I could hold my own against most low level enemies.

At least I hoped so.

Picking up the simple iron blade I noticed how much heavier it was than the Summoned Daedric Sword I used earlier. Despite that it felt strangely familiar in my hand as it belonged there.

Shaking away the strange feeling I sheathed the sword and tied it to my waste and strapped its counterpart a small wooden kite shield to my left forearm.

As I was lashing the shield into place I realized how much more convenient this was than having to actually hold it. This way it left my hand free to cast magic and use other weapons without having to let go of my shield.

"Drop you Weapons" I heard a shout from behind me! I looked over to see Cassandra standing over a collapsed Rage Demon pointing her sword at the Inquisitor and glancing over in my direction from the corner of her eye.

The red haired woman frowned for a moment as if debating her options before letting out a heavy sigh and grumbling "Fine."

As she moved to drop her bow and daggers I awkwardly stood there waiting to see if I should disarm too.

"Wait" Cassandra lowered her sword "... You two should keep them, I need to remember you came with me willingly. And as much as I loath to admit it I'm not strong enough to protect you against all these demons without aid."

The Inquisitor nodded happily and slung her bow back over her shoulder.

"We should get off the ice" I interrupted while eyeing the pile of ash that used to be the Rage Demon "Even though it seems stable I'm not sure how much I trust it seeing as there was a giant lava monster breathing fire here it a moment ago."

Both the women paled slightly not having thought of that and without any delay the three of us quickly and carefully made our way back to shore.

It was at that moment I noticed another abnormality with my body.

I wasn't the slightest bit cold! Even though we were basically in the middle of a raging blizzard! I was completely fine!

I sighed 'Just another thing to add to the list of stuff I don't understand.'

As we reached the crest of the path we were following we spotted a soldier's corpse on the ground. His body was already cold and the pool of blood below him had frozen solid.

We tacitly avoided saying anything about it and continued on our way since we were on a tight schedule.

"Here take these" Cassandra fished several small yellow bottles out of the pouch on her hip and handed them to us.

"What are they" I asked even though I already knew?

"Basic Healing Potions supplied by the Chantry" she answered "They can't heal any major injuries but, are good enough for your average flesh wound or burn."

I nodded in understanding and took two bottles from Cassandra as she gave another two to the Inquisitor. Stowing the potions away in hoodie's pocket I thanked her even though I had a feeling that any casual Restoration Magic I cast would be better than these potions. Still I wasn't going to turn down a way to heal without wasting precious mana.

Especially when I didn't actually know if I knew any Restoration Spells.

I still remembered how to use the Bound Sword and Ice Spike Spells I used earlier but, I couldn't figure out how to use any other spells no matter how much I tried. And just hoped that if I needed them I could use them on instinct like I did earlier.

We continued in silence for another few minutes before the Inquisitor spoke up again.

"Where are all your soldiers? We've been walking for a while now and all we've seen is the occasional corpse. Surely the explosion didn't take out that many of your troops did it?

"Most of my soldiers are at the forward camp preventing demons from pouring through the rift while the remainder are hunting down the scattered groups escaping the smaller rifts and meteors" Cassandra answered.

"Speaking of which" I looked up as another volley of green meteors fired out from the rift scattering in all directions.

"We need to pick up the pace" Cassandra grit her teeth!

As we neared the base of the mountain more and more bodies started showing up frozen in the snow, and unfortunately not all of them were in one piece.

Whenever we passed a bloody scene like that, I did my best to not look directly at it and keep focused on the path ahead.

"Halt" Cassandra whispered jumping down.

"What is it" the Inquisitor asked as we follow suit.

"There's a couple Shades up ahead at the bottom of the cliff."

Peaking up I looked over the snow drift in front of me and saw the Shades in question moving across a small frozen lake at the base of a 15 foot cliff.

"I'll cover us from up here" the Inquisitor readied her bow.

Cassandra nodded before looking to me "You flank around the side to draw their attention and once their focused on you I'll jump down and pin them between us."

"Got it" I moved without another word and followed a small dirt path to our right that let down the small cliff. I knew I probably should have questioned this plan a bit more but, ever since I killed that first Shade fighting just didn't seem that scary to me anymore. Hell I was actually even a bit excited to see exactly what I was capable of.

As I reached the bottom of the cliff the two Shades that were slowly slinking away and still hadn't noticed me yet but, that was about to change. I shouted at the top of my lungs and charged at the two monsters without an ounce of fear.

And as if responding to my shout the two Shades let out an unearthly screech before charging to meet my assault.

I blocked a strike from the first Shade leaving a gash in my shield and slashed at it leaving a deep cut in its chest. Just as the second shade appeared at my side and I leaped backwards to dodge its attack as an arrow flew down from the sky imbedding itself in the Shades back and throwing it off balance as it turned toward back towards the cliff to find its attacker.

While the second Shade distracted I deflected another strike from the first Shade and bashed my shield into its face staggering it.

Right at that moment was when Cassandra appeared leaping off the cliff and rolling to her feet. After righting herself she lunged forward crossing the distance between her and the second Shade in the blink of an eye and unleashed a devastating strike that cut the monster clean in half.

I gasped in awe and noticed her blade left a glowing green trail in its wake.

'Did she just use a skill' I froze in shock at the incredible display.

"RrRagG" my Shade growled and unleashed another blow shaking me from my thoughts.

"Right I gotta deal with you first" I muttered as I charged the mana in my hand.

"Ice Spike" I shouted firing a barrage of icicles at the Shade filling it like a pin cushion.

I know I said I wasn't going to waste my mana unless absolutely necessary but, seeing Cassandra's show of force made me want to show off a bit too.

"I knew I saw you using magic earlier" Cassandra glared at me "So you're an apostate then."

"I... guess" I took a moment to answer since didn't really know how I was supposed to respond to that question.

Cassandra's frowned "Where did you learn we're you taught by another apostate or did you escape from one of the circles?"

"I wasn't really taught by anyone" I awkwardly scratched the back of my head.

"That's not possible" Cassandra drew her blade along my neck "I'm a Templar and know for a fact that magic isn't something you can learn without a proper teacher. Everyone who tried either ended up as an abomination or blew themselves to pieces."

"I-Its the truth" I stuttered while struggling against my newfound instincts that urged me to retaliate against the sword on my neck. "I swear on my life that I had absolutely zero knowledge of magic before today! Something really crazy is going on and I don't even know how I got here let alone my I know magic!"

Cassandra stared me down for a moment before eventually resheathing her sword "I suppose I light of recent events I will believe you for now. BUT, this is not the end of this" she glared at me.

"Got it" I rubbed my neck hoping to forget about the sensation of having a sword to my throat.

"You two done" a voice spoke from the side making me jump.

It was the Inquisitor! She had somehow descended from the cliff with me noticing and was now plucking her arrows out of the dead Shades.

Seeing my expression she chuckled "Don't look so surprised I'm a Rogue its my job to sneak up on people.

I looked back at Cassandra and pointed to the red haired girl "I'd be less worried about the tiny bit of magic I know and more worried about the woman who could slit a persons throat in their sleep without making a sound."

"Hey, I'm not some crumby Assassin those guys are a bronze a dozen!" The Inquisitor snarled before pointing to her chest and smirking "I'm a Tempest! I don't slit peoples throats in their sleep I jump into battle head on and use my awesome potions to slow time and freeze people!"

"...Right" I wasn't sure what to say about that.

Cassandra just rolled her eyes "Lets keep moving."