
Douluo V: I, Huo Yuhao, won't be a Coward

Transmigrated into the world of Soul Land II, I became the protagonist Huo Yuhao, accompanied by a system. The White Tiger lineage is fated for destruction. And Tang San, the ice-cold, pure, and noble figure, who relishes in controlling the fate and destiny of others, is, in his own words, digging his own grave. ... This is a translation, and a version of Soul Land II's "What If?" The Synopsis is vague and quite a bit meaningless but should be simple for the experienced ones. Also, this is not a fanfic of Soul Land V, it's a fanfic of Soul Land II. So yeah, don't expect..I don't know why the author named it "V". Peace~

Karma_shi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 21: Wang Dong Almost Lost Her Innocence

"My body feels so heavy."

Wang Dong groggily opened her eyes, feeling something pressing down on her and making her uncomfortable. As she struggled to fully wake up, she realized someone was lying on top of her.

She tried to push the person off her, but then a flash of memory from the previous night came rushing back. She had wanted to test the martial soul fusion with Huo Yuhao, only to end up being pressed onto the bed, with her clothes removed.

"Huo Yuhao, get off me," Wang Dong said, using all her strength to push the man on top of her awake.

"Huh? What's going on?" Huo Yuhao asked, still half-asleep.

"You still ask what's going on? What did you do to me last night?" Wang Dong yelled, annoyed.

"Hehe," Huo Yuhao suddenly chuckled and blew gently into Wang Dong's ear. "Dong'er, what did I do to you?"

"What's so funny? You... last night..." Wang Dong blushed deeply as she recalled the events.

"Cough, cough. Dong'er, you volunteered for this," Huo Yuhao said, not admitting anything, reminding her that it was her idea to try the martial soul fusion.

"You!" Wang Dong was speechless. It was true that she had brought it up, but what followed made her feel completely powerless.

"Did he really...?" Wang Dong's thoughts trailed off as she quickly checked herself.


She screamed as her hand accidentally touched something, causing Huo Yuhao to laugh out loud.

"Thank goodness," Wang Dong sighed in relief, realizing her body didn't feel any different. At least he had some decency. But there was still a hint of disappointment in her heart...

"What's so funny? You weren't like this last night," Wang Dong glared at Huo Yuhao, sitting up abruptly and throwing off the blanket.

She froze, her face turning crimson, and pointed at Huo Yuhao, "You... you..."

Seeing Wang Dong's reaction, Huo Yuhao remembered the events of last night and couldn't help but laugh again.

"Dong'er, don't surprise me like that."

"You... you pervert," Wang Dong said angrily, covering herself with a bedsheet. "I'm going to take a shower. Clean up the bed while I'm gone."

With that, she headed towards the bathroom.

"Let's shower together, it'll save time," Huo Yuhao suddenly stood up and carried Wang Dong in a bridal style.

Both of them had been sweating all night, their bodies covered in each other's scent.

"Put me down," Wang Dong shouted, her face turning even redder.

Huo Yuhao didn't respond, carrying Wang Dong into the bathroom.

"You scoundrel!"

Wang Dong's chest heaved with anger as she was carried into the bathroom. She wanted to find a hole to crawl into. She was mortified by Huo Yuhao's boldness.

As soon as they entered the bathroom, Wang Dong tried to escape but was stopped by Huo Yuhao. Looking at Wang Dong, who looked like a drenched cat, Huo Yuhao laughed.

"What's so funny?" Wang Dong snapped.

"Dong'er, I've seen everything. There's nothing new to see," Huo Yuhao chuckled.

"Scoundrel! You just bully me! You knew I was a girl but pretended not to, taking advantage of me every day," Wang Dong cried, feeling wronged. At home, she was pampered like a princess, but here, she was bullied by Huo Yuhao daily.

"That's not true."

Huo Yuhao knew Wang Dong misunderstood and quickly explained.

"It is true."

Wang Dong pouted and began hitting Huo Yuhao with her small fists.

"Alright, Dong'er, stop it."

Huo Yuhao grabbed her hands and gently brushed his cheek against them.

"You pervert."

Wang Dong pulled her hands away and turned her back on him.



Wang Dong turned back, only to find herself pulled into Huo Yuhao's embrace, his arm wrapped around her waist.

"Don't be angry. Let me help you with the bath."

"Ahhh! Stop!"


Outside the boys' dormitory, Xiao Xiao waited impatiently. They had agreed to go eat together, but she had been waiting so long that the flowers were wilting, and they still hadn't come out.

"Those two jerks left me hanging."

Xiao Xiao was no longer furious but still annoyed, determined to teach them a lesson.

Just then, Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong emerged from the dormitory.

"You two jerks," Xiao Xiao said, her anger reigniting as she marched towards them.

"Xiao Xiao," Huo Yuhao greeted her, having completely forgotten about their arrangement.

"Both of you, go to hell," Xiao Xiao snapped, about to hit them.

"Hey, Wang Dong, you don't look so good," Xiao Xiao remarked, lowering her hand. Wang Dong looked like she had been through a lot.

Wang Dong wore a look of utter despair. She felt her innocence was lost. Although they hadn't gone all the way, Huo Yuhao had thoroughly explored everything else.

"Xiao Xiao, what's wrong? You look upset," Huo Yuhao said, trying to change the subject.

"You're asking what's wrong? We were supposed to eat together yesterday. Where were you?" Xiao Xiao asked, realizing they had completely forgotten about her.

They were supposed to be a team, after all.

"Something came up, and I forgot," Huo Yuhao apologized.

He had genuinely forgotten. After getting so intimate with Wang Dong, nothing else was on his mind.

"Fine, I forgive you. Let's go quickly. Today's match is important. Almost all the outer court teachers will be there. We can't be late and leave a bad impression," Xiao Xiao said, her anger fading after Huo Yuhao's apology, and turned to leave.

"Yes, let's hurry," Huo Yuhao said, pulling the still-dazed Wang Dong along to catch up with Xiao Xiao.

They soon arrived at the assessment area. Today was the knockout stage, with sixty-four teams competing. Each day had two matches.

By this stage, the remaining students were all formidable, and the competition was fierce.

They drew their lots, and the matches began.

Huo Yuhao assessed their opponents' strengths and immediately lost interest. Two Grandmasters and a Soulmaster weren't worth his effort.

The opposing trio was no match for Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao and were quickly defeated.

"Huo Yuhao's team wins."