
Douluo: The Blind One

Hun Yu was reincarnated in the Soul Land, but he had a waste-grade talent. When he was 6 years old, he lost his eyesight after awakening his martial spirit, the Holy Bow. He lived his life relying on his heightened senses that he obtained after he lost his eyesight. One day, he was walking to the village from his house when he found an injured woman. He carried her to his house and took care of her for a few days. She had lost her memories and didn't remember anything. ......... Avoid this fanfic if you're a fan of Tang San or his group, as it follows the Spirit Hall's side. If you dislike seeing them meet a grisly end, it's not for you.

Godfather_Gambler · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter 57 Broken Ability

Okay, stop. I feel I can walk now. You can drop me down," Qian Renxue's voice came.

He slowly bent down and released her soft legs from his grasp. She slowly stood on the ground.

"Did you have a good sleep?"

"Hmm." She just hummed instead of replying, and for Hun Yu, that was a yes.

Because, from what he had observed, she had a very haughty demeanor, and how could she even admit ofsleeping peacefully on his back?

+She looked at Hun Yu and said, "You should have listened to me. Now your talent should be degraded because of not being able to absorb a spirit ring."

Hun Yu was stunned, but he understood what she meant. He wanted to speak, but she interrupted him.

"Since your talent is gone and your martial spirit should be damaged, you can come with me after I'm done with my work."

Hun Yu was silent hearing all this. He thought breaking her words would not be a good choice.

"lets go now " she walked towards the direction of Suotuo City Hun Yu followed behind her

Regarding his spirit ring he should tell her about it later

As they were walking, Hun Yu couldn't help but ask, 'Did you use a domain skill in that fight?' He was curious about domain skills, he had heard about them but had never experienced one.

Renxue kept walking and simply replied, 'Yes.'

Hun Yu looked a little excited. 'What is the name of your domain skill?' he inquired. This was his first time experiencing a domain skill.

As she continued walking, Renxue thought, 'Well, since he knows about my Seraphim martial spirit now, he will find out that I'm from Spirit Hall sooner or later, so there doesn't seem to be any point in hiding anything from him.'

She finally answered, 'It is called Angelic Domain.'

Sure, here is the revised text:

They delved into discussions about the diverse domains and spirit beasts that had existed across different eras during their journey towards Suotuo City. After several hours, they finally arrived under the cloak of night.

Hun Yu, now alone, ventured towards a hotel in search of suitable accommodations. However, after visiting four hotels, he found them all fully occupied, leaving him without a room.

As he approached the receptionist at the fifth hotel, she inquired with a courteous smile, "Hello, sir, how may I assist you?"

"Could you please check if there is a room available?" Hun Yu requested.

"Indeed, sir, we have one room left," the receptionist replied, retrieving the key and handing it to Hun Yu.

With anticipation, Hun Yu made his way towards the room. Upon opening the door, he was met with an unexpected surprise – Qian Renxue was seated on the bed.

with her peak Soul Saint cultivation, concealing her presence was a simple matter. 

And She sought to avoid revealing her identity and being summoned back to report her actions to that woman. Hence, she opted to remain hidden.

Finally finding a room after so much wandering, she glanced at Hun Yu and spoke in a casual tone, though she didn't particularly enjoy staying in these types of hotels.

"The bed is big enough for two people," she observed, looking at the bed she was sitting on.

She soon stood up, picked up some pillows, and arranged them in the middle of the bed, creating a boundary. "It's the boundary that you shouldn't cross while sleeping," she explained. Hearing this, Hun Yu nodded, knowing her personality well after living with her for weeks. He settled into his part of the bed and focused his senses on his newly absorbed spirit ring. Spirit rings became a part of one's martial soul, and the abilitie information can be gained by focusing on the spirit ring without releasing it.

as he focused on his spirit ring to find what he got from it just he got information of the abilities he has gotten

As he concentrated on his spirit ring, trying to understand the abilities he had gained, he was puzzled. 

"Why are there two abilities?"


Spirit beasts of about 90,000 years old were significantly different from those of 100,000 years old.

"Do spirit beasts under 100,000 years also provide two spirit ring abilities? Maybe there's a very low chance of a spirit beast dropping two abilities. Perhaps I was just lucky," he mused, analyzing the abilities he had received

"Hmm, let's see what we have here," he said to himself. "Blessing of the One? It seems to be a buff skill." 

But as he focused on the skill's effects, his expression turned serious. 

The person who gets this buff would be granted immunity from kinds of attacks and would enter a true divine state for one minute, They will not be able to die or be injured in any way.

The skill also included Durability Negation and Invulnerability, along with Acausality. 

He felt a bead of sweat form on his forehead. Durability Negation meant ignoring any form of defense, and Acausality was an entirely different concept.

It meant disregarding cause and effect. For example, if he were to strike someone, the other person wouldn't even know how to respond; they might end up hitting someone else entirely.

He lay still within his boundary.

Renxue was on the other side, likely already asleep. However, there were limitations to this power. It could only be used once every five years and could only buff a person with a holy martial soul. Furthermore, he couldn't use it on himself.

Despite these limitations, the shock he experienced from the ability effects was enough for one day. He didn't dare check his spirit ring second ability.

Gently calming his mind, Hun Yu drifted into sleep. 


In the morning, the sun rose in the sky, casting a warm glow over the room. Slowly waking up from his slumber, Hun Yu felt something soft on his left hand. Focusing a little more, he realized it was Renxue, who was hugging him tightly, like an octopus.

Taking a deep breath, a captivating yet elegant fragrance filled his nose. "Sweet," he murmured softly. He remained still, careful not to disturb her sleep. Despite his efforts, he found it hard to resist the urge to hug her. She seemed like a goddess to him.

"Dad, don't leave Xue'er," she mumbled in her sleep, her face expressing sadness and pain.

"Is she having a bad dream?" wondered Hun Yu. He gently placed his hand on her head and then traced his finger along her cheeks. "Soft," he whispered quietly.

Renxue's eyes twitched, and she slowly opened them. Sensing her waking up, Hun Yu quickly withdrew his finger. Confused, she looked at their position, realizing she was clinging to him like an octopus. In a panic, she kicked him off the bed.

After a few seconds, she composed herself and stood before Hun Yu. Slowly helping him up, she asked, "What were you doing?"

Hun Yu was utterly confused. "What did I do?"

She pointed at him and said, "Why did you cross the boundary?"

Hun Yu replied softly, "Obviously, it was you who crossed the line."

She clearly heard him but pretended not to. The matter was eventually settled, with him having to admit he was wrong, even though he was the innocent one.

"Okay, let's head back to the village," she said, looking at Hun Yu. "Return the room keys and meet me at the city exit."

He nodded. She disappeared from the room, and he returned the key to the receptionist, settled the payment, and made his way towards the city exit.

They met again at the city exit and rushed towards the village. Soon, they reached the village.

Qian Renxue looked around but saw no one in the village. It was as if the village was completely abandoned.

"Something is wrong," said Hun Yu. He had lived his whole life here, and there was never a time when the village was empty like this.

It seemed like everyone had vanished into thin air.

Qian Renxue released her martial soul and asked, "Where did you leave Yunfeng?" She only knew that he had left Yunfeng at the village chief's house, but she didn't know where the village chief's house was.

Her tone was filled with anxiety.

Hun Yu was also concerned about the situation. He headed straight for the village chief's house.

They arrived there in less than a minute. Qian Renxue broke inside, but no one was there. However, Hun Yu sensed something familiar in the distance. He headed towards it, and just as he arrived, he gasped.

Qian Renxue also arrived there and was shocked by the scene.

There was a dead dog lying on the ground with a hole in it, as if something sharp had pierced it directly.

Hun Yu stood there motionless. From the aura, he could tell that this was Xiaoxiao's dead body. He gritted his teeth, anger building up inside him.

Just as he was about to walk towards Xiaoxiao's body, his hand was grabbed by Qian Renxue. "We should go and search for Yunfeng," she said, her voice filled with even more anxiety and urgency.

Understanding the situation and not letting his emotions control him, he calmed his mind down and spread his senses to a wide area, covering almost a kilometer.

As he was trying to find a clue about Yunfeng, he suddenly sensed his spirit power in the direction of southeast.

He told Qian Renxue about it, and they both headed off to investigate.

Arriving there, Hun Yu looked around and found a simple handband made of a white silver chain.

It was not just any handband; he had given it to Yunfeng.

He had also stored a little bit of his energy in this band.

"I think we should head in this direction," he pointed towards the south.

Finding this band here meant one thing: Yunfeng had dropped it or it had accidentally fallen off his hand.

Qian Renxue nodded.

Sensing her anxious behavior, Hun Yu took her hand and said, "Don't worry. Nothing will happen to Yunfeng. Trust me."

And so, they both headed towards the south.


A/n - Thanks for the suggestions, readers. However, I won't give Hun Yu cloning or invisibility abilities as they don't suit the Hun Yu I have in mind.