
Douluo: My Spirit Is a Spirit Ring [Completed]

My martial soul is a soul ring thus, I have one more ring than anyone else! When Tang Jiu developed this martial soul to the extreme, a terrifying poisonous mist appeared in the Douluo Continent! Am I a support-type, you ask? No! I'm the man who inherited the Clear Sky Clan, the strongest power-type soul master! at least 3 chapters a week almost 3000 words/ chapter Read on mtl websites: Same name there.

wheretonow · Anime e quadrinhos
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311 Chs

Chapter 70: Relocate for your own good

"We're in danger?"

Daming's bull's eye rolled, clearly disagreeing with such a statement.

Xiao Jiu then began to persuade Daming bitterly, "Xiao Wu is not in danger for the time being because killing her now would not be cost-effective for Qiandao Liu, maybe he will have to protect Xiao Wu from another giant of the Martial Spirit Hall, instead, you guys are in most danger!"

The Titan Giant Ape nodded and said, "Then let's take on our forms!"

The Titan Giant Ape felt that morphing could solve everything!

The azure bull python's eyes glared, and if the titan ape hadn't been injured, he would have lashed his tail, "Why are you so stupid? Did he fool you and you believed him?"

"Transformation, transformation, what else do you know besides transformation?"

The titan giant ape grunted in dislike.

Xiao Jiu said, "Don't worry, Daming, I'll take care of Xiao Wu, you know how good I am at running away, I can't beat you and still can't run away? Besides, Xiao Wu doesn't even want to come back now, it's useless if you go!"

The azure bull python spat out two streams of anger from its bull nose, before reluctantly grunting, "Then hurry up and go back, if anything happens to Xiao Wu, I'll smack you to death!"

"Da Ming, hurry up and take Er Ming to change places, I suggest you go to the sea!"

Before Xiao Jiu left, he once again suggested something, before quickly leaving.

The titanic ape was overjoyed: Damien, come on, let's go to the sea! Xiao Jiu said it's fun, we can ride the fish and play!

The azure bull python had a black line, monkeys riding fish, what the hell is this?

"Don't go anywhere! We're staying here to keep watch, this is our home!" Daming's bull eyes glared.

The titan ape growled in considerable discontent: the saddest thing about being a beast is that the beast that is stronger than you is still dumber than you, and there is no place to reason! I'm the unlucky beast, so I want to transform!

Bang! ~~

Ow! ~~

The azure bull python really couldn't take it anymore and slapped the titanic ape over with a tail, are you scolding yourself or me?

You're so intelligent, and you want to transform!

Roar~~ You are jealous of my talent!

The titanic ape was quite displeased and raised a large stone and threw it, before being sanctioned by a tail and swept up and thrown into the water!


Martial Spirit Hall, the Hall of Elders.

Ghost Douluo stood respectfully underhand, reporting everything that had happened after following the Seventh Elder down the mountain.

The first thing that happened was that the two of them were in the same room.

When it came to special talents, the Martial Spirit Hall was deservedly the number one.

If Tang Hao hadn't been one of the murderers who killed his son, the task that Qian Daoliu had given to Ghost Douluo in the first place would have been to save Tang Hao instead of snatching the spirit bone!

He had laid all of this out, and with a calculated plan, how could he have let the Spirit Bone fall into Xiao Jiu's hands!

"Grand Elder, what should we do with that spirit beast named Xiao Wu?" Ghost Douluo asked, "Shall we, let's kill her and take the spirit bones!"

"No way! Not only can't we kill her, but we also have to protect her well and never let Bibidong's people find out! She's reserved for Ren Xue, I want all the spirit rings and spirit bones!"

The Elder said sternly.

" Elder is wise! If we kill her now, the spirit ring will go to waste. A hundred thousand-year-old spirit ring, it's too bad to waste it!"

Ghost Douluo smacked his lips for a moment and then understood the Grand Elder's calculation.

"Then what should we do next? This Tang Hao's spirit bone, how should we distribute it?" Ghost Douluo looked at the table, the six spirit bones, his eyes were greedy, a third of the reason Tang Hao could be so strong was because of these six spirit bones.

Qian Daoliu said indifferently, "Send them all back to the Clear Sky Sect!"

"What?" Ghost Douluo was directly dumbfounded! What kind of operation was this, to go through all the trouble to get them back and then send them to the Clear Sky Sect?

A flash of wisdom flashed in Qian Daoliu's eyes as he said, "Not only do we have to return the spirit bones to the Clear Sky Clan, but also, we have to shake hands and make peace with the Clear Sky Clan!"

"Why?" Ghost Douluo was completely baffled.

"That old thing Tang Chen must not be dead! To destroy the Clear Sky Sect, we can't personally take action, or that old thing will go crazy! It wouldn't be good in case it strikes out at Little Xue."

"Besides, it's better to make it perish than to make it go mad!"

Qian Daoliu sat on the bronze throne and knocked on the armrest, "If we don't bother with the Clear Sky Sect and give them the spirit bones, they'll be bursting with self-confidence and then deal with Tang Jiu without a care in the world, and if we guide them a little, let them unite with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, or even more sects, to fight those two spirit beasts to the death! We might be able to wipe out the major clans in one fell swoop!"

As soon as Ghost Douluo heard that, he suddenly realized!

"It's still the Grand Elder who is powerful! This subordinate admires it!"

Qian Daoliu nodded and said, "You go, make this matter, do it beautifully, and in the future, you can pick a piece of the spirit bones of those two spirit beasts!"

"Thank you, Grand Elder!"

Ghost Douluo was overjoyed, and with a roll of his hand, all six of Tang Hao's spirit bones were taken away, and his silhouette drifted away with the wind, soon appearing at the mountain gate of the Clear Sky Sect, before strutting into the main hall of the Clear Sky Sect.

"Ghost Douluo! Don't bully people too much with your Martial Spirit Hall!"

Tang Xiao raised his Clear Sky Hammer and rebuked sternly, with the urge to hammer him to death, but was pulled back by the Second Elder, who tried to make his tone seem calm and spoke, "We have already gone to arrest Tang Jiu, and I believe we will soon have the results!"

When Ghost Douluo looked at the Clear Sky Clan's bowed and humble appearance, he felt a burst of contempt in his heart, look at Xiao Jiu, he dared to fight with his sword in the face of the two great Titled Douluos and finally finished them off, but look at you guys, you're all weaker than one another!

The two of you are all more than cowards!" said Ghost Douluo with a smile, "Our Grand Elder said that it was Tang Hao who killed the Pope in the first place, but now that Tang Hao has been killed by Xiao Jiu, the Martial Spirit Hall and the Clear Sky Sect no longer have any grudge, so we will not target you anymore! To show our sincerity, I am sending back Tang Hao's spirit bones!"

With that, the six spirit bones were flung into the hands of the crowd.

"What, Brother Hao is dead?" Tang Xiao's face changed drastically!

The other elders, on the other hand, had a flash of relief, it's good to be dead! Now there would be no crisis of sect extermination.

But before they could laugh, suddenly, the second elder realized that something was wrong and asked, "What about the seventh elder, Blazing Sun Douluo?"

"Dead too! By Tang Hao's adopted son, Tang Jiu, who killed him on the spot and even snatched away his spirit bone!" There was a touch of appreciation in Ghost Douluo's gaze, that battle had turned his perception upside down.

"How is that possible? How is it possible!"

The Second Elder and the others were all as bereft as they were, their reactions were very different from when they heard about Tang Hao's death!

"Of course it's impossible for Tang Jiu himself, but behind him stand the two great spirit beasts of the Great Star Dou Forest, the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python! Last time, he also trampled on the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan like this, killing the Grand Elder and Second Elder of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan on the spot and nullifying the Third Elder!"

Ghost Douluo said leisurely.

"To kill Tang Jiu, you must first destroy the two great Spirit Beasts, or else wait for the Spirit Beasts to attack the mountain gate!"

Ghost Douluo looked towards the crowd of the Clear Sky Clan!

"Slaughter Tang Jiu and exterminate the Spirit Beasts!"

The Second Elder shouted sternly and angrily, his eyes bloodshot, then looked at Tang Xiao and said, "Sovereign, what do you mean?"

"Tang Jiu, this beast, as a member of the Clear Sky Clan, has committed treason and killed my clan's elders, he should be executed!"

Tang Xiao roared in anger and smashed a hammer to collapse a craggy wall.

"Your one clan's power is not enough, I suggest you join some more clans, such as the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, the Seven Treasures Glazed Clan, and gather your affiliated clans, first destroy the two major spirit beasts, then it won't be hard to kill Tang Jiu!"

Ghost Douluo suggested.

"Good! What Ghost Douluo said is very true!"

The Second Elder's eyes lit up, and he then arranged for someone to contact the major clans and recruit the old ones.

And at this moment, Xiao Jiu had finally found the crowd, and he decided to tell Tang San the truth: Your father was smoked to death by the Azure Bull Python! How tragic! Let's destroy the Clear Sky Clan and avenge your father's death!

Sotto City, the most luxurious hotel, in the suite.

Shrek's teachers, Meng Yerin's family, and the Grandmaster, all looked at Xiao Jiu in surprise, they wanted to ask what was going on, what happened to Tang Hao?

But now they didn't dare to ask, because Tang San and Xiao Wu were also there.

"Little San, your father is dead! He was killed by me!"

Hiss! ~~~~

Flender and the others sucked in a breath of cold air, Tang Hao is dead? You're so awesome! Really got Tang Hao killed?

But, are you going to show your hand? You've wasted our time in hiding it for you, are you brat preparing to take on Tang San?

The master subconsciously stepped in front of Xiao San, he'd seen how ruthless Xiao Jiu was! He didn't want to watch his disciples mutilate each other!

"What, my father he's dead? Did you kill him?"

Tang San's face changed furiously as he grabbed Xiao Jiu's collar and lifted the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, with the intention of hammering Xiao Jiu to death at the drop of a hat.

Xiao Jiu said with a deplorable face, "Do you know? Your father is a supreme genius of the continent's number one sect, the Clear Sky Sect, and your mother is a 100,000-year-old spirit beast, the Blue Silver Emperor! Your Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit comes from your mother!

When your mother's identity as the Blue Silver Emperor was leaked, the Martial Spirit Hall wanted to kill her to take the Spirit Ring and Spirit Bone, and in the end, your mother sacrificed her to your father, who was able to obtain the 100,000 year spirit ring and hammer the Pope to death.

Thus causing the Clear Sky Clan to be beaten by the Martial Spirit Hall to seal off the mountain and close the clan, both of the Seventh Elder's sons died in that battle, and the Titled Douluo who uses the same martial spirit as you today is the Seventh Elder, the Fiery Sun Douluo, Tang Lie!"

"What? Junior's mother is a hundred thousand year spirit beast, and Tang Hao's hundred thousand spirit ring actually came from that!"

Flender and the others were shocked, this was a shocking secret!

Xiao Wu's eyes darkened, I'm a 100,000-year spirit beast too! Little San's mother was so pathetic!

Tang San's brain rumbled, there was so much information, although he knew his father wasn't ordinary, who would have thought it would be such a birth! He instantly grasped the point and said, "Are you saying that the Seventh Elder is here to take revenge?"

"To be precise, he's here to kill me! Because I killed Ju Douluo, the Martial Spirit Hall has put the score on the Clear Sky Clan's head, and the Clear Sky Clan wants to kill me to appease the Martial Spirit Hall's anger!"

"That Seventh Elder's two sons both died because of your father, he had anger in his heart and struck without mercy, you saw how arrogant he was then, moreover, he wanted to implicate Xiao Wu because she was on good terms with me, such a person, what could he not do!"

Xiao Jiu deplored.

Tang San thought back for a moment, it seemed like that at the time!

"Little San, you know, your father even broke off his father-son relationship with me in order to save me from the Clear Sky Clan's persecution, just in the hope that the Clear Sky Clan wouldn't implicate me! But to my surprise, the Clear Sky Clan is still the same as back then, your parents are being chased by the Martial Spirit Hall, and the Clear Sky Clan, in order to protect itself, not only didn't help but also dropped the stone and expelled your father from the Clear Sky Clan!"

These half-true words made Tang San more and more confused.

But Flender drew a cold breath straight away, how shameless was this, it was clearly because you resented Tang Hao's unwillingness to stand up for you that you broke off the father-son relationship!

Tang San's head was suddenly dizzy from the heavy news, he always felt there was something wrong with what Xiao Jiu said, but he couldn't find any evidence!

Xiao Jiu continued, "When the Seventh Elder came to kill me, you were all taken away by the Great Owl, and what happened afterwards, you probably don't know! Your father came and tried hard to persuade the Seventh Elder not to make things difficult for me, but the old thing just wouldn't listen, and destroyed Shrek Academy and injured the Shrek Academy teachers! If your father wasn't so strong, he would have wanted to hammer your father to death!"

"In the end, I had to flee the Star Dou Great Forest in order to stay alive, and this old thing kept chasing after us, and your father didn't feel comfortable with us and followed us, I originally wanted to lure out the Titan Giant Ape and then take advantage of the chaos to get away!"

"But, to my surprise, there's still a spirit beast in the Great Forest of Star Dou! The Azure Bull Python, first killed the Seventh Elder, then chased after your father and beat him to death, I watched as your father was smacked to death by it! It was so tragic!"

Xiao Jiu had a sigh of relief, it really was old and tragic, I'm not lying!

"You, you're lying, the Azure Bull Python isn't that kind of spirit beast!" Xiao Wu stomped her foot in anger, Xiao Jiu, that bastard, even tried to plant evidence for Daming!

"Do you know him? That's not the Titan Giant Ape that caught you last time, that spirit beast is fierce!" Xiao Jiu hemmed and hawed, leaving Xiao Wu speechless with the question, she couldn't say she knew Daming!

"Why didn't that spirit beast kill you? And go kill my dad instead?" Tang San wasn't that easy to fool! Eyes puzzled, he stared at Xiao Jiu.

"Didn't I just tell you, your dad has a 100,000 year spirit ring, as a 100,000 year spirit beast, when he sees a spirit master with a 100,000 year spirit ring, then won't he just beat him to death?"

Xiao Jiu explained.

Then, swearing that his words were all true, seeing that Tang San still had doubts, he pointed at Flender and the others and said, "Ask them if you don't believe me, see if what I said is true?"

The Dragon Lord was the first to step forward and said, "Every word the young master said is the truth! I dare to guarantee it!"

Of course Tang San didn't believe the Dragon Duke's words, instead he turned his gaze to the others.

Flender gave Xiao Jiu a veiled gesture, meaning a piece of spirit bone! Xiao Jiu nodded readily, and Flender immediately said righteously, "I vouch for it with my personality, what Xiao Jiu said is true!"

"Yes, yes!"

Zhao Wuji nodded, he was the one who hated Tang Hao the most, back then, he was bullied by the Power Clan, a subordinate clan of the Clear Sky Sect, and had to end up in Shrek Academy!

Tang San was even more puzzled this time and looked at the Grandmaster, saying, "Teacher, what Xiao Jiu said is all true?"

The corners of the Master's mouth twitched, he was in a difficult position! To tell the truth, would be to wait for the two disciples to turn against each other, but for him to do the same as Flender, he just couldn't do it!

"XiaoGoag at that time, was stunned, and it was the Seventh Elder who struck, he's simply too low in this strength! It's not even as good as you." Flender said to Tang San.

The Grandmaster sighed, feeling happy for the first time that his strength was low! There was no need to lie to himself this time.

After everyone's was testifying for Xiao Jiu, a lie became the truth, and Tang San could only choose to believe it, could it still be that Xiao Jiu had killed his own father?

If Tang Hao was really a Titled Douluo of the Clear Sky Clan with 100,000 spirit rings, it would be absolutely impossible for Xiao Jiu to kill Tang Hao even if his strength was high, that is, for everyone here to take action!

Therefore, the claim that the Azure Bull Python killed Tang Hao was the most plausible!

"Azure Bull Python, Clear Sky Sect!" Tang San gritted his teeth and his eyes were red.

"Little San, your father also died to help me! So, I'll help you destroy the Clear Sky Clan together! I'll take revenge for you!"

Xiao Jiu stretched out his hand in righteous indignation and heavily shook hands with Tang San, a good brother!

Meng Yerin stared at Xiao Jiu with beautiful eyes, she was completely dumbfounded, could this still happen?

Xiao Wu was furious and stomped her foot, calculating in her mind, should I go and tell Da Ming to hammer Xiao Jiu to death!

Tang San walked away with his full of hatred, leaving Flender and the others in the room.

"Is Tang Hao really dead?" Flender was still a bit unconvinced.

"Dead! I lured him to the Azure Bull Python, and he was finished in two moves!"

Xiao Jiu said it in a breezy manner, but the person listening was in a cold sweat, this was too ruthless!

"If you lie to Little San like this, sooner or later you'll be exposed, you can't hide your relationship with those two spirit beasts for long! Sooner or later, he'll find out!" Master said worriedly.

Xiao Jiu shrugged, I'm still honest, I said it in the first sentence, I got Tang Hao killed!

"If later .... Xiao San he..." The master wanted to say something but stopped.

"Tang Hao was ungrateful and tried to kill me for the sake of the clan, and it was only right that he was decapitated by my brother! If Tang San feels unconvinced and wants to avenge his father, feel free to come, I promise I won't leave his body intact!"

Xiao Jiu snorted coldly, his eyes cold and stern! We're not accustomed to anyone's faults!