
Douluo: Mistakenly Thought Bibi Dong as my Sister

Ye Tian journeyed across Douluo, while his elder sister served as a maid in Wuhun Hall. Their communication was limited to letters. After five years, she finally returned. Ye Tian estimated that Wuhun Palace would be completed within three years. Gathering his courage, he addressed his sister, "Sister, within three years, Bibi Dong will perish, and Spirit Hall will fall. Amidst the turmoil, let us remain in the East China Sea and refrain from venturing out." His sister was momentarily stunned before nodding in agreement. Ye Tian: "This sister is weird!" After some time, the beautiful sister smiled casually: "Stop pretending, let's have a showdown, I am Bibi Dong This is not my story and is written by a Chinese Author. I came across this fanfic a few days ago and it was one of the few decent Douluo fanfics out there but it was really annoying to translate every page into English. Machine Translation is annoying and translating every single page takes too much time to read. So I thought of translating this novel into English. I hope you like it. It is not a perfect translation as I am not a native English speaker myself, but it is somewhat bearable. For those who want to read the original, the link is https://m.uuks.org/b/51389/

Lost_One_01 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 22

Seeing Shisan displaying nothingness and swallowing flames, Zhou Wu's expression changed dramatically.

He didn't expect that after knowing his identity and arrangement, Ye Tian would dare to attack him.

What's more, he didn't expect that the soul ring configuration of the person named Thirteen in front of him was so terrifying.

Of the six soul rings, only one is purple, the other four are all ten thousand years black, and the last one is even more eye-catching red!

He is a titled Douluo, and he can't have such a terrifying configuration!

Zhou Wu was terrified in his heart, and he couldn't help but wonder, is Ye Tianzhen an ordinary person as he investigated earlier?

He couldn't help but retreat behind the guard Hei Scar, with a flustered look on his face, he said threateningly:

"I'm from Wuhundian! If you dare to attack me, consider the consequences!"

Ye Tian didn't have a good face, and he didn't even look at Zhou Wu: "I've already considered the consequences, I'll pay you for hurting someone, and I'll pay you twenty gold soul coins later! This is the price you set!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand: "Do it!"

"Yes!" Thirteen had no expression on his face, and he took a step with his left leg, and the blue flame in his palm instantly magnified.

"I don't even need to magnify my moves to deal with you Xiao Xiaoxiao."

"The third soul skill, Fire Breath Arrow Rain!"

After the voice fell, countless small flames burst out from the blue flame.

The flames absorbed the soul power emanating from Thirteen's body, burning more and more intensely, and gradually grew into a sharp blue arrow.


Thirteen palms gently pushed forward, and a sharp arrow flew out. He galloped towards Zhou Wu and his party. The guard Hei Scar's scalp tingled when he saw this scene, what kind of soul master is the other party!!

The soul ring configuration is too scary!

Although they are both soul emperors, they are not at the same level at all!

Let him not have a trace of will to resist.

But if you don't resist at this time, you will only suffer more serious injuries.

Hei Scar had no choice but to grit his teeth and sacrificed his own martial soul, the Dreadbear.

The muscles on his body began to bulge one by one, and hair grew on his arms, shoulders and face.

"The sixth soul skill, Tiangang Bear Shield!"

As soon as he came up, Hei Scar used his strongest soul skill. Yitu was able to block Shisan's attack.

Behind Hei Scar, Zhou Wu was sweating profusely, praying secretly: "You must hold on!"

If he couldn't stand it, he should be the one who got hurt. He secretly regretted not bringing two more powerful guards out. That way, you don't have to put yourself in danger. However, there is no regret medicine to buy in the world.

next moment.

Arrows made of flames collided with Tiangang Bear Shield.


Without a moment's pause, the arrow made of flames directly passed through the Tiangang Bear Shield and hit Hei Scar's abdomen.

The hissing sound of the flame burning the flesh sounded.

Hei Scar moaned in pain, covered his stomach, and fell to the ground.

"Hehe, I'm vulnerable. I don't know how you have the courage to trouble Master Ye Tian!" Shisan looked coldly at the black scar lying on the ground, stepped forward and kicked it indifferently.

He is just the head of the intelligence department, and his strength can only be regarded as medium under Ye Tian,

If the most elite members of the 'North Star' team of the Tiance Army were dispatched, I'm afraid that the person in front of him would be belching if he didn't release his soul skills.

Immediately. Thirteen set his target on Zhou Wu again.

Zhou Wu shrank subconsciously, pointed at Thirteen, and said hysterically:

"You, what are you doing? My grandfather Zhou Qiankun is Contra, and my father Zhou Doupo is Soul Sage! And there is Wuhundian behind me, you guys have to think about the consequences!"

Thirteen ignored Zhou Wu's threat all, the soul ring lit up again, and continued to approach:

"Sorry, the order I got is to abolish you, and I don't care about the rest."

Seeing that Thirteen was unmoved, Zhou Wu was completely frightened.

He also wanted to call the other guards beside him to step forward, but he didn't expect them to kneel neatly and shout for mercy.

Zhou Wu panicked, and looked at Ye Tian with the last sliver of hope:

"Wuhundian is very vengeful, aren't you afraid of revenge?"

"Revenge? Ridiculous." It was Hu Liena who spoke, her eyes flashed with anger, wishing she could beat Zhou Wu to death on the spot: "Do you think everyone in Wuhun Palace is the same as you, are you an idiot?"

"Having someone like you in Spirit Hall is the greatest shame for Spirit Hall!"

Ye Tian stared at Zhou Wu with a blank expression on his face, and did not answer the other party's words.

When Xiaoxiao is young, he gets annoyed when he sees it.

So what if he is a member of Wuhundian, he made a mistake and must be punished. If Wuhundian really wants to indiscriminately, come to revenge him. Then he doesn't mind, and he will wipe out all the future ones.

Anyway, Wuhundian will perish in a few years, so he will take his sister and find an island to hide.

But before that, the anger must come out!

"Don't, don't!" Seeing Thirteen stepping forward step by step, Zhou Wu's psychological defense completely collapsed, and he cried in fright.

However, this did not stop Shisan from doing it.

A tragic sound resounded in the small courtyard, Zhou Wu's spirit rings were crushed one by one, and his spirit was completely crippled.

It is impossible in this life to become a soul master again.

Ye Tian took a step forward and looked at Zhou Wu full of pity: "For the sake of Wuhun Palace, I will spare your life. Go back and tell your family that I, Ye Tian, are not so easy to mess with."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Wu passed out.

However, it doesn't matter whether the other party listened to what he said just now.

Anyway, with so many guards around, someone would always hear what he said.

Ye Tian clapped his hands, and cast a glance at Hei Scar lying on the ground: "Let's go, do you still need me to deliver it?"

"Let's go now, let's go!" Hei Scar endured the severe pain from the wound, got up in panic, and didn't want to stay there for a moment, the boy in front of him was really scary.

He turned around and stared at the guards who had no effect, and said angrily: "What are you still doing in a daze, why don't you carry Mr. Zhou away!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The guards were terrified, and immediately set up Zhou Wu, scrambling and running away.

Watching Zhou Wu and his party leave, Hu Liena couldn't help standing up and said: "Brother, not all the branches of the Wuhun Temple are as bad as them!"

"Oh?" This made Ye Tian stare at Nana with a smile, it seems that she has a deep relationship with Wuhundian.

He said with interest: "How do you know that other Spirit Halls are not like this?"

"I..." Hu Liena pondered for a while, then argued with a blushing face, "I once had the opportunity to follow His Majesty the Pope to inspect other temples! We went to many places at random, and they all had good reputations!"

Ye Tian smiled lightly and tapped Hu Liena's fair forehead: "What is good at the top, will be followed at the bottom. What you see with your own eyes may not be true, and it may be that they showed it on purpose."

"They did it on purpose?" Hu Liena asked involuntarily after being stunned for a while. This has never occurred to her.

Even Bibi Dong who was at the side fell into deep thought after hearing these words. She was always busy fighting against the Elder Hall before, but she was very sloppy with the jurisdiction of the Wuhun Branch Hall.

Just after hearing Ye Tian's words, she suddenly realized that Wuhundian has a bad reputation among the common people, and it might have something to do with the actions of these branch halls.

Seeing that both sister and Nana didn't understand, Ye Tian explained with his hands behind his back: "You have been staying in Wuhun City with strict management for a long time, and you may not know much about the situation of the Wuhun branch hall."

"The domineering level of the Wuhun branch hall is not much worse than that of the nobles."

Hu Liena's eyes widened, and she said in surprise, "Isn't the case of the Martial Soul Branch Hall in Donghai City an exception?"

"An example?" Ye Tian sneered and patted his sister on the shoulder: "Nana, you still have too little experience. The history of inheritance of Wuhun Palace is no less than that of the two great empires."

"Wuhundian can be said to have all the faults that the two empires have."

"Take Donghai City as an example. Who do you think will be the next sub-hallmaster of the Wuhun Palace?"

Hu Liena tentatively asked, "Probably... Zhou Wu's father, Zhou Doupo?"

"Be more confident, remove the word 'probably'." Ye Tian looked at the two girls and said intently:

"Perhaps the initial system of the Spirit Hall is good, as long as they are outstanding soul masters, they can join the Hall of Spirits."

"But judging from the current actual situation, the authority of each branch temple has been controlled by a single family for a long time. What do you think is the difference between these families and nobles?"

"It's even bolder to say that because soul masters are stronger than the nobles, they are even more domineering than the nobles."

"After hearing this, sister, do you still think that the Martial Soul Branch Hall in Donghai City is just an exception?"

Hu Liena was dumbfounded, she never thought that Wuhundian could also be a villain in the eyes of ordinary people!!

"Then...then brother, since you know this, why did you still tend to join the Spirit Hall before?" Hu Liena seemed a little flustered, and said cautiously with her small hands.