
Douluo’s Heavens Lottery System Chapter 225: Dragon Snake Douluo, the shaking of Heaven Dou Imperial City! (2/4)

"Mo Yuling snake gun?"

Hearing what Meng Ye said, and looking at the Mo Yuling Snake Gun in Meng Ye's hand, Chao Tianxiang couldn't help taking a closer look.

After the original snake rod evolved into the Moyu Spirit Snake Spear, the head of the snake head rod has disappeared and turned into a sharp spear head. While the spear body has become much longer, lifelike snake patterns appear on it. .

With the appearance of Mo Yuling Snake Gun, the name of Mo Yuling Snake Gun is indeed worthy of its name.

"After the snake stick evolved into the Moyu Spirit Snake Spear, not only the attack power of the martial soul itself was greatly increased, but the increase in the spirit ability was also greatly increased!"

While still talking, Meng activated the three spirit rings that moved around his body.

With the brilliance of the three spirit rings blooming, Meng still wielded the Mo Yuling Snake Spear, displaying the three spirit abilities one by one.

Seeing Mo Yuling's snake spear pierced out quickly, making a burst of sound, Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang were quite excited.

Although the snake stick and the dragon stick are not too bad in the weapon spirit, the defects of the stick spirit are still too obvious.

Compared with sword-type spirits, stick-type spirits do not have the sharpness of these spirits. Compared with spear-type spirits, stick-type spirits have insufficient piercing strength. The only characteristics of stick-type spirits are heavy and hammer. The Wuhun-like spirit ratio also fell far behind, so among the weapon-like spirits, the stick-like spirit is really the younger brother.

If it weren't for the Dragon Rod and Snake Rod to perform martial arts fusion skills, Dragon Snake Combat, Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang really might not be able to break the prestige of Dragon Snake in the spirit master world.

But now Meng's still-snake stick has evolved into a Moyu spirit snake spear, which undoubtedly gets rid of the shortcomings of the stick-type martial arts spirit.

Moreover, after the evolution of the martial spirit, Meng's three original spirit abilities have been greatly improved, and the Moyu Spirit Snake Gun is undoubtedly of higher quality.

"Master, thank you for your great grace!"

After his excitement, Meng Shu couldn't help bowing to Bai Ge respectfully.

"Senior Meng Shu, don't be polite!"

Bai Ge also smiled and helped Meng Shu up.

On the other side, seeing Meng Ye's martial spirit has evolved, Dugu Bo was very envious, it felt like it was a lemon.

Although his martial spirit Jade Snake has also evolved to become the Jade Snake King, this evolution is more like the evolution of a lion to the Lion King. Only the quality of the martial spirit has changed, but the strength of the martial spirit itself is not too great. Big improvement.

But the snake stick evolved into the Moyu Spirit Snake Gun, which is a fundamental improvement, just like a snake transforming into a dragon. Seeing Meng Shu's granddaughter Meng still got such a great benefit here in Baige, Dugu Bo couldn't help thinking. My granddaughter Dugu Goose,

No, can't wait any longer!

Dugubo secretly made up his mind.


After Meng Shu and Dugu Bo returned, Bai Ge also took the two to meet with the preparatory alchemists who were working hard to study the knowledge of alchemy.

Seeing that their own forces actually had two titled Douluos sitting in control, it was like a shot of a shot on the many young girls who were preparing alchemists.

It turns out that our Dan Pavilion really has two powerful Title Douluos!

After discovering the secrets of the Dan Pavilion, many young girls couldn't help but work harder to learn the knowledge of alchemy, preparing for the second assessment of Bai Ge next month.

After staying in Baige for a long time, Dugu Bo went home to see Dugu Goose and reported that he was safe, while Meng Shu and Chaotianxiang lived in the reception building of Houshan Dange.

Following the return of Meng Shu, within three days, the Spirit Hall also announced that another titled Douluo had appeared in the Douluo Continent, which immediately detonated Heaven Dou Imperial City.

After hearing about the emergence of a new titled Douluo, many forces also began to investigate the identity of the newly-appearing Titled Douluo. The newly-appearing Titled Douluo was titled Dragon Snake, and his identity was Long Gongmeng in the Dragon Snakes. Shu!

Many forces are no stranger to Meng Shu. After all, although there are a lot of Contras on the mainland, Duke Long, who has a martial arts fusion skill comparable to Title Douluo's strike, has made great achievements in the spirit master world. The prestige is few.

Because Meng Shu has been well-known in the soul master world for a long time, Meng Shu has basically not been out in the past few years. Although many forces on the mainland have already known that Meng Shu's strength is Contra, for Meng Shu it is Contra. No one knows how many levels.

So that Meng Shu became a Title Douluo, although many forces were shocked, but they did not expect that Meng Shu was a Title Douluo who broke through by cheating, but just thought that Meng Shu was forced to age to push himself into the Title Douluo. Luo Zhijing.

And as Meng Shu's name resounded throughout the soul master world, the power Dan Pavilion that Meng Shu had already joined had also entered the eyes of many people.

Naturally, no one has ever heard of Dan Pavilion. After all, Dan Pavilion was established by Bai Ge more than a month ago, and only one Qi Qi Dan was auctioned at the Tiandou auction site to spread the name of Dan Pavilion for the first time. Got out.

But since no one knows the name of Dan Pavilion, then they will definitely start investigating the news of Dan Pavilion, and after such an investigation, it was found that Dan Pavilion was actually in Heaven Dou Imperial City, and it appeared in the Heaven Dou auction site. A magical pill called Buqi Pill was auctioned.

Pill Pavilion...Pill Medicine...

As long as a normal person would think of the connection between the two, the pill must be produced by Dange, there is no doubt about this.

Since the pill pavilion can produce and sell such a magical pill like the Qi-buying pill, will there be other magical pill in the pill pavilion?

This is what everyone is curious about.

Although curious, through investigation, after knowing that there are Poison Douluo Dugubo and Dragon Snake Douluo Meng Shu in the Dan Pavilion, and after discovering that the owner of the Dan Pavilion, Bai Ge, is the son-in-law of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, everyone suddenly dared not dare. Moved rashly.

However, although it was taken in Dugu Bo, Meng Shu and Qibao Liulizong, no one dared to attack Dan Pavilion, but temptation and invitation were still possible.

Because the Dan Pavilion is in the Heaven Dou Imperial City, all of the forces in the Heaven Dou Imperial City, including the royal family, have sent invitation letters to the Dan Pavilion, inviting Bai Ge to participate in a dance party. Or to meet and have a small gathering somewhere.

For these invitations, Bai Ge naturally basically refused.

Anyway, he was basically unfamiliar with the nobles in the Heaven Dou Imperial City. These people's invitations were either to win him over or to inquire about the medicine. These Bai Ge didn't bother paying attention.

But there is one person who Bai Ge did not refuse, and that is the prospective mother-in-law Xue Luoying.

I don't know if it was the imperial signal or Xue Luoying's own thoughts, Xue Luoying also sent an invitation letter, inviting Bai Ge to go to her residence in Heaven Dou Imperial City for a gathering.

Because it was the invitation of the prospective mother-in-law, Bai Ge naturally did not dare to refuse.

By the next day, Bai Ge took Ning Rongrong to Xueluoying's residence in the imperial city.
