
Douluo Dalu: The Rise of Pokémon

As someone who is a animal right activists, Wang Shòu died after saving an injured dog instead of human But to Wang Shòu's surprise, he actually reincarnated in Douluo Dalu?! And not only that, he actually turn into Pikachu, the mascot of Pokémon! He find out later on, as long he get strong enough, he can turn into other Pokémons and even Legendary Pokémon! Looking at all of the unfairness that spirit beast is subjected to...he made a choice in his heart. Humanity! As long I am alive, you will never persecute the spirit beasts again! So watch the journey of Zero as he bring the rise of Pokémon and bring down the cruel God-King Tang San. -The mc is going to be anti-humanity, but in some cases, he will choose to cooperate with good humans such as Tang Wulin. Also in this novel, Gods and Titled Douluo will be much stronger.

Supreme_Lazy_Otaku · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Accepting Little Brother

Looking at the burly 800-year-old Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear and the destructive abilities it showcased earlier, Wang Shòu instinctively knew this fight was not going to be easy.

At the same time, the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear also moved toward Wang Shòu, slightly bending its leg to jump.

Moving with an agility unbefitting of its 3-meter burly body, the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear leaped at Wang Shòu, this time slashing with both 3-meter claw projections, threatening to rend the air.

Taken by surprise, Wang Shòu reacted almost immediately and jumped to the right side from the top of the tree.

Rrriiiippp! Crraaack! Crash!

Right after Wang Shòu jumped down, the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear's two 3-meter-long claw projections slashed toward the tree, destroying it completely, and the slash continued to destroy the area behind the tree.

Wang Shòu watched from the sidelines as the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear showcased its destructive abilities once again, displaying even more power than last time.

'Hmm... I need to slow it down even further...'

Although Wang Shòu was still faster than the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, he was not willing to take any chances.

Unlike the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, Pikachu was almost equivalent to a glass cannon in front of it.

One move, and it's game over. It might even result in Wang Shòu's death!

'Thunder Wave!'

Taking advantage of the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear still moving forward, Wang Shòu sent a small jolt of electricity from behind the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear's body.

Successfully hitting the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, waves of small electricity appeared around its body, showing that the paralysis was successful.

'Excellent! But just in case, Double Team!'

Wang Shòu quickly moved toward the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, who had just landed at a rapid speed. To the surprise of the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, Wang Shòu created illusory copies of itself, increasing his evasiveness.


The Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear was confused. How did a yellow mouse turn into multiple yellow mouse?

Failing to understand with its small brain, the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear's brain went into short circuit and was temporarily stunned.

Wang Shòu didn't care about the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear's confusion and moved toward it at high speed.

'Electro Ball!'

Jumping forward and conjuring an orb of electricity, Wang Shòu quickly threw it at the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear's face!


Having been directly hit in the face, the pain finally made the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear react and emit a huge roar at Wang Shòu.


Seething with rage, the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear emitted a 3-meter-long claw projection again and slashed toward all the illusory copies of Wang Shòu, including himself too.

'Fu*k! Iron Tail!'

Seeing that it was too late to dodge, Wang Shòu immediately reacted, turned his body around, and countered the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear's claw with his steel tail!


Great waves spread through the air as Wang Shòu's Iron Tail crashed against the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear's 3-meter claw projection.

There was a temporary stalemate before Wang Shòu's body was immediately sent toward the ground, but not before the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear took a few steps backward too.


Hitting the ground and crashing against it, he finally stopped, and Wang Shòu quickly got up.

'Oww... that hurt... if I hadn't used Iron Tail, that would probably have seriously injured me...'

Brushing the dirt off his body, Wang Shòu looked toward the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, which had taken a few steps backward from their confrontation.

'Drat... I have to decrease its attack; otherwise, it spells trouble...'


Wang Shòu ran toward the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear at very high speed, and to onlookers, it almost looked like Wang Shòu was randomly teleporting all over the area.

Each time Wang Shòu seemingly teleported, his speed got faster and faster until it became too fast for the ordinary eye to see.

Quickly using Agility three times, enhancing Wang Shòu to the maximum, he quickly ran around the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, kicking up massive dust in the air.


The Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear snorted in confusion, seeing nothing but massive dust in front of it.


Irritated by the tricks the yellow mouse kept using, the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear roared and slashed toward the dust, but to no avail as the dust cleared only a little.


Hiding in the dust, Wang Shòu slightly opened his mouth and released a wave akin to a sound wave, heading toward the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear.


The Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear didn't see the sound wave that hit it, but it could clearly feel that its strength seemed to be lowered for some reason.

Trapped in the massive dust, unable to see anything, and with its strength lowered for no reason, the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, who had always been fearless, felt an inexplicable panic.

Letting panic take control, the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear became even more rampant, slashing toward the dust.

But it was useless and only served to make the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear more exhausted as Wang Shòu continued to use Growl multiple times.


The Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear slightly gasped as its physical strength was drained and it took a lot more time than usual to recover.

It didn't know that the song it had heard earlier had the effect of reducing its physical strength recovery speed.

But it wasn't entirely pointless, as the massive dust finally cleared up in front of the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, revealing Wang Shòu running toward it.


You little damned yellow mouse! You finally show up; I will motherfu*king kill you!!'

The Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear's eyes turned red as it let out a deep roar and put all its spirit power into his right claw, condensing a 6-meter-long claw projection, and slash, tearing through the very air itself!

'Quick Attack!'

Momentarily surprised by the strength that the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear revealed, Wang Shòu quickly recomposed himself and activated Quick Attack.

After activating Quick Attack, Wang Shòu, who was already extraordinarily fast, suddenly became blindingly fast, too fast for the eye to see.

'Now to end this!'

Wang Shòu advanced toward the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear at thunderous speed, quickly jumping forward and turning his body around to conjure his ultimate move.

"Pika...chu!!!" (Electro Ball!!)

There is a reason why Wang Shòu, after careful consideration, chose to fight the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear in his Pikachu form.

Admittedly, Charmeleon is stronger than Pikachu in many ways except for speed.

But speed is the decisive reason why Wang Shòu chose Pikachu. He had carefully thought about what he would do when he faced the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear and realized something.

He couldn't take too many blows from the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear. Even if Charmeleon is stronger than Pikachu, Charmeleon would probably only last a few moves against the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear.

So what he needed was speed, an absolute speed to dodge the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear's moves. Pikachu by itself could probably endure at least two moves.

Of course, another factor influenced his choice of using Pikachu instead of Charmeleon.

In ordinary times, Charmeleon is definitely stronger than Pikachu. And when its health is low enough, its ability, Blaze, will be activated, making fire-type moves far stronger than usual.

But what if Pikachu used Nasty Plot three times to enhance its special attack by two stages, used Agility three times to raise its speed by two stages, used Quick Attack to boost itself almost instantly, and then used Electro Ball, a special attack move that gets stronger depending on the user's speed?

Pikachu would have the power to almost instantly KO any enemy! Even the 800-year-old Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear at full health and using its full power.

But just to be safe, Wang Shòu chose to use the modified Sing against the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, lowering its attack, defense, speed, and its physical strength and spirit power recovery speed.

But it seemed kind of pointless and overkill when Wang Shòu realized just how powerful his Electro Ball was, under the right circumstances.

Wang Shòu conjured a massive 4-meter orb of electricity, so huge it became particularly conspicuous from high above the sky. If a bird flying above looked down, it would see a small ball of light amidst the Great Star Dou Forest.

It was so powerful that even Wang Shòu struggled to control it. After some effort, Wang Shòu finally managed to direct the Electro Ball toward the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear.

The Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, initially slashing toward Wang Shòu with all its strength, immediately changed its expression when it sensed the danger of the huge ball of electricity.

Its survival instinct frantically warned it, and trusting its instincts that had saved his life many times before, the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear tried to retract its 6-meter-long claw projection and retreat.

But unfortunately, it was too late... and the massive 4-meter-long Electro Ball struck the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear.


A huge explosion occurred, and massive smoke and dust swept over and engulfed the forest around the center of the explosion. From around 25 kilometers away, spirit beasts could hear the explosion, and even spirit beasts from the middle region were alerted too.

After a while, the smoke and dust cleared, revealing Wang Shòu standing as the clear victor.

'Phew... that Electro Ball nearly scared me... I thought I was going to get hurt too...'

Wiping the visible sweat of fear from his head, Wang Shòu looked around before finally seeing the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, which was already unconscious and seriously injured, almost on the brink of death.

'Crap! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go that far!'

Speechless at the state of the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, Wang Shòu quickly turned into Clefairy and waved his hand, using Healing Pulse on the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear.

After a few minutes, the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, which was on the brink of death, finally healed to a certain extent and was no longer in danger of dying.

'Phew, that nearly scared me... I almost thought I had killed him... oh right, that reminds me, I should probably get that.'

Wang Shòu turned back into Pikachu and quickly left the area, presumably to retrieve something.

After a while, when Wang Shòu left, the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, which was unconscious, finally began to stir awake.

"Grrr... Snort?" (Ugh.. hm? I managed to survive?)

The Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, whose consciousness was hazy and struggled to think properly, knew one thing.

Someone had definitely saved it; otherwise, it wouldn't explain how it had somehow survived and how its body felt healed for some reason. But who?

"Pika!" (Oh! You're awake!)

Hearing that voice again, the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear became vigilant and growled toward Wang Shòu, who was running toward him carrying something in his arm, in a threatening manner.

"Grrrrr..." (What do you want? You defeated me! Are you here to finish me off for good?)

But contrary to the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear's expectations, food was dropped in front of it, and it smelled a familiar aroma that it loved so much!

"Pika! Pikachu!" (I know you probably can't understand me, but I got this for you. A few days ago, I found some Spirit Honeycomb, so I thought you might like it. I hope you will accept my apology for almost killing you.)

Speaking in an inexplicable voice that the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear didn't understand, Wang Shòu, in his Pikachu form, then showed an innocent smile. Coincidentally, at the same time, sunlight was shining from behind Wang Shòu, making him seem like a savior and an angel.


Staring blankly at this scene and looking at the Spirit Honeycomb that it loved so much, the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear felt strongly affected by this situation.

The Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, as a simple spirit beast who wasn't very intelligent, always held the principle that if someone treated it nicely, it would repay that kindness.

And now, as Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear thought about it, it realized that it was his fault. He hadn't guarded the Spirit Honeycomb and had only slept instead. And when it saw the yellow mouse again, he had immediately attacked first.

But despite that, the yellow mouse had not only forgiven him but had also given him Spirit Honeycomb that he loved so much! And as for the matter of the yellow mouse seriously injuring him, the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear didn't care about that.

If it were the yellow mouse, it would probably have done the same, and maybe even killed. But the yellow mouse had chosen not to do that and had healed himself instead!

It was almost like... like an angel!

He had decided! Where could he meet such a good person who was stronger than him and kind to him before?

Having made its decision, the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear then knelt in front of Wang Shòu and made his declaration.

"Roar!" (Big Brother! Please accept me as your little brother!)