
Chapter 2: 2 Years Later

It has been 2 years since I was born and I learned a lot of things. First, I have the height of an average 2-year-old with an adorable baby face with silver eyes. I also have long silver hair reaching my waist. I figured I gained these traits from my parents. My mom has silver hair and golden eyes, and my dad has pitch black hair and silver eyes.

Around half a year ago I was able to speak and my parents were naturally very happy and started to talk to me a lot too, even more than before. Since then, my father started to help me train my body. Every day I had to do 50 pushups, situps, and many other exercises. Afterwards, I have to run 10 miles. That was what my parents had me do, but that wasn't enough for me. I knew that the strength of the physical body correlates with the age of the soul rings you can absorb. So, instead I did double what my parents requested. My father was happy that I was taking training seriously. And my mother was worried that I was ruining my body exercising too much. What they don't know is that in my previous life I watched many videos on physical fitness and how to properly work out with the best effects.

Xinyang: "Father, can you make me a pair of swords?"

Father: "Why? Do you want to play swordfighting?"

Xinyang: "Father.. I'm serious! I want to practice swordsmanship. And besides, the sword is handsome"

Mom: "well, since yang'er wants to practice swordsmanship, we might as well let him. It's one skill set he would have to learn eventually."

Father: "Alright. When you get the swords, you will practice how I tell you so you can use the sword more effectively."

Xinyang: "yes father."

Mom: "Our Yang'er is growing up."

Dad: "He reminds me of myself when I was his age. I just could not put my sword down. Hai.."

Mom pouts at dad: "yes, I remember it clearly. You had a goal of using that sword of yours to protect me from whatever danger comes. But you bullied me with your natural sword instead nowadays"

Dad: "hahaha, I'm sorry my love. I've wronged you"

Mom says seriously: "Our son will not become as perverted as you, I'll make sure of it"

Dad: "yes yes yes, you are right my love. But I have to teach him well so we can hold a grandson soon"

Mom: "what are you talking about about? He is 2!"

Dad: "I mean when he comes of age, not now."

Mom: "Good"

After a little bickering, my parents entered the house and I continued to work out.

The next week my father came home with a sword and starts guiding me on how to use the sword. First he starts with the proper way to hold the sword and how to effectively use the wrist. Next was the sword stance and different footwork to use the sword with strength and speed. After that, father demonstrated the basic sword moves any swordsman can use and told me to swing my sword five hundred thousand times before I turn 6. So I have been practicing swordsmanship everyday alongside cultivation the Yin-Yang divine cultivation technique. So far I am only practicing the first chapter of the technique so I can grow up with a perfect and strong body.