
Douluo Dalu: Serpent's Legacy

Li Xin, a modern-day enthusiast of fantasy novels and martial arts, meets an unexpected end, however in a twist of fate, his soul is reborn as Dugu Xin, the young son of Dugu Bo, within the Douluo Continent. The story is inspired from "Douluo's poison is supreme". Here is the link if you wish to read it: https://www.wuxiahub.com/novel/douluos-poison-is-supreme.html I write this for fun so I don't have any specific day I release chapters. I will try to post 2 chapters per week, maybe more if I have the time for it.

Night_Builder · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Ch.35: Finals

Dugu Xin's formidable soul power surged like an unrelenting tide, igniting the five spirit rings beneath him with a dazzling radiance. As his icy gaze locked onto Tang Hao and the others, a massive gray serpent materialized behind him, its scales glistening in the ambient light. With dangerous grace, it hissed, its body coiling with lethal intent. "Dugu Xin, Level 55 Control System Spirit King, Martial Soul, Monochrome Phosphor Serpent Emperor," he declared with a chilling resonance. Dense gray scales sprouted along his arms, morphing into venomous claws that oozed a corrosive toxin. Scales spread across his face, and his eyes metamorphosed into serpentine pupils, exuding a mesmerizing golden glow.

Standing beside Dugu Xin, Meng Shu wore a hearty smile as he announced, "Meng Shu, Level 40 Power Attack System, Martial Soul Dragon Staff," his three spirit rings shimmering beneath his feet.

In the group, Ma Jun exuded fiery confidence. "Ma Jun, Level 33 Power Attack System, Martial Soul: Flame War Horse," he proclaimed, his voice resonating with an air of dominance.

Yao Chen, radiating predatory determination, followed suit, "Yao Chen, Level 36 Agility Attack System, Martial Soul: Black Lined Ghost Leopard."

Chao Tianxiang, shrouded in a serpentine aura, stated, "Chao Tianxiang, Level 33 Agility Attack System, Martial Soul: Serpent Cane."

Ye Jingying, her eyes brimming with anticipation, concluded the introductions, "Ye Jingying, Level 28 Auxiliary System, Martial Soul: War Flag. Please advise."

From the ranks of the Haotian Grand Battle Academy emerged a young man emanating raw battle intent. "Wang Wudi, Level 31 Power Attack System, Martial Soul: Soul Breaking Spear," he boomed, exuding a palpable sense of determination. His eyes locked onto Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang, plotting his swift advance.

A burly figure, Tai Tan, pounded his chest with pride. "Tai Tan, Level 32 Power Attack System, Martial Soul: Vigorous Orangutan," he announced, showcasing his formidable strength.

Another sturdy youth, Niu Gao, stepped forward, roaring, "Niu Gao, Level 31 Defense System, Martial Soul: Armored Plated Giant Rhinoceros."

Following them, a somewhat slender young man with a hint of white hair offered a warm smile. "Bai He, Level 29 Agility Attack System, Martial Soul: Needle-Tailed Swift," he introduced himself with a graceful poise.

Lastly, a composed and gentle young man named Ning Fengzhi stepped forward, "Ning Fengzhi, Level 30 Auxiliary Soul Master, Martial Soul: Seven Treasured Glazed Pagoda." Ning Fengzhi's voice carried a tinge of regret as he mentioned, "Yesterday I felt a breakthrough, and I barely made it." His soul power burst forth, but only two yellow soul rings gleamed beneath his feet. "Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to obtain my third spirit ring."

It was then Tang Hao's turn. Four spirit rings beneath his feet glowed with a vibrant energy. Summoning a massive black hammer into his hand, he casually waved it, generating a powerful gust of wind. The once-relaxed aura surrounding him transformed into an overwhelming presence. The black-haired young man introduced himself with a confident smile, "Tang Hao, Level 49 Power Attack System, Martial Soul: Clear Sky Hammer."

The tension in the air crackled as the fight commenced. Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang initiated their martial soul spirit fusion, their Dragon Staff and Serpent Cane shimmering with a potent aura. In the midst of this, Ma Jun positioned himself nearby, ready to leap into action at a moment's notice.

Simultaneously, the third spirit ring beneath Wang Wudi blazed with intense radiance. His spear became a streak of lightning as he propelled himself towards Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang. Yet before he could close the gap, Ma Jun enveloped himself in a shroud of azure flames, repelling Wang Wudi and retaliating with his own fervent attack. His second spirit ring glowed brightly as fiery red scales encased his body like an impenetrable armor. Clawed appendages emerged from his hands, and he surged forward, meeting Wang Wudi head-on. The collision was thunderous. The Soul Breaking Spear struck Ma Jun's chest with resounding force, sending shockwaves rippling through the vicinity. Li Jiangling, ever vigilant, swiftly activated her soul skills, her first spirit ring casting a healing aura around Ma Jun, while her second spirit ring bolstered his elemental attacks and physical prowess by a considerable margin.

"Thanks, Jingling," Ma Jun acknowledged with a grateful nod, his eyes gleaming with determination. Wang Wudi wiped a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth, a hint of exhilaration gleaming in his eyes. He glanced down at the burn marks marring his chest, a testament to Ma Jun's formidable assault. With a hearty laugh, he taunted, "Your attack power is commendable, but against me, it's not enough."

With a surge of his soul power, Wang Wudi activated his second spirit ring once more, propelling himself towards Ma Jun with lightning speed. Ma Jun, now fully recovered and reinforced, couldn't help but grumble inwardly, "Damn madman."

In the midst of this intense exchange, a sudden burst of white energy materialized, hurtling towards Li Jiangling. Reacting swiftly, Yao Chen, leaped to her defense. However, the figure proved too swift, even for Yao Chen's prowess. Bai He, one of the four single-attribute clan members, blurred past, aiming a lethal strike at Li Jiangling. Yao Chen's second spirit ring blazed with intensity, causing his muscles to contract and his aura to transform from a gray hue to a deep, ominous shade of blackish-blue. A distinct mark, resembling that of a king, manifested on his forehead. With a burst of speed, Yao Chen matched Bai He's velocity, intercepting the attack just moments before it could strike Li Jiangling. Employing the Hell Decapitation technique, Yao Chen managed to repel Bai He, despite the latter's valiant effort.

Meanwhile, the confrontation between Dugu Xin and Tang Hao escalated with each passing second. Tang Hao wielded the Clear Sky Hammer with a ferocious determination, launching a relentless barrage of attacks at Dugu Xin, who deftly evaded each blow. In response, the second spirit ring beneath Dugu Xin erupted, engulfing the area in a thick, crimson mist suffused with a lethal poison. Dugu Xin also used "Real Guard" skill an impressive armor manifested. A serpentine appendage materialized behind him, as he harnessed his soul power to unleash the Cursed Shroud, a relentless assault that Tang Hao valiantly withstood with each swing of his hammer.

As the clash intensified, Ma Jun and Yao Chen found themselves momentarily hampered by the combined efforts of Wang Wudi and Bai He. Seizing the opportunity, Tai Tan interposed himself between their skirmish and Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang. His third spirit ring blazed with a blinding radiance as he launched the "Mighty Vajra Fist" towards his adversaries. Yet his efforts proved futile as a dazzling white light suddenly erupted, accompanied by a resounding dragon's roar. In an instant, Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang vanished, leaving behind a massive, poisonous golden dragon in their wake. With a swift gesture, the dragon effortlessly deflected Tai Tan's attack, sending him hurtling through the air.

Enveloped in the toxic fumes of the dragon's breath, Niu Gao attempted to shield himself with his 2nd spirit skill "Heavy Rhino Armor". However, the overwhelming force of the poisonous flame overwhelmed him, causing him to cough up blood as his soul power teetered on the brink of exhaustion.

Tang Hao charged headlong into the suffocating shroud of poisonous mist, while Dugu Xin cunningly concealed himself within its noxious veil. The voice of Dugu Xin resonated from all around, chilling the air as he sneered, "So, you've come, Tang Hao."

With a boisterous laugh, Tang Hao replied, "Dugu Xin, even if you're stronger than me, underestimating me to the extent of thinking your first two spirit rings alone can defeat me is a grave mistake!"

Tang Hao began to swing his hammer, wielding the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer technique. He built up his momentum, sending the wind howling, and the poisonous mist began to churn and disperse. Dugu Xin struggled to maintain control of the mist, but as Tang Hao brandished the mighty Haotian Hammer, a barrage of ferocious winds swept through. Dugu Xin lost his grasp, and the mist started dissipating. Tang Hao reached the 46th hammer, a testament to his incredible talent with the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer.

Unnerved by Tang Hao's skill, Dugu Xin muttered to himself, 'His mastery of the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer is even greater than I had thought. I must stop him before he reaches the 81st hammer.'

"Hmph, if you think I'll allow you to finish your moves, you're mistaken."

In a flash, Dugu Xin's fifth spirit ring ignited, and he unleashed his fifth spirit skill, the "Earth Ant-Serpent Emperor Slash." Blood-red moonblade-like beams, each about 10 meters in size, emerged from his fingertips. These strikes, as thin as cicada wings but carrying the weight of Dugu Xin's essence, sliced through the air. Tang Hao, reacting quickly, shifted to his second spirit ring, invoking the "Storm Raging Hammer" to fend off Dugu Xin's attack. However, Dugu Xin's onslaught shattered the defense of the "Storm Raging Hammer," forcing Tang Hao back several meters and causing him to spit blood. The once-immaculate surface of his hammer now bore visible cracks.

Tang Hao was stunned, disoriented by the appearance of these flaws. He exclaimed, 'Impossible! How could he damage the Clear Sky Hammer? Even if it were possible, the difference in our levels is too insignificant for him to break it.'

Meanwhile, on the same battlefield, Dugu Xin's teammates were pressuring the Four Single Attribute clans and Ning Fengzhi. Yao Chen, empowered by his first two spirit skills, engaged Bai He in a relentless duel. Despite Bai He's superior speed, his lack of attack power left him vulnerable. Yao Chen skillfully pursued, wearing down his opponent. Bai He's soul power dwindled, and in a moment of weakness, Yao Chen struck. Using "Shadow Connected Clones," he delivered a series of blows, causing Bai He to bleed and collapse.

Ma Jun grappled with Wang Wudi, who, although exhausted, continued to fight fiercely thanks to Ning Fengzhi's first spirit skill. This relentless assault frustrated Ma Jun, who muttered, "You insane lunatic, just fall already!"

Wang Wudi, determined as ever, retorted, "As if! I'll only go down in death!" In a display of sheer willpower, all three of his spirit rings shimmered simultaneously. He released a thunderous explosion, engulfing his body and spear in a crimson aura. His attack seemed slow, but its power was enough to spell certain death for Ma Jun.

Fueled by anger, Ma Jun responded, "You crazy bastard!" All his spirit rings radiated, and his body transformed. Fiery-red scales formed a protective layer, claws extended from his hands, and his size grew. He turned his flames blue, raising their temperature to an astounding 2500°C. This transformation rendered him immune to flames weaker than his own. He narrowly dodged Wang Wudi's spear, landing a scorching blow to his opponent's abdomen. The force of Ma Jun's attack caused a sickening crack, and the smell of burning flesh filled the air. Wang Wudi fell unconscious, a fist-sized portion of his chest caved in, burned, and cauterized, ensuring that the wound could never heal. Surveying his fallen adversary, Ma Jun exhaled deeply before collapsing to his knees. His soul power had been utterly depleted, rendering him unconscious.

Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang, donning the form of the massive golden dragon, locked their sights onto Tai Tan and Niu Gao, both drained and battered. Tai Tan could no longer sustain his martial soul possession, while Niu Gao bore numerous wounds from the relentless battle.

Niu Gao spoke with a heavy heart, "Damn it, Orangutan, I think this is the end for us."

Tai Tan's voice trembled with reluctance, "Not yet. We can still fight for the young master."

The giant golden dragon sneered, "Hmph, this is the end for you two." With a deafening roar, the dragon charged toward the exhausted pair, who were powerless to evade its ferocious tail attack. They were hurled out of the arena, their journey in the tournament over.

As they witnessed their comrades' downfall, Meng Shu realized their own end was imminent. "We must hurry. Our soul power is nearly depleted."

Chao Tianxiang nodded weakly, her energy waning. Her lower soul power placed an immense burden on Meng Shu, and her strength diminished swiftly. Witnessing the colossal golden dragon approaching, Ning Fengzhi understood that their chances were all but gone. With his last ounce of strength, he employed his spirit skills to boost Tang Hao before being eliminated.

Tang Hao, recovering from Dugu Xin's previous attack, summoned his second and third spirit rings. He resumed the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer technique, rapidly striking the 48th hammer. Supported by Ning Fengzhi's boost, the explosive power and speed of the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer doubled, enabling him to reach the 75th hammer in a flash.

With victory within his grasp, Tang Hao taunted Dugu Xin, "Let's see how you stop this one, Dugu Xin!"

In response, Dugu Xin knew he had to end the battle swiftly. He activated his Spirit Ring Fusion Mending ability. His fifth spirit ring glowed, followed by the remaining four, merging into the fifth one. Tang Hao stomped the ground, releasing his soul power without restraint. The Clear Sky Hammer swung, generating countless violent whirlwinds mixed with deafening thunder. Tang Hao leaped into the air, wielding the colossal Haotian Hammer, ready to strike at Dugu Xin.

Dugu Xin, not one to back down, leaped high as well, shouting, "Earth Ant-Serpent Emperor Slash!"

The sky was ablaze with ten blood-red moonblade slashes, and when the two titanic forces collided, a massive shockwave rippled through the air, washing over the spectators with an overwhelming spiritual wave. However, Dugu Xin's attack obliterated Tang Hao's Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer, and the Clear Sky Hammer shattered into countless pieces. Tang Hao coughed up blood, his body flung to the arena floor, creating a massive crater. His consciousness waned, and darkness enveloped him as he succumbed to his injuries.

At the climactic moment of the tournament, the resplendent host's voice boomed through the arena, cutting through the palpable tension, "This time, the Haotian Grand Battle Academy clashed with the formidable Hollow Beast Academy, and emerging victorious as the ultimate champions of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament is the Hollow Beast Academy!" Her words were met with an explosion of applause and cheers that reverberated through the stadium.

With the battle concluded, the escort teacher from the Haotian Grand Battle Academy swiftly mobilized to ensure the wounded were promptly transported to the infirmary, ushering them to receive urgent medical care.