
Douluo Dalu: Martial Path

In the world of Douluo Dalu, being a Soul Master is an occupation. A title above normal mortals. Yet, despite the power and numerous other abilities one would gain as they thread the path of a Spirit Master, they were no different from a normal mortal. They would still die to natural causes and a spirit master didn't have a longer lifespan than a mortal, except when they reach the limits of a spirit master but they could only live by twice or thrice the lifespan of a mortal still. Just what was good being a spirit master? Especially if one can easily kill them by the hands of either technology or natural causes? They weren't much different from a mortal. That was what Feng Qin had come to a conclusion as he turned twelve, six years after awakening an unknown trash Martial Spirit. But, on a fateful day, one single lucky moment as he had just survive from a life and death situation, changed his life forever. ... AN: Hey it's yo boi, FroztDouluo back with another Douluo Dalu fanfic! And this time, it's a concept that I've taken inspirations from Martial World(just read the story since it's a prequel to True Martial World, my favorite story and one I'm hoping to make a fanfic of someday), True Martial World, Tales of Demons and Gods, God of Slaughter, etc. I really hope I can make this story great and won't eventually turn me off. Cause my last few stories were great in plotlines at the start but it had eventually gone downhill due to several reasons.(Mainly laziness, writer's block, and school.) So, I'm going to clarify a few things and reveal a couple spoilers. One, there will be some oc other than the mc in this story. Most of them would come from other stories that I had previously mentioned or you guys can help me create some of them through comments. Two, I prioritize pa-treon more than here so if you notice me being late to update than it must mean I was either busy writing more chapters in pa-treon or I'm resting from the exhaustion of it. Three, the update schedule is 2-3 chapters a week with at least 1k words. Chapters are uploaded in Wednesday and Friday/Saturday(UTC +8, Philippine time). Four, I will try to reply to most of the comments I see but don't count much, cause I don't really reply very well because I just don't know what to write back. I just hope it'll get to a hundred, or two, chapters before I drop it, or not? It depends on life really. And positive comments and reviews, I don't really care much of power stones(tho, that doesn't mean you can't...) but positive feedback on my work really inspires me more to write. Want to check out my pa-treon and be ahead of your fellow WN kin? Well here's the link: pa–treon.com/FroztDouluo *Just get rid of the dash.

FroztDouluo · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

Chapter 15: Memories of an Immortal

Please consider supporting me so I can be more motivated to write more and save up some money to buy a laptop. And you can read ahead as well, just head on over to my patreon and become a patron! patreon.com/FroztDouluo

*Special thanks and shoutout to someone who became a transcended patron: JC!


He dreamt of a resplendent palace made of jade. Each pavilion was made of jade, its level of artisanship staggeringly high.

Wearing elegant dresses, a group of beautiful and seemingly good-natured beauties shuttled around the palace. Auspicious looking animals roamed the skies, creating the imagery of a world of immortals.

Feng Qin had never seen such a beautiful palace, not even in paintings. At this moment, the scenery suddenly transformed and the resplendent palace collapsed. Countless figures had appeared in the skies above. From amongst the countless figures, streams of light shot out. The streams of light were beautiful to behold; however, when it descended upon the lands, it caused the lands and mountains to be decimated!

The lands were split apart while the skies were covered with demonic flames. A huge spell array covering a surface area of hundreds of miles appeared out of thin air and a multitudinous number of mysterious symbols covered the entire sky.

A war on this scale was something that Feng Qin could never have imagined! Masters! These are masters of an unimaginable realm of strength! This level of strength is something that those at the Spirit King and Emperor could not hope to compete against!

Are they, Titled Douluos?

Feng Qin nervously swallowed as he continued watching.

Everyone within this imagery are beings that Feng Qin would never have any chance of even glimpsing upon. However, how is it that so many God-like beings would appear here?

After that, the scene changed and turned into a world of snow and ice. A frightened looking woman held onto a familiar orange oval gemstone, facing off against ten thousand figures standing on the skies.

Feng Qin's eyes widened in complete shock.

'I-Is that my martial spirit?!'

Why and how did it appear in that woman's hands!?

This woman was actually standing just less than three feet from Feng Qin. Even though he understood that this was all an illusion, Feng Qin was able to feel an extremely powerful yet gentle and holy aura radiating from the woman's body!

The woman spoke out a series of words, but the words spoken were vague. Feng Qin could only make out two words – Myriad Soul Gem!

'Is that the name of my martial spirit?' Feng Qin could only conclude that his martial spirit was the copy of the mystical treasure in that woman's hand. The martial spirit could be anything after all; from weapons to animals.

But he was in disbelief because this mystical, powerful and overbearing item was his unknown with little to no use martial spirit?! What the heck is going on here!


An explosion! The space itself was ripped apart, the skies were twisted into a raging whirlpool with seemingly infinite power, sweeping up all of Heaven and Earth. Everywhere it reached, mountains would collapse and skies would crumble. The icy glacier was instantly transformed into nothingness and the ten thousand figures were reduced into dust. Their souls were fragmented and absorbed into the gemstone!

As for Feng Qin, he found himself standing in the middle of the whirlpool, witnessing with his own eyes as everything were absorbed into the whirlpool. Everything around him was reduced to ashes while he himself remained unaffected. This feeling was simply indescribable and would likely be an unforgettable experience Feng Qin!

Feng Qin felt himself drenched in cold sweat and his vision went black once more.


"W-What happened?" Feng Qin stuttered as he came to, feeling a bit disoriented and his vision hazy; and all he could see was nothing but darkness. And when he finally felt fine, his vision remained the same.

Feng Qin panicked, eyes widened, "What is this? What the hell is going on?!" he quickly turned around in a circle, looking at the entire area around him to find nothing but the endless darkness.

The first thought that came to his mind when he saw this was that he had gone blind, but just one look on his hands and he immediately discarded such an idea. He didn't go blind but he was instead in a place where there was no color or light.

But how could he see himself? Despite being in some place where there was no light, he could still see himself; his body and the clothes he wore back at the cell. But this isn't the question he should be asking; it should be, where the hell is he?

'That vision I had, was it an illusion?' He wandered back to the vision he had prior; the powers those God-like people had and the woman who used his martial spirit, was any of them true?

He couldn't think of any kingdom or any of the two empires to have a person equal in strength with at least one of them.

'Could they be, from another continent?' Feng Qin grimaced before shaking his head. 'I'll think about it later on. I have to remember what I did before having that vision and coming into this place.'

'The last thing I remember was that girl showing off her martial spirit and a... strange desire began to rise. An urge.' Feng Qin started to hyperventilate, his face contorted into horror and disgust. He had his hand over his mouth; he could feel a bile rise up in his throat. 'To take her blood–then I...!'

Feng Qin couldn't hold it any longer, so he threw up onto the empty black space.

"Oh god...What have I done?!" He let out a staggered breath and closed his eyes, and tries to calm down. Panicking won't help him in this situation. He should try to think logically and figure out where he is and how he can get out of this place. It's also important for him to reflect on his actions and try to understand why he had such a disturbing urge.

His spirit came to his mind. Feng Qin remembered when that strange urge rose in him, he had felt his martial spirit had started heating up.

'Is my martial spirit the cause of this? The strange urge and,' he raised his head and looked up over the empty dark void. 'transporting me in this strange place? Just what is going on?!'

The answer came sooner than he had expected.

In the deep dark void a ball of blue flaming light began to appear, shocking Feng Qin of its sudden appearance. "What the–?" he began to mutter in confusion but another blue ball of light soon appeared, greatly surprising him; but then another appeared; then another; then hundreds; thousands and ten thousand blue flaming balls of light occupied the entire dark space in just under a minute.

Feng Qin stared up with his jaw hanging at the thousands of balls of light around him, each in different sizes, with complete awe and disbelief.

"What are these?" He mumbled aloud and, out of sheer curiosity, touched a dumpling sized ball of light and he felt a sudden jolt, as if he was falling into a deep hole. Then, he saw a bright light that engulfed him, and he lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he found himself in a strange place. He was standing on a cliff overlooking a vast landscape of mountains and rivers. The air was crisp and clear, and he felt a sense of power and freedom that he had never experienced before. He looked down and saw that he was wearing a long robe made of silk and embroidered with intricate patterns. He felt a weight on his back and realized that he was carrying a sword.

At first, Feng Qin was confused and disoriented. He didn't know where he was or how he got there. But then, he heard a voice, it wasn't near him or anything, it came from his mouth. The voice however, wasn't his. It was deep and calm, and it said, "I am the last of my family, yet I feel no sense of grief; as if they were strangers to me than they were my parents and siblings."

He bitterly chuckled. "Might this because I didn't hold them closer to my heart than I thought I did? Or is it the thousands of years of no contact?"

'Thousands of years?!' Feng Qin's eyes widened in shock at what he had said. It was a known knowledge that if one's cultivation reaches far, especially towards the Titled Douluo realm, they could live a much longer and vigorous life compared to normal humans; especially for Titled Douluos because it's said that they could alter their physical appearance back to their prime age: ranging from the mid twenties to the early forties.

But the longest living recorded spirit master had only lived for at least 300 hundred years old and that was due to the spirit master having a martial spirit that provided him a powerful vitality and life force as well as numerous immortal spirit herbs.

It was unbelievable and Feng Qin wanted to believe he was exaggerating. But for some odd reason, he could feel no lie in his voice.

Feng Qin was stunned. He realized that he was not himself anymore, but someone else. He looked around and saw that he was in a cave, surrounded by books and scrolls that contained ancient knowledge and secrets of cultivation. He looked down on his hands and found out, though strong and filled with unfathomable power, they were dry and wrinkled like an old man.

He had became an old man.

Feng Qin didn't have the time to process anything else that was going on as he was immediately assaulted with thousands of years of memories and his head felt as though a heavy hammer had suddenly struck down on it viciously. He let out a cry and fell to the ground.


Feng Qin tightly gripped his head; he felt as though there was something desperately invading his mind. The piercing pain caused Feng Qin to wish he could crack open his skull and remove whatever was causing the pain!

He could not resist! Feng Qin felt as though he was about to be swallowed up!

'Swallowed?' Feng Qin's eyes widened in realization, cold sweat rolling down the side of his wizened face. 'That's it! This must be the soul fragment's instinctive nature; it is trying to devour my sea of consciousness!'

"Damn you!"

Realizing this fact, Feng Qin briefly panicked but immediately calmed himself. The thing threatening him was only a small fragment of a soul. In addition, its master had already perished. How could he lose to some small consciousness that has no master?

Feng Qin suddenly shouted out, clenching his fists, his nails digging deep into his flesh and blood. "Keep my heart and mind strong! My heart that beats for the Peak of the Spirit Master World!"

'I have sworn that I'll continue to pursue the mysteries of the world, to find my path of cultivation, how could I allow my road to end here?!'

It was an excruciating pain that struck his mind, soul and body. Feng Qin felt like he was being torn apart and being reattached by some unknown force to keep him alive, but this pain he was feeling was something worse than being dead.

"AHHHH! FUCK! I won't die! Especially not like this!" He was unwilling, he was still young! He had just finally got his shit together but only to die from the memories of some old fossil? Still, this shit is painful!

Feng Qin had no clue on how to get rid of that fragmented consciousness that had no owner. All he could do was grit his teeth and hold on with everything he had. Various disorderly images flowed into his sea of consciousness, causing him to undergo an inhuman amount of pain, threatening to render him unconscious. However, he kept gritting his teeth, maintaining his hold onto the vestiges of his consciousness and holding on to his unwavering spirit!

As he delved deeper into the memories of the immortal cultivator, Feng Qin learned that he was once a powerful warrior who had fought countless battles and defeated many enemies. He had mastered the art of swordsmanship and had cultivated his body and mind to the highest level. He had also made many friends and allies in the immortal realm, and had accumulated vast wealth and treasures.

After who knew how long, this inhuman torture slowly faded and Feng Qin fell down onto the ground, like a puppet with its strings cut.

"Ungh... F-Finally..." Tears swelled up in Feng Qin's eyes as he saw he was back in that dark space filled with balls of light and realized he was finally free.

He continued laying down for some time before he calmed himself down and sat up, though he was completely drenched in cold sweat, he showed a mixed expression of excitement and enthusiasm.

It might be because he had a young mind or that the soul had became too fragmented, but Feng Qin could only remember certain vague images in his mind that belonged to the person he possessed.

Even though vague, the images they showed were something that was totally out of this world! They showed knowledge that no one in this world could compare to!

Feng Qin felt a sense of awe and reverence for the immortal cultivator whose memories he had inherited. He realized that he had been given a rare opportunity to learn and grow beyond his wildest dreams.

"I found it. Another path that no other person in my world had or would ever walk: the Martial Path."