
Douluo Dalu: Legend of the Cat Douluo

Mao Xingyun has been a loner since he's a kid and it's not because he wants it but because people who got close to him suffers from bad luck, even his parents don't like him and tries to stay as far away as possible from him the closest he got to them was when he's still a newborn. Everyone who knew his complications tries to stay as far away from him, except for his cat Blacky who since the time he got him, never left his side. He never had a friend or even a girlfriend, basically he's alone so when his cat died of old age he also followed him to the afterlife.

dreammyyy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 13 - Sneaking Out

Xingyun woke up finally after a day, he summoned Blacky, who is as large as a normal cat now and checked his status.


Name: Mao Xingyun

Age: 12 years old

Spirit Rank: 35


[Destiny Cat(Blacky)]:

Spirit Abilities:

1st blood ring: Clairvoyance(15000 years old)

2nd blood ring: Destiny's favor(15000 years old)

3rd blood ring: Forgotten Destiny(15000 years old) - the user's ability to read the past is greatly increased.

Active Ability: the user can either make his target forget about a certain event in the past, or make it so that his target will forget about ever meeting a certain person in their life, where they would remember that certain memory but they will forget the person they are interacting with, lastly, the user can make his target forget everything, not even themselves forever. The consumption of spirit power is based on how much time the user wanna take off of his target's memory.

[Spirit Cat Body]:

Spirit Abilities:

1st spirit ring: Lightning Speed(1084 years old)

2nd spirit ring: Soft Boned Physique(10004 years old)

3rd spirit ring: Assassination(15143 years old) - the user's stealth abilities will be enhanced by 100%. Note: the enhancement percentage will increase by 10% each time the user absorbs another ring.

Active Ability: the user will enter stealth immediately upon activation and will be invisible in other people's eyes until he attacks, the user's attack will also be 10 times as strong as his normal attack damage.

Spirit Bones:

Martial Arts: The Way of the Cat, Shadow Cat Steps, Cat Imitation, Cat Battle Style, Cat's Hidden Lethality


Xingyun is surprised by his new blood ring's spirit skill, it's just perfect for what he wanna do next, it might not be very useful in combat but it's a very useful skill for all of his adventures in the future, it is a very good reassurance for his safety. He is also very satisfied with his 3rd spirit ring's spirit skill, it not only gives him the strong attack power he needed it also improved his stealth capabilities greatly. Assassination spirit skill is a really good addition in his battle style, it can improve the lethality and unpredictability of his battle style.

Xingyun then turned to Blacky, who is on his shoulder, "Why did you grow again?", he asked because it just bugs him everytime this happens, though this doesn't mean he's not happy, he's just a really really curious person.

'I don't really know, and I really don't want to grow up anymore, I can barely fit in your shoulders now', Blacky sadly said, with a slightly feminine tone in her voice now, which surprised Xingyun.

(author's note: yup, you know where this is going now)

"Blacky, are you a girl? but I remember in our last life you are a boy, that's why I named you Blacky", Xingyun is confused.

Blacky facepalmed, 'Xingyun the last you checked my gender was when I was still a baby and you mistakenly thought I have eggs, I've even hated the name you've given me before because it's a name for boy cats, but I gradually just got used to it over the years'.

Xingyun blushed, embarrassed because of what he just heard, he had been addressing her as a boy cat since the time he got her and he never even checked her gender again to find out whether she's really a boy, if he didn't hear her slightly feminine voice in his head he would've never found out her real gender. "ehem, anyway we still have to go and prepare for what we had been planning all this years, to save our clan from our current predicament", Xingyun solemnly said the last part when he remembered his clan's current status.

Since the time Bao'er awakened her spirit, everyone in the clan including him had a black ominous light surrounding them getting more intense each year that passed excluding a few who had a golden light surrounding them. If Xingyun didn't tell his family his Destiny Cat's innate trait, which let's him see the fortune of anyone then told about what he saw, the clan might have been annihilated now, Xingyun patrolled the village once a month to look for possible traitors, by looking at their fortune or their current loyalty then looking at their past or near future if they decided or is considering to betray the clan, and tells his parents about his findings, secretly apprehending said traitors, by doing this tedious task, the clan survived until now, but this past few months the black light surrounding the village had been getting darker and darker, which just means one thing: the spirit hall might be planning to annihilate the entire clan at this moment, this is also the reason why Bao'er grew so fast this past few years, she feels burdened that she will be the reason for their clan's annihilation.

Xingyun didn't really want for Bao'er to know what has really been happening, but she overheard their conversation about the clan's current predicament. Now he felt sorry for her because since the time she overheard that conversation she had been overworking herself in training and blaming herself, the whole family has been telling her that she is not the reason they were being targeted, which is somewhat true because the spirit clan had long wanted to destroy their clan, even before she was born because of their ability to spirit rings with higher than optimal age, she is just the last straw that broke the camel's back, but she never listened to them and is still blaming herself.


At midnight, Xingyun left a note and a book in his room then came out of it and entered Bao'er's room through her window, Bao'er is currently sleeping soundly in her bed, because she is tired of training all day.

"Bao'er wake up", Xingyun wake her up from her sleep as quiet as possible and when she is about to talk to him he put his hand on her mouth and shushed her.

"I am sneaking out of the clan to get allies in the continent to change our clan's fate, do you want to come with me?", Xingyun didn't worry that Bao'er might snitch on him after he left because he could just use his 3rd blood ring on her to make her forget.

When Bao'er heard what her brother said, her eyes became full of determinatio and she nodded firmly, which made Xingyun smile. "I already took some of your clothes, in case you wanted to join me, let's go I already left a letter in my room to let mother and father know, what we wanna do".

After a few minutes, Xingyun and Bao'er got out of the clan unnoticed because of Xingyun's first blood ring ability and 3rd blood ring to remove the memory of the people that saw them sneaking out. They are currently on a hill near the clan and gazing at the clan full of longing.

'I swear that I'll do everything to protect this clan and my family', Xingyun swore before continuing his journey with Bao'er and Blacky to Soutuo City.

End of Volume 1...


(author's note: yep and that's the end of volume 1: Mao clan, btw guys I plan to reread the original Douluo Dalu 1 novel while writing this story to make sure what I wrote never contradicts with the original story, so my updates may become a bit slower from now on, so just bear with me guys. Also, thank you guys for all your support in my story and by the time I upload this chapter my fanfic already reached rank 148 of the fanfic power rankings, which is a huge achievement for me so I sincerely once again thank you guys for all your support and hope you keep supporting me and my story.)