

" System, please send me into 100 million years from now," Alex said. " Please wait a minute." Guide system said to Gu Long. Suddenly a light envelope Gu Long body and he vanish into thin air. In front of the large building appear a man in his early twenties this man is Gu Long. The reason why he looks twenties years old because the system can choose what age he wants to be, so he decides to look like twenties years old. This will make his business at this time easier. The building is so huge and feels so majestic when Gu Long first time sees it. Even in his previous life, they cannot build this kind of building.

He walks into the building, and a beautiful young lady greeted him. " Can I help you, sir?" The lady said to Gu Long. " I want to make an artificial spirit for my brother where can I make it." Gu Long lied to the young lady. " If you want to make an artificial spirit you must go to 30 floors." The young lady said to Gu Long. " Thank You." After said he left the place and went to find the 30 floors. He finally arrives at the 30 floors of the building.

When Gu Long come in the 30 floors, he saw a man sit in the counter, and he seems busy talking using his phone make the man didn't notice Gu Long who just now enter the room. Gu long goes into the counter. " Hello, I came here to make an artificial spirit for my brother." Gu Long said to the man. " Ohh…sorry I didn't notice you. I have been talking with the customer and he been complaints about the price that he needs to pay. What type of core do you want to use? Do you want our companies man to make the spirit or you do it your own." The man said to Gu Long.

" What price for each type of core?" Gu Long asked the man. " For mortal core around 1 000 000 spirit gold and for immortal core 100 000 000 spirit gold. As for god core, the spirit pagoda wants to exchange with other items that worth because this core is not many and currently there ten core in spirit pagoda." The man answer Gu Long question. " Ohh… I didn't my herb can exchange with the god core." Gu Long said while he took two herbs from his dimension. This dimension one of system function for Gu Long to store any items he wants to keep during his travel.

When the man saw the two herbs that Gu Long took out he very shock because the herb is exactly like Ten Thousand Spirit Heart herb and Frozen Heart herb, this herb can increase 10 level spirit power in an instant, but the herb just can be used once. The herb supposedly extinct for million years ago and the reason why people still know this plant are because of records from the past. " Where you get this herb?" He said to Gu Long. " I think that not important. It can be exchanged with the god core or not." Gu Long said to the man. When the man heard Gu Long replied he instant nodded his head because where the herb comes from, he doesn't care as long as Gu Long wanted to exchange with the god core.