
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul

(Smuts) - CH 58: Bibi Dong (handjob) CH 72: Bibi Dong (first sex) -------------------------- (A/N: This book isn't a copy, it's just that I've transferred it from my second account, That_One_Alive_Ali, to this account.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
87 Chs

CH 46: Arachnid External Soul Bones are OP

(A/N: This chapter is the fastest trash to god in Detroit lol. Also, don't complain, since he's already god level when using his orbs.)


Bullshit. This entire situation was bullshit. Horseshit. Dragon shit even. Ah Li couldn't just absorb a part of the Man Faced Demon Spiders' life force, he could absorb the entire thing. As in he couldn't just absorb a chunk of their life force and increase his Arachnid External Soul Bones, he could absorb their life force fully.

When he absorbed the 1st Man Faced Demon Spider's life force fully, his Arachnid Scythes went from 2,000-years to 4,000-years in one go. Its age doubled. And that wasn't the most disrespectful thing. The worst (best) part of it was that even the already summoned Man Faced Demon Spiders' age automatically grew to 4,000-years. He could sense it.

And when he absorbed the 2nd Man Faced Demon Spider's life force fully, his Arachnid Scythes went from 4,000-years to 8,000-years in one go. Its age doubled again. And so did the age of the Man Faced Demon Spiders' again.

And when he absorbed the 3rd Man Faced Demon Spider's life force fully, his Arachnid Scythes went from 8,000-years to 16,000-years in one go. Its age doubled again. And so did the age of the Man Faced Demon Spiders' again.

So after three tries, they came to a conclusion. The age of Ah Li's Arachnid Scythes would double with each summoned Man Faced Demon Spider's absorbed life force, and the age of the Man Faced Demon Spiders he could summon would double as well even if they were already summoned.

They hadn't tested the Arachnid Bracelets yet, but it probably was the same for them. Also, he gained their attributes too. But unfortunately, his Soul Power Level didn't budge at all. Sitting together, Bibi Dong was as shocked as Ah Li :"This... it's simply absurd... being able to grow was already incredible, but this kind of growth is just absurd."

Ah Li :"Couldn't agree more... there's no way a Soul Bone could be this powerful, do you think it's because of my Abyssal Centipede Martial Soul?" 'Tang San didn't have this ability, or at least to this extent, so it must be that.'

Bibi Dong :"Probably. It also resembles your ability to absorb attributes, so it must be that." 'Tang San's External Soul Bone did grow through the ages, but it was nowhere near having its strength multiplied. Li'er's Arachnid Scythes grew to 10,000-years from 1,000-years in a few minutes, so it must be because of his Martial Soul.'

Ah Li, smirking :"This is one messed up ability. One that I'm definitely going to exploit."

Bibi Dong :"It would be weird if you didn't. Anybody who wouldn't use this ability to its full potential is an idiot. How many Man Faced Demon Spiders can you summon?"

Ah Li :"It went from 30 to 130. 125 because of my External Soul Bone's age, and 5 because of my own Soul Power Level. There's reserves for them in my Arachnid Scythes. After summoning all or a bunch of them, it will take a bit before the reserves are fully filled again.

Since I've summoned 30 already, I can summon 100 more before we need the reserves to recover. But it seems like when it reaches a new age, the extra added reserves are already full."

Bibi Dong :"My god..."

Ah Li :'Your what, goddess?'

Bibi Dong, smirking :"That means even now, the age of your External Soul Bone can already be doubled 130 times... I was wrong, today can get even better."

Ah Li, smirking :"Then let's start enjoying it."

And so, he began to kill and absorb their life force as quickly as possible, intending to finish the 130 reserves as fast as possible. Which took only a few seconds for each one.

But after the 6th Man Faced Demon Spider, the Arachnid Scythes reached 128,000-years, bringing the reserves up to 625 + 5. Then 256,000-years at the 7th one, making the reserves 3,125 +5. Then 512,000-years at the 8th one, making the reserves 390,625 + 5. Then it should have reached 1,024,000-years, but it stopped at 1,000,000-years. The reserves did reach 1,220,703,130 + 5 Man Faced Demon Spiders though, so that was good.

The two of them were quite speechless at the turn of events though. But neither of them was complaining. The only thing Ah Li could complain about was finding a way to kill and take all of their life force in one go, since it would take a really long time this way.

Thankfully, having a cultivation base of 1,130,000-years made it easy to do so. And the Arachnid Scythes actually did evolve the ability to absorb life force in masses somewhere along absorbing the 9 Man Faced Demon Spiders. But he didn't do that.

First, he absorbed a single 1,000,000-year Man Faced Demon Spider to turn his Arachnid Bracelets into 1,000,000-years too. Then he absorbed the life force of all of them. And so, both his Arachnid Bracelets turned into 1,000,000-year External Soul Bones after absorbing 10 Man Faced Demon Spiders.

10! Tsk tsk, so much hard work. Ah Li had never worked so hard in his life. Also, they found out the reserves would fully recover every 3 hours. So he could absorb 1,220,703,135 1,000,000-year Man Faced Demon Spiders every day. Good thing it was just midnight when he absorbed all of them.

Truly a horseshit ability. And he had thought he was supposed to be a weak soul piece that rose to the top through extreme hard work at the start. He couldn't help but laugh at that thought now.


"Nooooo!" Ah, his beautiful sound of agony of an alarm woke him up beautifully. Opening his eyes, sitting cross legged, cultivating, his eyes fluttered open with a pleased smile on his handsome face. Whose scream was that? Who else but Tang San's?

(A/N: I'll regard the age obtained from the spiders as another category, Arachnid age, since I'm planning to actually keep a track of that ridiculous number for fun lol.)

Checking the time, he found it 6 in the morning. After killing his reserves of Man Faced Demon Spiders again, making it the third time today, and making his Arachnid age reach 3,662,109,300,000,000-years (three quadrillion six hundred sixty-two trillion one hundred nine billion three hundred million), he got up to check the situation.

Nonchalantly putting on his trenchcoat, he opened the door. Basking in the morning air and wind, he found today especially beautiful already. Even more so when he found the other boys gathering in Tang San and Oscar's room, definitely to comfort the hypocritical pedophile.

He didn't go though. He simply laughed internally while Bibi Dong just cackled. While she flew to look directly, he just used his Spiritual Power to get a look. Neither of them stayed for long though. Seeing him nearly crying ugly face for a bit was enough.

And after that, he walked to where the class would be with a small, gentle and wise smile, catching Bibi Dong's attention :"Why are you smiling like that?" He smirked smugly :"I'm old as fuck now, I should act my age!"

Causing her to roll her eyes as he cackled. She got the point, it was kinda true considering his Soul Beast cultivation base since Soul Beasts age is that much. But it wasn't his age, and the joke was bad, so she couldn't help but groan.


The students stood in the field, mood mostly heavy and gloomy. The incidents and misfortune of yesterday still lingered in their minds. Everybody except Ah Li's of course. Tang San had been called away, probably by Yu Xiaogang. So Bibi Dong had gone to listen.

The youngsters were together, Ning Rongrong comforting Xiao Wu who looked sad as fuck for Tang San, while the boys were just hanging around. Not really one for comforting and leaving it to Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing just stood aside. Choosing to stand beside Ah Li, the least mentally creepy one of the boys.

Who was better? A perverted fatso, a simp idiot, a hypocritical fiance who left her to die and simply felt embarrassed when she was with someone else, or a handsome boy could be violent from time to time? Yeah, the choice was obvious. But the decision had earned the constant glare of a certain pussy.

Hearing footsteps, they all looked to see Tang San's depressed ass, but seemingly better than this morning, walking with Flender, Zhao Wuji and an ugly guy walking haughtily. Xiao Wu didn't waste a moment, she immediately rushed towards Tang San. The others followed.

While walking, Bibi Dong came back to his side.

Ah Li :"(So what happened? With how he looks, Yu Xiaogang probably comforted Tang San, right?)"

Bibi Dong :"Yeah, just told him his Clear Sky Hammer is there and that's what he should be focusing on and such. Nothing important."

Ah Li :"(Oh, alright.)"

"Little monsters, look over here." Flender called them to line up before introducing Yu Xiaogang who was smirking arrogantly :"Let me introduce. This is Master. You have probably heard about him from Tang San, because he's Xiao San's teacher. He will be responsible for guiding your cultivation in the future."

Yu Xiaogang, confidently :"I've read your details. Next, I'll guide your cultivation. I hope all of you can be prepared. We'll start the training tomorrow morning. I'll announce the content of training tomorrow before class.

Also, children, regarding Xiao San's situation. I'm happy that you're concerned about him, but there's no need to worry. Actually, Tang San was born with Twin Martial Souls!"

Instead of making excuses and making things complicated, it was better to come outright with things. And considering the shocked gasps, he nodded to himself in satisfaction, knowing he made the right choice.

Ma Hongjun :"Whoa, brother San actually has Twin Martial Souls?!"

Ning Rongrong :"Wow, brother San, you're amazing!"

Dai Mubai :"Hahaha, you really are! And I thought Ah Li was the best of us!"

Hearing the jab, Ah Li side eyed him in amusement. Xiao Wu smiled proudly at Dai Mubai :"Huh, of course! My brother is the most talented there is! Not even Ah Li can compare!"

The noiret wasn't mad. He was just amused by their stupidity. At most, he would get annoyed if she said something like that. However, surprisingly, it was Tang San who stopped her with a hand on her shoulder :"Xiao Wu, don't say that. You may not know, but Ah Li actually immediately wanted to come with me to save you. It's not right to talk to him like that."

"Huh? R-really?" She asked, shocked. Of everyone she had thought that would try and help her, Ah Li wasn't one of them. He was the same guy that had hated them from when they were children. He was the one who would pick a fight over the simplest things. He was the one who would get aggressive with them if they breathed too hard.

So hearing that he actually tried to help her was like a Jew hearing Hitler tried to save his life. It didn't sound realistic to her. Others were surprised too, especially Yu Xiaogang, since Ah Li didn't hide his dislike for the two. Oscar nodded excitedly :"That's right, that's right! I was there too when he went to help Xiao San look for you!"

"Exactly. That's why, Ah Li," Tang San smiled at Ah Li :"I was wondering if we could let bygones be bygones, and we could start over. Be friends instead of hating each other."

Other than Dai Mubai, who hated the idea, others were pretty happy about the situation. They'd rather there wasn't any fighting between them, and they could all be friends instead. But unfortunately for them, Ah Li found the idea disgusting :"Tang San, you seem to be misunderstanding something." He scoffed, grabbing his collar suddenly :"I didn't save Xiao Wu because I suddenly want to be buddies with you.

Don't say that sentence again, because it's disgusting to the point where it made my skin crawl. Let me repeat what I told you back then, I only helped because I saw it as my responsibility as a classmate. No other reason. I hate you, but I'd still help because we're classmates. I hate Dai Mubai too, but I'd still help him out if his life was in danger. Why?

Is it because I like him? Is it because I want to be friends with him? No, it's because I see it as a responsibility to help my classmate. So never, even say that bullshit again. Otherwise, I'll kick your ass. Oh, and also, you have Twin Martial Souls? So what? Wanna bring the other one out to see how hard I'll kick your ass while you're using that one instead?"