
Second time is a charm!

"Say what now?", Shan looked at Ryan with a face full of surprise. "Since the beginning of the ceremony, I have been feeling uncomfortable, like there's something incomplete inside me. But, when that rude lady in white robes released her power, before falling unconscious, my body felt much better, like some gaps were slowly filling up. I got the same feeling from the spirit master in front of me too, but this one was much better. So, I thought if you, who is definitely more powerful than either of them were to do it again, there would most probably be some major changes in the current situation. Look, I'm not saying this because I'm frustrated about the results of the awakening or something, which I totally am, but...… What have I gotta lose?", Ryan said, with an indifferent expression on his face. "What have you gotta lose?! This matter is of zero precedence! Have you gone crazy? You could lose your life!, I would be much more happy with a trash son than with a dead son!", Luo Hua said, still crying, while Shan remained seated, with a pensive look on his face.

"Please guys, you know I don't usually go around saying such weird things right? I implore you to trust me", Seeing his father pondering the matter, Ryan delivered his final blow. After a few seconds, Shan stood up from his chair, and said, "Hmm. If that's what you want, neither me nor your mother have the right to forbid you from doing it. But, as a man, you will take responsibility for your decisions. Am I clear?". "Yes", Ryan replied with a face full of confidence. Shan then turned to Hua and said with a serious expression, "Hua'er, we are going to conduct it right here. Deploy the healing shield. We don't want anyone nearby us to sense anything if what little Yan is saying is indeed true". Hearing this, Hua wiped off her tears and put on a serious face. If her husband trusted Yan this much, then as his mother, she should too, "Yes ge", She replied. Hearing all of this, Ryan felt proud of his parents. Even he hadn't thought of setting up a barrier to prevent detection. But, he knew this was just a child's play to his old man, the one who had solved the murder of Qian Xunji in just one glance. Plus, the fact that his father said to set this up "in case if he was right" meant that he trusted him. At that moment, he felt really grateful that he received this couple as his parents in this life. As he was thinking this, Shan turned towards him and said, "Little Yan, I am the one that's gonna perform the ceremony on you this time. As you're my son, I'll be extremely careful so as to not harm you during it. But, you must tell us if you feel anything wrong during the ceremony, okay?". Ryan nodded and then asked with a curious expression, "Dad, you told mom to deploy a "healing shield". What is that?". He was really curious as to what it was. Shan gave him a weak smile as he said, "Son, your mother is a support type spirit master. And there are only a few support spirit masters that are titled douluos. Even among them, she's currently the strongest, although the world doesn't know it as we have been living here for the past 6 years. She focuses on healing people. This "healing shield" is a spirit ability of her, which covers an area and heals everyone inside it. It also has some other properties, which she was not able to use efficiently due to her lack of spirit power. But, now that she's a titled douluo, she can now use it to its maximum potential. This means that now, the shield will be able to hide the spirit power of the people inside it, without emitting any aura of its own. Do you understand its importance now?", Shan explained to Ryan, who gave a nod as he continued to stay still, with his mouth wide open. 'That's a pretty damn good ability!', he thought to himself.

A few minutes later, all the things in the hall had been cleared, and Shan took Ryan to the centre of the room. He then looked at Jin and said, "Stay close to your mother. And don't come in here, no matter what happens". Then he gave Luo Hua a nod, as she nodded back with a stern face. She then summoned her spirit, as the room turned jade green. Ryan felt a calm energy washing over him, clearing all the negative thoughts he had. This energy felt like the one he had experienced in TGR, when he was with Sen Ming in her...…. er, bathroom. But, its intensity was much lesser. That was only to be expected, as his mother was still a human, no matter what level she had reached. He then looked at his mother's spirit mark which had risen behind her. It was a green phoenix, with some parts of it looking like that of a serpent (like its feathers were like snake skin). At the same time, his mother's attire had been changed from normal house clothes to a regal green dress, that looked like it was made of emeralds. "This spirit is called the 'Jade Serpentine Phoenix' (I know the name's a mouthful, but it sounds cool right?). An extremely rare and powerful spirit. At titled douluo level, its user can even regenerate his/her severed limbs", Shan introduced Ryan to her spirit, leaving him speechless. His mother was not a normal woman! She was like a monster in terms of power! As Hua moved her hands, a small green light rose from the floor, at the centre of the hall, where the duo were standing. It slowly enveloped the whole room, save for where Hua and Jin were standing. It was sort of like a green hemisphere. Ryan thought this was a domain ability. But then he understood that it wasn't as he saw a red ring behind his mother, emitting a red light which was overpowered by the green in the room. Was that her ninth ring? He wasn't sure. But now wasn't the time to think about it. Although his thought at seeing the shield wasn't right, it wasn't completely wrong. Healing shield was a spirit ability, but had all the characteristics of a domain. It could become a domain, but Hua always felt like she was missing something that prevented it from becoming a domain ability.

"Well, now that we are all set, shall we move to the awakening?", Shan asked Ryan and stood facing in his direction. Ryan stood straight and gave a slight nod. Seeing this, Shan immediately summoned his spirit. When he did, the green reduced in its sharpness, as if some lighter colour was mixed with it. He felt the green shield slightly tremble, and saw a drop of sweat dripping down from Hua's forehead. He was confused. If his father had released all of his spirit power, this scene would have made sense, as he was a rank above her. But, for her OP spirit feel pressure from his spirit? He looked at what his father's spirit was. Just like Shan's title, it was a silver bow. Made from pure, shiny, silver. But, the aura it emitted was mighty. Ryan suddenly felt like he was in the presence of a king, ready to carry out any order. But at the next moment, the commanding and aura reduced in intensity, and at the corner of his eyes, he could see his mother sighing in relief, and suddenly, the strength of the shield rising to a whole new level. "Son, this is my spirit, and your lineage. 'The Silver Bow of Domination'. The aura you just felt now was my "monarch domain". In this domain, something I deem as safe will be given a boost, while others will be resisted to an extent. It also allows me to create illusions, like a king hiding an issue from his people. At my level, these illusions are not easily shattered when perceived, although if you try touching it, you can understand the difference in its feel (But in case of spirit rings, its all same, cuz, all of them are.... well, rings). That's how I changed your looks and my spirit rings back at the spirit hall. This domain also allows me to copy the aura of the beasts that I have fought before and their rings", Shan said as he switched the bow to his left hand. Ryan now understood why the shield had felt weak for a moment. When Shan's domain was deployed, it initially recognised the shield, as a threat, cause it was also like a domain.

"Enough explanations. Now, lets move on to the process", Shan continued, as he started the ceremony. As it went on, the golden circle appeared (it was drawn on the floor during the preparation, like in spirit hall), and Ryan felt the voids inside him filling up at a very fast rate. At the same time, both Shan and Hua felt a little portion of their spirit power getting sucked in, but the amount was very small so they let it go. In the very next moment, Ryan's spirit materialised in his right hand. It was still a wooden bow, but, now with a silver string. 'Still wooden?', Ryan thought as his face showed disappointment. Then, tiny cracks started forming on its surface. The cracks widened in a second and spread all over the bow. As his parents, sister and him stared at the wooden bow in confusion, the cracks emitted a faint silver light. The light's intensity slowly increased and all the wood on the bow immediately turned to dust, leaving a shiny, silver bow in Ryan's hand. But, this was different from his father's bow, as this bow had golden markings on it, like a design. At the same time this happened, both Shan and Hua felt a small resistance of their spirit power within the shield. As they traced it back, it was from Ryan. Shan's eyes widened in surprised as he laughed in surprise, "Holy mother of god! my son has awakened, no, re-awakened, his spirit, with an in-built domain! He has the "monarch domain" as well! Even I had to train till Rank 30 to obtain it! Hua'er, looks like the gods have blessed our son!". Seeing all this, Hua shed tears of joy as she removed the shield around them, which had done a good job of hiding his bow's aura and domain during the ceremony. She ran towards her son and embraced him. She had been going through a lot for the last couple of days, thinking of what would happen to her son. Even after both of them made back alright, she was distressed by the news that her son was trash. But now that all the tension had left her, she felt ecstatic and happy beyond words. After this display of affection, Shan checked Ryan's spirit power, which, unsurprisingly, was 10. He had awakened with a domain dammit! essence harmonisation was guaranteed. The parents revelled in joy and went outside to get some "fresh air" (to finish shedding their tears of joy/ celebratory sex, I leave it to you, my normal/ecchi brothers).

But, during all of this, Ryan felt weird. He'd had two voids. The bow was the result of the void in his right hand. That meant the one on the back was also Cause of a spirit. Then where was it? He was confused. He was sure that the back void was also filled during the ceremony. So, he tried to feel a spirit mark on his back when his parents left. Sure enough, the next second, he felt a warmth on the centre of his back bone. Suddenly, he felt like time had slowed down. He could feel everything around him, like the wind, the light and rusting of the trees nearby. He knew this was because of his 2nd spirit. So, frantically, looked around to see what it was, in case it had manifested. But he couldn't find anything that looked like a spirit. Instead, he was surprised by something else he saw. As he was looking around, gaze suddenly fell on little Jin, who hadn't moved from her previous position during the awakening. He felt like her blonde hair had become even more yellowish, like her name ('Jin' means gold in Chinese). But, what surprised him was that on her forehead, which was supposed to be like normal, there was something that looked like a closed eye, positioned vertically.

Hey guys! It me.

So here is today's chapter. Hope you all enjoy it. If you guys have any questions regarding the story or if you find anything wrong with the grammar, please let me know in the comments section. I'd be more than happy to listen to you. I'm really sleepy. So, I'm gonna keep this section short for today.

Thank you for reading!

Peace out!

Godofjerkscreators' thoughts