
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
90 Chs

Tang sect ( Part 1)

In the observation room the Spirit pagoda staff members were still motionless as it was the first time and probably the last time they saw a 9 year old Grand soul master defeating a Guardian Beast without breaking a sweat. " Mr. Zhangkong what kind of monster have we admitted in our school " Long hengxu asked Wu Zhangkong in a trembling voice " A heaven-defying monster " Wu Zhangkong replied in a calm voice but by his clenched hands it could be seen that he wasn't as calm as as he was showing on the surface.

" wooosh " hearing the sound of the simulation pod opening everyone looked towards Nero's simulation pod direction as he was the only one who ejected from the primary ascension platform this fast. Nero opened his eyes and the first thing he noticed was everyone was looking at him with shock in their eyes. Nero wasn't surprised with their gaze after all he did beat that Guardian beast into a pulp. ' It would be better if i get used to this type of looks after all things are gonna change because of last night's decision ' Nero thought as he remembered last night's talk with Aria and Iblis.

* Flash back *

The stars were covered in blankets of thunderclouds with strong wind flowing. Nero was sitting on the edge of a cliff staring at Yamato which was hovering in front of him. Iblis was standing silently in his Humane form with his back against a tree, he had his head down as he knew that his master was thinking about something very important. Aria who couldn't endure the silence any longer finally asked Nero [ Why are you staring constantly at Yamato from the last 2 hours ].

" Aria do you know why i couldn't use Yamato and its power as efficiently as Vergil could " Nero instead of answering asked Aria [ Of course it's because you don't have enough strength and experience ]. Nero shook his head at Aria's reply and said " You are wrong only Yamato's upper limit was dependent on its user. Scan Yamato and you will find out that Yamato's power never had any restriction because of the user's experience and strength ".


Martial soul: Yamato

Yamato :- Yamato is a Demon sword which once sealed the passage between the Demon world and the Human world in a different world. Yamato holds the law of separation It can separate any concept, from space to anything the user of yamato could imagine to the extent of the user's power.


" See Yamato never had any restriction on its abilities because of the user's strength or experience. Since killing that Chimera i have been thinking what was it that prevented me from using Yamato to its full extent " Nero stopped and took a deep breath before continuing " I finally found the answer it was me. From the moment I reincarnated into this world i have been hiding my and Yamato's true strength because of fear. I never really tried to use my demon capabilities and Yamato's power just because i had a fear that i would be in danger " Aria was astonished listening to Nero as she never noticed this perhaps she was also in fear because of the incident related to Tang Hao.

Nero closed his eyes and a second later opened them again but this time instead of normal pupils he had demon eyes. " It is absurd isn't it i was trying to continue the legacy of a bloodline with fear which overwhelmed fear itself. Whether it was Sparda who went against his whole race,Vergil who conquered his demon side, Dante who made his own legacy or Nero who changed the definition of the word demon itself with his unique Devil trigger, everyone of them had fear but they didn't let it affect them but overcame it. So, why am i fearing something which isn't even in front of me. Tang Hao, Tang san,Demon plane,etc. none of my enemies even know who i am or where i am so why am i shackling myself with fear and even if they do know what's the point of fearing when i have the power and potential to defeat them ". Iblis who was standing silently opened his eyes and smiled as he knew that his master had made his choice.

" I have already died once with regrets and I don't want to do it again. Perhaps this world's destiny is already surrounded by the walls of my enemy's plans and schemes" Nero stood up while talking and Yamato perhaps sensing Nero's determination flew automatically in his hands " but unfortunately for them i will be the storm shredding those walls into pieces " Nero unsheathed Yamato in a fast slash motion dividing everything around him in two.

*Flashback ends*

[ Although motivational you were a little cringe at the end ] Nero's lips twitched hearing Aria's comment and said inwardly without showing any expression " I just said those words in the heat of moment and they weren't that cringe ". [ Yes they weren't Brother storm ] Nero almost had imaginary black lines on his forehead but fortunately Wu Zhangkong saved him from his embarrassment.

Nero and Wu Zhangkong stared at each other in silence after Nero came out of his thoughts.' Are they gonna fight ' Long hengxu and the staff members thought as neither Wu Zhangkong nor Nero's face showed any emotion. Just when the atmosphere was getting tense Wu Zhangkong and Nero both turned towards the observation screen making everyone else breathe a sigh of relief. " You did...Good " Wu Zhangkong could only say this as there were no other words to describe Nero's performance when he only punched and kicked the Guardian beast. Nero just nodded and focused on the rest of the class zero.

" Are you related to the spirit pagoda " Wu Zhangkong asked Nero with a barely audible voice. " My adoptive Aunt and Grandfather are Leng Yaozhu and Zhou Hongbuo " Wu Zhangkong was slightly surprised although he already knew that Nero was related to someone of high position in Spirit Pagoda but Leng Yaozhu was surely not in his guesses. " If i am not wrong Mr. Zhangkong is from Tang sect right " Nero said nonchantly and without waiting for Wu Zhangkong to reply continued " Your Ghost like movement technique gave it away, others may not recognise Tang sect's famous movement technique but i happened to know some history of Douluo continent ".

Wu Zhangkong didn't have much reaction to this as he already expected someone like Nero to figure his identity out. " You should already know that i am gonna invite Tang wulin and Xie Xie to the Tang sect but you aren't even trying to stop me why? " Nero hearing Wu Zhangkong's query chuckled and said " Why should i stop you everyone has their freedom. Tang Wulin and Xie Xie already know about Spirit Pagoda and if they still prefer Tang sect then who am i to stop them besides i am a kind of a wild card although i am related to Spirit Pagoda but none of the higher members except my aunt and grandpa knows of my existence and if you are confused why i am telling all my information so clearly its because i know Mr Zhangkong's character" Wu Zhangkong was stunned as he didn't expect Nero to know him so thoroughly.

" If you don't mind me asking why is your existence unknown i mean having a monster like you would be every organisation's dream " Wu Zhangkong after a moment of silence asked Nero in confusion . Nero beckoned Wu Zhangkong to lend him his ear. " My father's name is Arlo " Nero whispered in Wu Zhangkong's ears and left the room after seeing that class zero was doing better than the original timeline. Wu Zhangkong froze when he heard Nero's father's name. The rest of the world may not know Arlo but Wu Zhangkong who grew up in Shrek knew what kind of existence Arlo was even though it's been years most of the Shrek members including Wu Zhangkong remembers what kind of storm the man name Arlo made in Shrek college.

Wu Zhangkong only came back to his senses when the spirit pagoda staff asked him to let class zero join the spirit pagoda. " It looks like Shrek college will turn upside down once again " Wu Zhangkong ignored the Spirit pagoda staff and muttered to himself while smiling wryly.


[ Do you trust Wu Zhangkong this much] Aria asked Nero who was wandering around. "Trust, not really I just know what kind of person Wu Zhangkong is, He already knows that the world is not pure black and white and he won't say anything about me not because of trust but because i am harmless to Tang sect and Shrek" Nero laughed hearing the word trust from Aria and clarified the situation. After wandering around a bit more Nero just messaged Wu Zhangkong and went back to school.

The next day, Wukong quizzes class zero on their experience. He first asks why Tang Wulin allowed the spider to make the web field, with Wulin responding that it was to lower its alertness, while also forming a barrier. He also criticizes them, as they let down their guard after absorbing so much energy. He also explains the strength and rarity of the Fear Claw Bear, with it being hunted to near extinction for its spirit bones. Nero saw that Tang wulin was secretly sad for spirit beasts and secretly shook his head as this situation is inevitable. ' The concept of the spirit ring itself would never allow Humans and Spirit beasts to coexist. The Humans are too greedy to leave spirit beasts clan alone and Spirit beasts question the unfairness of Gods when they themselves forgot how they used to suppress Human beings like a group of ants ' Nero thought as he remembered how this never ending loop started.

After the discussion Wu Zhangkong asked everyone in class zero except Nero to fight him. Nero watched the fight from sidelines waiting for the inevitable and sure enough in the middle of the fight Wang jinxi and Zhang Yangzi's martial spirit fusion failed.

Wu Zhangkong seeing them fail asked them to do the Spirit fusion again and the process failed once more. Wu Zhangkong had a guess but to verify it he said to Wang jinxi and Tang wulin " Wulin activate your bloodline and Wang jinxi summon your martial soul " they both did as Wu Zhangkong said. After a few minutes of observing Wu Zhangkong concluded that due to Tang wulin's bloodline influence Wang Jinxi's martial soul was advancing.

" For now you should stop cultivating next to Tang Wulin and you have to make a decision whether to advance your martial soul or maintain the marial spirit fusion with Zhang Yangzi " Wu Zhangkong explained Wang jinxi the cause of mutation and asked him to make a decision in the next few days.

[ Are you gonna interfere] Aria asked Nero who just watched everything from the sidelines. " There is no point in me interfering. My words and advice would only seem mean and emotionless to them and besides everyone should face the consequences of their decision" Nero replied explaining his reasoning.

Four days later Wang jinxi and Zhang Yangzi transferred to another school just like the original timeline. Tang Wulin wasn't as sad as in the original timeline probably because Nero was still there and Wu Zhangkong also educated him about how it wasn't his fault. After everything settled down Wu Zhangkong also commenced the second phase of the Final exam.

Wu Zhangkong led class zero to the outskirts of East sea city which wasn't as crowded and bustling as the central area of the city. Nero was enjoying the scenery of suburbs in silence when Xie Xie's voice brought his attention. " Teacher Wu at least give us a hint about where we are going" Xie Xie asked Wu Zhangkong as he was bored seeing the suburbs. " You will know once we get there" Wu Zhangkong replied in his usual stoic voice. Nero closed his eyes to rest as by the looks of it the test site was still an hour drive away.




Nero opened his eyes and looked out of the window after sensing the vehicle stop. What greeted him was a park filled with greenery and buildings that had a variety of styles. Every single building had its own unique characteristics, but the majority of them were made of metal.

Wu Zhangkong took class zero towards a nameless buliding. Nero wasn't surprised as he knew that the second test site would be in Tang sect building. Nero saw Tang Wulin and Xie Xie gossiping about mecha with stars in their eyes. This brought Nero a nostalgic feeling as he used to discuss anime and other things as a kid in his previous life.

After walking for 5 minutes class zero finally arrived in front of a dark blue building decorated with unique reflective glass.  "Oh, long time no see! It's Eastsea's Little Zhangkong!" the moment Wu Zhangkong touched the door of building a man's amused voice came out.

" Open the door " Wu Zhangkong said in his cold tone. " Now Now don't put up such a cold face you might freeze your students " The voice again replied cracking a lame joke. ' I have intuition that whoever is behind that voice is gonna become a block of ice after we leave ' Nero thought seeing Wu Zhangkong's slightly gloomy eyes

The moment class zero entered the building two circular platforms hovered over, one holding three silver bracelets while other with a dark silver one. " Nero take the dark silver bracelet and you three take the silver one " Wu Zhangkong instructed everyone.

Nero and others nodded and wore their bracelet.

Xie Xie curiously asked, "Teacher Wu, what do these bracelets do?" Wu Zhangkong replied "It's to identify you. If you wear it, you won't be considered an enemy by the defense systems here." Xie Xie and Tang wulin were amazed at the technology. " Nero stay here for a minute and you three keep going forward in the right direction until you encounter a blue room" Tang wulin,Xie Xie and Gu yue nodded and went towards the direction Wu Zhangkong told them to.

" You should have already guessed something about the test. There is a normal test in which the rest of the class zero participated and aside from that there is also an ultimate test which is still at prototype stage although i know that you are most likely gonna say yes but i still want to ask you, Do you want to attempt the test at ultimate level " Wu Zhangkong asked Nero in a serious tone. " Which door" Nero simply asked the direction clearly showing his decision. Wu Zhangkong hearing this just sighed and pointed his finger towards the left door.

After Nero entered the door the voice that greeted Wu Zhangkong at the start once again sounded but with a serious tone this time " You wouldn't usually care for someone this much is he your apprentice or something". Wu Zhangkong stayed silent for a moment and said as if remembering something " No he is not my apprentice but he does remind me of a different path i could have chosen ".
