
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
90 Chs

Iblis (Reuploaded)

After waking up Nero couldn't practice Swordsmanship as he was still a little tired from last night's dream and today he was gonna look for a suitable spirit soul so he didn't want to exhaust myself. While sitting in the soul car Nero was wondering what kind of spirit soul will he get as finding one suitable for Yamato will be hard and there is also the question if his bloodline would have an effect on the spirit soul like Tang wulin had with his spirit soul. [ That most likely will happen as Your bloodline subtly affects every creature regardless of race unlike Tang wulin's bloodline which only worked on Dragon related creatures] Aria stated and fortified Nero's guess.

" Young master we are here " Sebastian's voice brought Nero out of his thoughts as he looked outside of the window and saw a tall building guarded by yellow and purple level mechas which still seemed bloated to him. After clarifying his identity with the mecha guards Nero went inside and headed towards the reception with Sebastian.

After a few minutes of waiting a beautiful blue haired lady greeted them " Welcome to Jade city spirit Pagoda centre, How can i help you sir" she asked in a polite manner "we are here for my young master's first spirit soul" Sebastian replied before Nero could and handed Nero's soul awakening certificate.After checking the information the lady said "Please follow me to the spiritual power assessment room sir" and They followed her.

While walking Nero looked around and there were murals of history some of which he knew and some he didn't when suddenly a specific mural caught his eye it was a mural depicting a group of soul masters headed by a young man with a spear fighting what Nero could describe as demons. The lady after seeing him stop and looking at the mural said " This mural was painted after Atlas Douluo with a team of Titled Douluo fought against the invading army of Demons which i believe belonged to the Demon plane".

' Well i don't fully remember but there was a plot like that in the original book ' Nero thought and went towards the assessment room. The spiritual power assessment room was made up of white marble and in the middle of the room was the spiritual power measuring device which somehow looked like torture device.

" Please sit on the chair sir " the lady instructed Nero and went towards a virtual screen to do some configurations which reminded him he didn't see her status and Aria also didn't show it [That's because i believed it wasn't something important but if you are curious here]


Name: Yang Jiang

Age: 35

Martial soul: Aqua flute

Innate soul power: 7

Rank: 71

soul ring:🟣🟣🟣⚫⚫⚫⚫


" Sir, please remain calm now the measuring device will be fixed on your head and you will feel a bit odd" The lady instructed Nero from where she was standing and the device lowered and covered his head and after a few seconds it left Nero's head. ' The feeling wasn't anything odd maybe for children it is odd ' Nero thought as he didn't feel anything.

As Nero looked towards the lady she had an expression of disbelief over her face and before she could say anything Sebastian handed her a card and her expression returned to normal but Nero could see that she was still shocked. She and Sebastian came towards Nero and handed him the result. ' I see no wonder she had a look of disbelief over her face because my mental power was 349 which was already in the spirit connection realm but why do i have such high mental power ' Nero wondered after seeing his mental power. [ I believe it is due to Demonic-Human physiology it's description doesn't mention it because the boost is not huge as compared to other aspects but it still boost mental power by a lot .The other reason is your perk it removed your limits which also meant faster growth in spiritual power ] stated Aria clarifying his doubts.

" Young master let's choose the spirit soul for you" Sebastian brought Nero out from his thoughts. The lady still seemed to be in shock to say anything else so she nodded her head and gestured to Nero and Sebastian to follow her. Soon They arrived in a room filled with a large number of spheres filled with different kinds of spirit souls. Sebastian and the lady waited while Nero summoned Yamato to look around if there was any soul resonating with him.

Nero saw various thousand year souls such as earth dragons,

emerald birds,ghost tigers there were also some weapon souls but none of them resonated with Yamato . While passing by the 100 year old souls Nero suddenly stopped because he felt something resonating with both his martial soul and sparda bloodline after tracing the source he found himself in front of a spirit soul that looked like a ghostly leopard and its description also said a mutated ghost leopard.

' I know that the description is wrong as the current form of this soul is a disguise due to sparda bloodline i can clearly see that the soul is a demon in shape of a red-eyed leopard with demon horns ,demon wings and shadow smoke trail(photo in comments )but why is a demon here and how come no one was able to find it ' Nero thought as he looked carefully at the demon.[ I believe this soul should be from the demon plane whose only way for survival was to become a spirit soul] Aria hypothesized a possibility.

" Ma'am i would like to buy this spirit soul " Nero finally decided to buy this spirit soul because it was the most suitable for him and it was a combination of V's three familiars. " Sir, would you choose to integrate it now or later " the lady asked Nero to which he replied later in case if his bloodline affected the soul no one would know. After paying 1 million coins Nero and Sebastian left the spirit pagoda.


*Ride-home-no jutsu*


Nero was sitting in his room ready to integrate the spirit soul when he asked " Aria can you check its status" [No it seems like this spirit soul doesn't trust anyone as even the basic information wave which we all emit is suppressed by him] ' well then let's meet our friend ' thinking of this Nero stuck the sphere containing the soul to his forehead and before he could register anything he found myself in his spiritual sea with the soul now in front of him in its real form.

" It's a pleasure to meet you young monarch" the soul kneeled and greeted Nero " Nice to meet you too but why call me monarch" Nero asked curiously " Because your bloodline is something i have never seen before and its something that can crush every demon if fully unleashed " The soul replied, ' So that's why well it makes sense as even though Sparda was a demon knight but his combat power was demon king level and possibly above it ' Nero thought to himself thinking of the Legendary demon knight.

"So, tell me about yourself who are you and why did you become like this" Nero asked the soul after sitting down the soul had a surprised look on his face and before he could say anything Nero satisfied his curiosity "i know you probably wonder why i asked about you rather than completing the integration that's because i know you don't trust anyone and the respect you have for me is because of my bloodline i want you to become my partner because of me not my bloodline"

' After last night's dream i learnt one thing that Vergil became who he was not because of his father's legacy or his blood but because of his efforts. yes they were a crucial factor but not the main reason and if i want to surpass him i have to make sure that the world knows sparda bloodline and yamato because of me not the other way around ' Nero thought remembering the last night's dream.

The demon soul also sat down and told Nero about its past.The soul's name was Iblis and it turns out he was a hybrid of a soul beast and demon.His mother was a 70,000 year old ghost leopard who fell in a space crack and landed on demon plane and his father was a high ranking demon who mated with his mother to suck her vitality and heal himself.

Iblis was born by absorbing all the vitality of her mother who willingly gave it to him not out of love but to switch bodies with him using her special skill because soul beast Survival in demon plane was very hard but fate played a joke on her Iblis's inherent ability was shadow void which made his body appear in a different layer of space the ability is like Kamui but instead of a different realm body goes into a different layer of space. Which made his mother's ability futile.

He survived by hunting every other demon he encountered and as a hybrid the usual demon problems didn't worry him but exactly because of that he had to hide from everyone as his existence was a taboo to whole demon plane and when the demon plane invaded the Douluo star he used his disguise ability to mix in as an ordinary demon and escape after demon army came to douluo star but after knowing the situation of soul beasts in douluo continent he sealed his 80,000 year old cultivation and became a century year old soul so that he will either live for eternity as a soul or find a suitable partner.

"Hmmm let's sign an equal contract and be my partner as my bloodline is not from this world or demon plane so you won't have any problem. Instead of hearing a long speech how about you see for yourself in my journey whether i am trustworthy or not" Nero invited Iblis and extended his hand after a few moments of silence Iblis touched Nero's hand with his paw and said " Very well then i should accompany you in your journey my master" with that the whole spritual realm was covered with a blue light.

Nero opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a yellow spirit ring with purple seeping into it around his body.[ Congratulations on getting the first spirit ring but before checking your status you should check on our new friend] Aria congratulated and advised Nero

"Iblis" Nero whispered as a black smoke escaped from my body and took form but instead of his usual appearance now he was in a more humane form with demonic sharp bones covering his body and a tail with demon scales and smoke all over it ( photo in comments).

"My bloodline was purified by the master's blood and now i can take a human form for combat although i can go back to my former beast form which i prefer to stay in" Iblis said explaining the situation and went back to his old form. " First spirit ability was something i didn't expect but it would be better if i let Miss Aria take over" with that Iblis went back into Nero's body.

[Here is your new status and first spirit skill]


Name: Nero

Age: 6

Martial soul: Yamato

Rank: 13

Bloodline: Sparda

Legacy: The Alpha and The Omega (1st phase available)

Spirit soul: Iblis ( 991 years)



Spirit ring skills

1st spirit ring🟡: Demonic Assault

Demonic Assault: It is a passive ability which activates during combat. It grants Nero the ability to recover demonic-spirit energy,physical strength and mental energy during combat. The initial ability was to recover all the above mentioned things by taking hits but due to Iblis's bloodline purification it evolved

Rate of recovery is proportional to user's attack and spirit ring age.



After the first spirit ability turns red it will have another ability. So, comment what you will like it to be.