
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
90 Chs

East sea academy (Part 1)


Author's note:

I will now write the story in 3rd person POV always as changing POV will only create problems in future chapters. I will also re-upload the previous chapters in 3rd person POV


"clang..clang..clang.." in the middle of a gigantic garden one middle aged man was fighting with a 9 year old boy. The middle aged man was attacking the boy with two crescent blades and the boy used his sword and energy wings to fight him. The middle aged man was Sebastian and the young boy was Nero.

Sebastian attacked Nero with an overhead strike with his vanishing moons Nero was about to raise Yamato to defend myself when he heard another vanishing moon attacking him from behind he quickly threw Yamato in a boomerang motion to deflect it and used his demon wing claws to stop Sebastian's overhead attack at the same time after a moment of stalemate they both jumped backwards and caught their weapons.

" Young master i think we should call it a tie and you have to get ready for your departure to East sea city. Now excuse me as i will pack your belongings and give you time to rest " said Sebastian

withdrawing his martial soul. " Ok Sebastian i will meet you at the breakfast table " Nero replied and took back Yamato, Sebastian bowed and went towards the mansion. 'So it's finally time' thought Nero as it has been 3 years since his martial soul awakened and he still remembers Sebastian's face when he first asked Sebastian to fight with him everyday.



Sebastian was going to make breakfast for his young master when a young voice stopped him from behind " Sebastian are you busy" it was of course Nero who asked him. Sebastian was surprised to see his young master as he would usually practice with his sword. " No young master i was going to make breakfast for you" he replied to his master's query. " Then Sebastian will you please fight me everyday from now on " Sebastian didn't know how to reply as this was the situation he had never encountered or heard about and fighting his master who was a rank 14 soul master with his rank seems bullying. Perhaps understanding Sebastian's silence Nero clarified the situation " i meant with only our martial soul without any spirit power ".

Sebastian agreed as he was also curious about his master's accomplishments in Swordsmanship. After following Nero to the back garden Sebastian summoned his martial soul and thought about going easy on his master but after seeing Nero's stance he put that thought away. The way Nero held his sword didn't make him look like a rookie but someone who is one with his sword which made Sebastian take a serious stance.

Nero dashed towards Sebastian and attacked with a flurry of blows with Yamato's scabbard and a cleaving strike at the end with the blade. Sebastian defended himself using his crescent blades but before he could take a breath Nero punched towards Sebastian's head using his demon wing claws, Sebastian lowered himself to evade the claws and slashed at Nero from both sides but in response Nero quickly changed the attacking posture and grasped the crescent blades using that momentum he backflipped himself in air and followed up with a downward falling attack with Yamato.

Sebastian gathered all his strength into his blades and used the round side of Vanishing moon to catch the falling blade and stop his master's attack. Shock would be an understatement to explain what Sebastian was feeling even though he knew that his young master wasn't any rookie but he didn't expect him to be so accomplished in combat and before he could think about anything else Nero backed off and launched five mirage blades towards him. After coming out of his thoughts Sebastian got ready to parry and evade the incoming mirage blades but to his astonishment they detonated once they came into his vicinity.

Nero watched as the smoke and dust made by the explosion of mirage blades cleared and smiled even though Sebastian was unharmed but his motive was never to defeat or harm Sebastian but make him use his spirit power. " Sebastian i think it's my win as you used spirit power" Nero shouted and declared to Sebastian. Sebastian had a helpless smile on his face as he laughed and said " Yes young master it's your win".

*flashback ends*


Since that day They have been fighting everyday although Nero only managed to make Sebastian use his spirit power a few times. Their relationship also got closer perhaps before Sebastian called Nero young master because of his family and parents but now Sebastian respects Nero because of who he was

Nero looked towards his watch and sure enough there were many things happening on it. " Aria you could have at least said good morning before doing your things" Nero said to his metaphysical friend who was slowly becoming a knowledge addict. [ Well logically speaking you say good morning after waking up but i never sleep and what do you mean by doing my own things i am studying battle armor design and manufacturing because your stupid head will never understand it. I am working so hard and you nag at me instead of complementing me. What kind of friend are you ] 'Sigh! why did i even bother there is no way i am gonna win a fight with her' Nero thought to himself " Ok sorry i shouldn't have said anything now please show me my status" he apologised and requested [ I will let you go this time and here is your status]


Name: Nero

Age: 9

Martial soul: Yamato

Rank: 23

Bloodline: Sparda ( 30% unlocked)

Legacy: The Alpha and The Omega ( 2nd phase available at Rank 40)

Spirit soul: Iblis ( 1980 years old)


Nero was not able to increase Spirit rank much because most of his time went into practicing and increasing Iblis's age but he was still ahead of anyone among his peers.' Let's get ready i don't want to miss my train' Nero thought and went inside the mansion.

After having breakfast Sebastian took Nero to the Jade city train station and while they were waiting Sebastian handed Nero an envelope and said " Young master i know that you are now grown up and you are capable of making your own choices. From what i could observe in the last three years your first preference for joining a force would probably be Spirit Pagoda. It is my request that you take a look inside this envelope before finalizing your decision".

Before Nero could ask him what was inside the envelope the train arrived. [ You should do a proper farewell rather than asking about the letter whatever is inside it we will know once we open it. You won't see him till next year] Aria advised Nero and he took it seriously.

Nero walked towards Sebastian and hugged him.

" Thank you Sebastian for taking care of me, you made sure that i didn't feel lonely in the absence of my parents. I will see you later" Nero said to

Sebastian and subconsciously a few tears came out of Nero's eyes and Sebastian also teared up and said

" No Young master thank you for letting me take care of you, i wasn't able to save Madam or sir this is the only thing i could do for you ". Perhaps they both underestimated how close their bonds really were.




Nero stepped off the train with his backpack and looked around the train station was bustling with the crowd unlike jade city after sightseeing for a few more seconds he found the bus for eastsea academy.

Seeing Nero walking over a brunette girl called out to him. ' Wasn't she the girl who registered Tang wulin in the original work and there is also that boy who was the second person to say waste spirit to a god king first one is of course famous blind douluo ' Nero thought to himself. " Hello i am Liu Yuxin and i am in charge of registering new students can you tell me your information " the girl named Liu Yuxin cheerfully introduced herself and asked Nero.

" My name is Nero , my martial soul is Yamato and spirit rank 23" Nero introduced himself. Liu Yuxin was surprised and a little shocked to hear Nero's spirit rank but she quickly composed herself and asked Nero to get on the bus.

After Nero got on the bus he finally saw Tang wulin the child of luck for the first time. He was as handsome as described in the original book but what caught Nero's attention wasn't Wulin's face but something only he could see with Yamato. ' I see so that's why Tang san put seal on Tang wulin. The golden dragon king core is in symbiosis with Tang wulin and its not a cooperative one but one in which one devours other. The seals stop Golden dragon king's remaining will from devouring Tang wulin and also helps him assimilate Golden dragon king bloodline when he is physically and mentally ready. ' Nero thought after examining Tang wulin. " Aria can you see his status " Nero asked Aria mentally.[ Yes but there is no point as he knows nothing about himself and if i try to look into his information wave then Tang san's divine consciousness will get alerted] Aria answered Nero who also sat on a empty seat and waited for the bus to arrive at academy.