
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
90 Chs

Dominance and The Envelope

It was already night and most of the students were sleeping in their dorms except Nero. He was staring at the envelope given by Sebastian hesitating about whether to open it or not. Seeing Nero's hesitance Ari advised Nero to open after Class 1 competition as that will give him more time to settle things if the envelope has something important. After taking one last look at the envelope Nero sighed and put it back into his storage tool. The next day which was a

weekend passed with Nero doing his usual routine.

Finally the day for the class competition arrived, Nero was already in class before anyone else as he just wanted to get over this quickly. Ye ying luo shortly arrived after the last student and took everybody to a free area for the one-on-one duels. Nero took out most of the students with only his movement and basic combat technique as even though Yamato is Nero's strongest force, the physical strength given by Demonic-Human physiology is no joke. The three victims of Golden dragon king and Ye ying luo had a serious and slightly shocked expression as defeating everyone with Rank 23 without using Martial soul and spirit ring is something none of them could do.

Ye ying luo was going to announce Wang jinxi's next fight when Nero interrupted her and provoked the three GDK victims " Why don't you three fight me together, your martial souls are correlated this might give me some pressure " Wei xiaofeng the most arrogant of the three yelled at Nero " Don't be so arrogant you just defeated some trash without second spirit ring ". " Well let's say i am being arrogant then why don't you beat that out of me and teach me a lesson " Nero further provoked three of them and as expected Wang jinxi, Zhang Yangzi and Wei xiaofeng jumped on stage and summoned their martial souls as no one will tolerate someone looking down on themselves at this age.

Nero also summoned his martial soul and two purple spirit rings which caused a lot of commotion as having a purple spirit soul at this age was something extraordinary. The three GDK victims also took the fight seriously after seeing Nero's spirit ring configuration.

Wei Xiaofeng was first to rush over as an agility spirit master, he tried to attack Nero from various places but Nero evaded them all with ease. Zhang Yangzi used his first spirit ability to control Nero to give Wei Xiaofeng a chance to attack." First spirit ability Shadow descends" "Second spirit ability Snake bite " Wei xiaofeng also activated both spirit ability and went for a critical strike but Nero used light and shadow movement technique to escape Zhang Yangzi's control and stopped Wei Xiaofeng by unbuckling Yamato's sheath (photo in comments).

Nero quickly followed up with a chest strike using Yamato's handle sending Wei Xiaofeng out.

Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi stared at Wei Xiaofeng with wide eyes as they didn't think Nero would eliminate him so easily. Taking advantage of their distraction Nero appeared behind Wang jinxi and punched him with one-third of his full force. Wang jinxi also came to his senses and activated both his spirit ring abilities as it was too late to dodge and taking Nero's punch head on would be disastrous. Nero's punch sent Wang jinxi flying to the other corner of the stage. Wang jinxi was going to fall off the stage when Zhang Yangzi appeared behind Wang jinxi and

stopped him in his tracks. Wang jinxi was mostly unscathed as the second spirit ability which made him avoid 25% physical damage reduced Nero's punch impact and first spirit ability bone claw took the rest of the damage.

"Yangzi let's use spirit fusion" Wang jinxi said to Zhang Yangzi who also nodded his head understanding that there was no other way to compete with Nero. Zhang Yangzi hugged Wang jinxi and a black mist covered them with the sound of eagles and dragons coming out of it. Nero also didn't interfere but still had a weird face as the sound of eagle and dragon sounded like mating, with the disappearance of black mist Wang jinxi body took on a much larger bone dragon appearance. Wang jinxi dashed towards Nero and attacked with a flurry of punches. Nero deflected every punch precisely using Yamato's sheath.

After entertaining Wang jinxi for a few more minutes in hand-to-hand combat Nero decided to end the fight. Nero sent Wang jinxi slithering backwards by making a demonic-spirit energy explosion on Jinxi's chest using his palm and before Wang jinxi could recover Nero surrounded him with Mirage blades. " Don't even think of taking Mirage blades head on or you will face this " Nero warned Wang jinxi and demonstrated the explosion of one mirage blade.

Wang jinxi gritted his teeth and finally gave up. Everyone else in Class 1 was in silence as they were too shocked to say anything. Ye ying luo was the first to come to her senses and clapped in appreciation. The rest of the class also followed after her.

After ending the class Ye ying luo sent everyone back except Nero. " Nero you were exceptional today Class 1 will surely win with you now whom will you like as your teammate i will suggest Wang jinxi and Zhang Yangzi because of their spirit fusion skill " Ye ying luo patted Nero on shoulder in appreciation and asked him for his choice for team members. "Thank you Miss Ye it's an honour to hear this from someone beautiful as you and I would like to fight alone in the competition " Nero first buttered up Ye ying luo and said his opinion. "How can you.. " " Miss Ye i also heard that Mr. Zhangkong rejected someone beautiful like you don't you think it will be the best revenge if his team members got defeated by someone alone. I am also sure that they will make in finals as they have quite unique players " Nero interrupted Ye ying luo and used Wu Zhangkong to persuade her.

Ye ying luo became silent after hearing Wu Zhangkong's name as she still beared a grudge against him thinking of the sweet revenge Ye ying luo agreed to let Nero fight alone and went back to the classroom laughing maniacally. [ How can she not tell that you are just buttering her up and even if you do win, Wu Zhangkong will not feel anything ] Aria commented on the stupidity of Ye ying luo. " Sigh! I know but i had to do it as there was no other way to make her agree with me" Nero sighed remembering the erratic expression of his class teacher when revenge on Wu Zhangkong was mentioned by him.


Nero returned to his dorm after telling Ye ying luo that he will not attend class until the tournament

.After taking a bath Nero was ready to open the envelope as he now had free time. Nero took a deep breath and opened the envelope. It had three items a locket,a key and a small platform like a soul tool.

Nero recognised the locket as he saw it on his mother's neck in one of the photos in his mansion.

" what do you think the key and soul tool is for " Nero asked Aria as these things were her speciality.

[ The key is probably for something your parents left you and this soul tool is somewhat similar to the box with demon wings so i would suggest dropping your blood on it ] . Nero did as Aria said and sure enough after absorbing Nero's blood the soul tool lit up and projection of a man came out of it.

The man looked like he was in his mid thirties had black hair and wore a professional suit. Nero was shocked as the man was none other than his father.

After a few seconds of silence the projection finally spoke " Nero if you are seeing this it means you are already grown up and unfortunately your mom and i are no longer there we could not see your happiness, excitement and many other things. I am sure there are many things you are confused about like your bloodline,the demon wings and especially our death.

I recorded this message because i knew there was very little chance that we would survive. I am not gonna tell you about our death as you are not ready yet but i can tell you the rest." The projection flickered and the scene changed to him sitting in a chair.

" You should have already noticed the demon bloodline within you and it should be confusing how a human like you has a demon bloodline. This happened when the demon plane first invaded Douluo plane your mom just got pregnant at that time, it was such happy times we were practically beaming with joy. Now what am i about to tell you is something no one knows in fact directly invading the Douluo plane was never the actual plane of the royal Demons. While Yun ming and other Titled Douluo were fighting the Demon army i came across

a special demon. That demon wasn't powerful but its hiding ability was something that could fool Gods if it weren't for your mom's martial soul special nature then we would have never found him. From that demon we found about the core seed plan. The core seed was actually the origin of all demons and that special demon was assigned to plant this core seed in a specific coordinate. The core seed's only function was to erode the Whole Douluo star with demonic origin which would have indirectly made every creature alive whether it is humans or soul beasts into demons " pausing for a second as if thinking of something sad Nero's father continued again.

" While I was fighting that demon the core seed automatically attached itself to you we tried everything to remove it but all our efforts were in vain. Nero my child i am sorry as i couldn't stop the seed the only thing i could do was to fuse it with you using my katana's special ability. You will have a hard life because of our carelessness. You possess something that even a God king would envy and the whole demon plane will be against you for that seed. All i can do is pray that you will live a happy life but you won't be alone in your fight as a part of the spirit pagoda will be with you.

The world doesn't know but Spirit Pagoda is not actually as unified as it seems.10,000 years ago Huo Yuhao established Spirit Pagoda to prevent the

unnecessary slaughter of soul beast and make sure that every one in this world can have the right spirit ring but now Spirit Pagoda is nothing like what it was envisioned. There are many people silent in Spirit Pagoda waiting for a chance to change the situation. Your mother and I are probably gonna die because we discovered something that can change the whole mainland situation we know that it is already too late for us so that's why my child we are leaving this legacy to you. After this message ends someone will come to meet you.He is someone who took care of me all my life and even gave up his arm to save me. Nero the only thing i can say to you is that you were our treasure and we loved you." the projection disappeared after flickering for a while. Nero sat in daze while tears were running down his face.