
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
90 Chs

Class Zero vs Nero

The results that followed weren't contrary to Wu Zhangkong's expectations as there weren't any major changes in class zero's physical strength except the two anomalies. Tang wulin and Nero both had a slight boost in their numbers but it was nothing of note except to Xu Xiaoyan who was standing with a lifeless look in her eyes. She didn't even know what to say as Nero and Tang Wulin shattered all her conceptions about human limits.

In that moment, Xu Xiaoyan remembered the words Nero said to her during their first encounter. Xu Xiaoyan felt a hand on her shoulder that snapped her back to reality. She turned around to find that it was Xie Xie with a look in his eyes that said ' Don't worry, You're not alone in being surprised by this. We all had the same reaction. '.

Next was the spiritual test, Xie Xie's spiritual power got raised by 14 points depicting that he definitely had improvement and Xu Xiaoyan whose strongest point lied in spiritual power barely outshone Xie Xie with 68 points. She was also not at fault here when the compared individuals are Dragons and Demons.

Tang Wulin's turn came next, his results leaving everyone flabbergasted even Nero raised an eyebrow in mild surprise. "264 points?" Xie Xie exclaimed, reading the number displayed on the screen with a mixture of disbelief and confusion. "Teacher Wu, is there a glitch with the machine?" Xie Xie questioned, his gaze fixed on Tang Wulin, who went straight from not even approaching elemntary spirit connection realm to almost the cusp of advanced spirit connection realm.

Nero regained his composure as he understood that Tang Wulin should have gone into the Intermediate spirit ascension platform with Wu Zhangkong. Nero found no fault with Wu Zhangkong showing special favorability to Tang Wulin after all he was the only one Class Zero who can entirely stay connected to Shrek and Tang Sect unlike him or Gu Yue. The female Tyrannosaurus results surpassed Tang wulin by 50 points, Nero wasn't surprised as he knew that the million year old lovesick dragon would try to outdo Tang Wulin.

Next was Nero's turn, his results didn't made any wave amongst everyone not because they were too ordinary on the contrary it was because expressions were stripped out of everyone's face seeing Nero's beyond human spiritual power which was at 2450 points.

Xu Xiaoyan who finally understood what kind of monsters Class Zero raised her hand and decided to tell her greatest secret "Teacher Wu, I want to retest my spiritual power during the night." Wu Zhangkong shifted his gaze toward her and asked "Does your spiritual power change at night?" "Yes." Xu Xiaoyan affirmed with a nod and clarified " Actually my martial soul is Star ice wheel staff but due to insufficient star origin I can only display the star power at night."

" Alright, Assemble here again at night you all will be fighting Nero for the combat test " hearing that they were going to fight Nero, Xie Xie, Tang Wulin and Gu yue all looked at Nero with solemn look. Nero facing everyone's gaze just smiled as for whether that smile was mocking or supportive is unknown.




Using Yamato as a support Nero was standing in the middle of the dimly lit training room waiting for class zero. " Tap..Tap..Tap.. " hearing the footsteps coming Nero opened his eyes meeting the resolute gaze of Tang Wulin, Xie Xie and Gu yue . Long Hengxu and Wu Zhangkong were also standing at a distance to watch the confrontation.

" Start " as soon as Wu Zhangkong said start Tang Wulin summoned Blue silver grass which was shining with golden brilliance due to his 1000 years old spirit soul and bonded everyone on his side together by a Blue silver grass link to make sure they don't get separated like last time. Facing the caution of Class Zero, Nero just unfolded his demon eyes and let out Iblis who was holding his whip sword in Greatsword form. Wu Zhangkong narrowed his eyes at Nero as unlike in previous fights where Nero would show at least some emotion this time his eyes only contained calmness.

Xu Xiaoyan was the first to act as she immediately conjured a spinning ice wheel in front of Class zero while Gu yue followed the suit by surrounding the ice wheel in wind blades and ice icicles. This combination resulted in an extremely fast wide range attack at Nero, Class Zero expected Nero to dodge and appear on their anticipated positions as he wouldn't be able to summon enough mirage blades to resist the attack but unfortunately they never took account of the unique sword in Iblis's hand.

Iblis stepped forward and swinged his sword at the incoming attack. Everyone was confused as what will a Greatsword do against a wide range attack but the next scene made their eyeballs almost pop out as Iblis's Greatsword elongated like chain from depths of hell. Mini tornadoes were created as Iblis swung his centipede like sword at an extremely fast pace and solved the combined attack of Gu yue and Xu Xiaoyan.

" Guys, focus! " seeing his companions lapse of concentration at Iblis unusual attack Tang Wulin shouted as the fight was only beginning. Xie Xie wasted no time and immediately sped towards Iblis while initiating his second spirit ability of both martial souls at the same time. Iblis also confronted Xie Xie as Nero mentally ordered him to keep Xie Xie occupied until they get close to Xu Xiaoyan. Gu yue fired wind enhanced fireballs accompanied by Ice lances at Nero.

Facing Gu yue's attack Nero remained unmoved and was standing like a statue. Just when the fireballs were about to hit Nero, a series of rapid flashes materialized exploding all of the fireballs with Nero immediately appearing in amidst of the ice lances. " Whoosh..Whoosh..whoosh.." Nero caught the ice lances using his demon wings and launched them back towards Tang wulin and Gu yue at even greater speed. Tang Wulin utilized his Blue silver grass to make a protective barrier while reminding the stupefied Gu yue to teleport them away.

Nero smiled seeing their stunned expression as what just happened was due to his ' concentration ' trait. When the fireballs were about to hit Nero, he summoned a clone afterimage with the sole intent of slashing and used his movement technique at the same time to appear amidst the ice lances. So, although it seems like Nero slashed those fireballs but in reality, it was Nero's clone who did it. This feat would have been usually difficult to achieve but Nero was able to execute it because he learned to use all his focus and intent at an instant.

Nero immediately sensed the place where Gu yue was about to teleport to and disappeared from his place. " Bang! " as soon as Tang Wulin emerged from the teleportation light a wolf like fist punched him on the face sending him and Gu yue flying towards Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan. Nero and Iblis as if having a connection immediately appeared at the same place and prepared to end everything in one strike but suddenly a star like chain restrained them making their actions a little slower for a second allowing Class zero to escape the defeat.

Nero looked at Xu Xiaoyan as she was the only one capable of doing this. Class zero arranged themselves in a different formation as they realized that they were not the only one with improvements during the vacation. Gu yue flew into the air while Tang Wulin and Xie Xie dashed towards Nero with Xu Xiaoyan supporting them from long range. Iblis disappeared from his place and attacked Gu yue and Xu Xiaoyan as only his shadow void could deal with Star wheel ice staff's restricting power. " Clang! " Nero used Yamato's sheath to block Xie Xie's dagger assault from behind and With a fluid motion unsheathed Yamato intercepting Wulin's fierce dragon claw strike aimed at tearing him apart from the front. " Bang! " Xie Xie and Tang Wulin were sent flying as Nero directed a split kick { classic Uchiha kick } to their faces. Tang Wulin and Xie Xie were going to attack Nero again after standing up but found themselves encircled by ring of Mirage blades with the swords pointing towards them. " Xie Xie and Wulin out! " Wu Zhangkong voice came as even he knew what would happen if all the mirage blades exploded.

" Master the dragon's attack is coming " Iblis appeared beside Nero and whispered to Nero. " Ok, You can go back " Nero nodded and said as looking at Xu Xiaoyan's pale face it became obvious that Iblis has done his job in hollowing her spirit energy. In front of Gu yue an arrow composed of various elemental energies was spinning at a very terrifying rate and by the sheer force it was exhibiting even a Soul Ancestor wouldn't survive its onslaught. " Whoooosh " the arrow hurtled towards Nero at an extremely frightening pace. Nero in response drew Yamato from its sheath, delivering a demonic-spirit energy infused slash with tremendous speed.

The surroundings were enveloped in a terrifying elemental storm as Nero's slash tore through the arrow like a paper. As the smoke caused by the elemental storm dissipated, the aftermath of the explosion was finally revealed. Nero was unscathed due to his Demon wings and at the very last second Tang Wulin appeared in front of Gu yue withstanding the bombardment of the elemental storm for her using his dragon claws and Blue silver grass.

Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan who already left the stage the moment Gu yue fired her attack also hurried towards Tang Wulin to check if he was all right. " I am fine, just a little tired " Tang Wulin assured his friends while pointing towards his claw indicating that he was not fatally injured. " You did good, Let me help with the minor injuries " Nero also appeared and complemented Tang Wulin while healing him using his Demon wing's ability.

" Welcome to class zero, You proved your worth if it weren't for your star chains then they would have already lost at the very beginning" after healing Wulin Nero turned towards Xu Xiaoyan and initiated a handshake clearly approving her performance. Xu Xiaoyan was stunned hearing Nero's praise as according to her she only dragged everyone, " Nero is right you brought us back from the verge of early loss " hearing others also completing her Xu Xiaoyan accepted the handshake.

Seeing Class zero bonding Wu Zhangkong who was watching from distance also showed a smile. Long hengxu who came out of his stupor from class zero's performance also came near Wu Zhangkong.

"I now have more confidence in your class," Long Hengxu admitted with sincerity. "I'm certain I can convince the president to allocate more resources for you. Teacher Wu, is there anything specific you need?"

Wu Zhangkong replied, his tone measured, "The children could benefit from a more nutritious diet. Proper nutrients are crucial at their age. The martial soul is an extension of the body, and it requires adequate nourishment."

Long Hengxu agreed, nodding. "I'll communicate this to the president. But remember, Teacher Wu, the president is under significant pressure due to Class Zero. Just the expenses for access to the spirit ascension platform have been astronomical. Fortunately, things have been successful thus far; you've even managed to train someone as exceptional as Nero and Tang Wulin. But what the academy truly seeks is prestige. You understand, right? The academy wants your students to participate in the Skysea Alliance Tournament. Be prepared for it. Even if they don't secure top placements, they must captivate the audience and bring honor to the academy. The goal is to achieve the Outstanding Newcomer Award or the Outstanding Newcomer Group Award."

"The Skysea Alliance Tournament?" Wu Zhangkong's eyes glinted with comprehension, and he nodded without hesitation. "I have no objections to fulfilling their request."

Long Hengxu looked at Wu Zhangkong in surprise. He had anticipated resistance, considering the students were merely ten years old, yet Wu Zhangkong agreed readily.

Wu Zhangkong continued, "The most effective way to toughen someone is through actual combat. So far, they've concentrated solely on cultivation, lacking in practical combat experience. This presents a valuable opportunity to address that deficiency."

Long hengxu erupted in excitement "Fantastic! I was concerned you might object. I'll immediately communicate this decision. I assure you—until the Skysea Alliance Tournament commences, your meals will rival those at Shrek Academy! This time, the academy is committed to investing fully."

After agreeing to let class Zero participate in Skysea Alliance Tournament Wu Zhangkong lectured Class Zero on their shortcomings and what they should focus on. " I was thinking of fighting with all of you to really test your progress but looks like there won't be any need for that as you all seem ready for Skysea Alliance Tournament" everyone except Nero had sweat coming out of their foreheads when they heard Wu Zhangkong mention fighting.

" Skysea Alliance Tournament ? " Tang Wulin said in confusion as he didn't know what it was.
