
Douluo Dalu 3 | Divine Destruction

The Golden Dragon King was a being of pure destruction and chaos, a dragon of madness whose own power corrupted its sanity. Eventually, its tyrannical strength couldn’t endure the waves of damage caused by his greed. He was defeated. After his death, the Golden Dragon’s power was granted to a newborn child, a child with memories of another world.

TrapLover · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
107 Chs

Premonition of Disaster

"Boss?!" Xie Xie shouted in surprise upon seeing Wulin come down the stairs with Gu Yuena who had apparently not gone to the bathroom. He did briefly think he felt space move earlier but apparently, he wasn't mistaken.

"Run. Registration is nearly over." Coldly instructing the boy as always, Wu Zhangkong was not surprised when Wulin disappeared from view in the blink of an eye. No, that wasn't completely true. In reality, he was surprised that Wulin hadn't moved faster than he could react too.

The Golden Dragon King, the God of Devils, the Absolute Darkness, the first Slayer of FUG, and plenty of more titles could be attributed to him. Wu Zhangkong did feel regretful that he was left in the dark but ultimately it was only natural that this happened. 

It was actually quite endearing that Gu Yuena had told him at all even if it was somewhat forced in the end. The fact that he had been trusted with a secret such as this was a show of trust that he could never repay. If their identities were revealed they'd be the world's number one enemy and yet they had confided in him. That was no light responsibility.

"He woke up? About time." Clicking her tongue in mock annoyance, Mu Xi made a show of shaking her head despite the smirk on her face. It was a shame that she hadn't been taught for over five months but there wasn't much to be done about it.

"How strong is he?" Turning toward the one who always knew him the best Xie Xie didn't beat around the bush. Holding a finger to her chin Gu Yuena didn't exactly know how to respond to that since it was a bit contrived.

Wulin was physically a lower end Title Douluo at |Level 1| but in terms of actual power, he was around rank 95. All of that was due to the main bonus of this entire event, his increased control of annihilation. She wouldn't say it was as good as the Dragon God but Wulin compared his control to that of the God of Destruction. He did admit defeat quickly though.

"Strong enough." Teasingly responding with her finger on her lip Gu Yuena decided to not make any concrete answers, especially since their previous talk. Before arriving they had a short conversation about him limiting himself.

Until now he was always using the most blood essence he could at any given moment which was by no means a bad thing but it wasn't wise anymore. A child with a cultivation of fifty was absurd but acceptable with enough discussion due to his weak energy but any further was not.

That's why they had decided to add a new limit, a self imposed restriction to limit his absurd power. He would now have a |Level 0| that would limit him to the power of a new spirit emperor and no further. It was his previous level so nobody would raise a brow at it and he could live relatively uninhibited.

"What kind of answer is that?" Groaning in disappointment Xie Xie turned away with a click of his tongue. Gu Yuena was unexpectedly shrewd so if she didn't want to say there was almost no way to force it out of her. Who knows, maybe her boyfriend could manage it~.

"Is he aware?" Interrupting their conversation, Wu Zhangkong's golden eyes were locked onto her, the rhythmic tapping of his shoulder alerting her to his nervousness. It wasn't the fear of somebody learning something they shouldn't but rather the fear of being disliked by the other party. It was almost parental in a way.

"A little and he didn't seem to mind. He trusts you, you know." Smiling in amusement Gu Yuena chose to ignore the minute sigh of relief that escaped their teacher. Looking behind her she was just in time to catch her other half to return to her side.

"Boss! How strong are you now?" Immediately questioning Wulin upon his arrival Xie Xie didn't hide the curiosity in his eyes. Even if Gu Yuena didn't tell him he might be able to pull it out of Wulin with enough effort!

"Didn't Gu Yuena answer you?" Lazily responding to his inquiry Wulin moved past Xie Xie and ignored the oncoming fight between him and Mu Xie. Handing over his schedule to their teacher he took a seat beside his other half, content with watching until his battle came.

He was still a little out of it from his memories being read and his awakening meditation ending so he found himself resting his head on his other half's shoulder. It was oddly comfortable though Wulin could never explain the reason.

"Come on boss~!" Pleading with the reclining Wulin whose eyes were closed Xie Xie begged and pleaded with no result. Wulin was too focused to be paying attention to him, his mind completely consumed by…

"Shhh. He's sleeping." Placing the soft digit on her lips Gu Yuena smiled endearingly, a face reserved for Wulin, as she slowly ran her hand through his crimson hair amidst Xu Xiaoyan's squeal of glee. Wulin was strong both physically and mentally but he worked himself much too hard. 

Even five months of rest wasn't enough for him, he deserved this little cat nap. Or dragon nap in this case. It would be shorter than Gu Yuena would like considering his upcoming battle but there was little to be done. He wasn't one to waste much time sleeping.

"Xie Xie. Your battle is next, prepare yourself. Mu Xi. The blacksmithing competition starts soon so get ready for that as well." Dishing out orders without a change in expression Wu Zhangkong had only one goal for this year's Skysea Tournament, to dominate.

This school would ultimately be a shackle for the children's future if there was no change in the situation. If they didn't do something to prove the effect of the school's teachings to prove that they were good the school would desperately clutch the children's thighs for years.

It would be solved eventually whether it be breaking numerous records, climbing the ranks of Shrek, and eventually making their name known far and wide. That didn't even include the true identities or goals of his two children— ahem. Students.

However, it was always best to sever chains early and this was no exception. The less chance the school has to make excuses and drag the issue on the better. And besides, winning the Skysea Tournament in a landslide should be more than enough publicity for them.

"Xie Xie. Crush them." That cold command cemented the first victory of Eastsea Academy's junior team, the first of many. It was the start of a legend that would be spread throughout the ages, a story that would reach all corners of the world for centuries to come.

It was the first move of two forces of light and dark.


Hey there, hope you liked the chapter.

Those last few sentences were ominous huh? I wonder what that could mean. By the way, fair warning, this next arc has been pretty heavily inspired by another ff on this site. I'm not going to name which one, but it should be obvious by the end of it. Everything isn't the same obviously but I did steal the broad idea so I thought I should mention it.

If you want more chapters, head to patre*on.com/TrapOverlord for up to 25 extra chapters. It isn't required but it'd be much appreciated.

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