
Chapter 146

"By the way, Yuhao, your first soul skill is spiritual detection sharing." Qiu Bai said to Huo Yuhao as if he remembered something.

"Yeah, what's wrong." Huo Yuhao noddéd.

"Can you take it apart just for spiritual sharing, and share what you see with me and Dean Yan?" Qiu Bai smiled and said to Huo Yuhao. The so-called first soul skill ―spiritual detection sharing by Huo Yuhao he knows is a combination of the two soul skills, spiritual detection and spiritual sharing, given to him by Daydream Ice Silkworm. Since they are originally two soul skills, it is of course possible to use only spiritual sharing. .

"Ai, it should be possible, I will try you all and don't resist." Huo Yuhao was stunned after hearing Qiu Bai's words. He said that his soul skill was spiritual detection sharing, but in fact it was Two skills. He almost always uses these two skills together. For spiritual detection, he often uses them alone, but he has never used spiritual sharing alone, because if there is no spiritual detection, spiritual sharing What other people see is what his eyes see, without any meaning . But now this is an excellent time to use spiritual sharing.

A crystal clear white spirit ring rose under Huo Yuhao's feet, Qiu Bai and Yan Shaozhe felt a strange spiritual power invaded their brains at the same time, but they did not resist, and then Heavenly Cold The situation of Ma Xiaotao in the Bead array appeared in their minds like a movie.

"It's a magical soul skill, didn't expect an ordinary 10 Year Spirit Ring to produce this magical soul skill. It is indeed a rare Spiritual Variant Spirit." First time feeling Huo Yan Shaozhe of Yuhao soul skill can't help but sigh about its magic.

"You're over the top." Huo Yuhao scratched his head and said a little embarrassed. Although his soul skill has been praised by many people, the person in front of him is Dean of Shrek Academy martial spirit. A Titled Douluo powerhouse, being exposed by such a person, Huo Yuhao, is also a little sincere.

Then the three of them put their minds on Ma Xiaotao's body. Now Ma Xiaotao in the array is wrapped in a strange black flame. Although the whole body is wrapped in flames, Ma Xiaotao's head is above his neck. The part of the flame is extremely rare, Ma Xiaotao's face can be clearly seen through the flame. At this moment, Ma Xiaotao brows tightly frowns, the long eyelashes on the closed eyes are trembling, and the teeth on the top and bottom of the mouth are clenched tightly. It is not difficult to see from the expression that Ma Xiaotao is very painful at the moment, but he still remains conscious. Due to the suppression of the extremely low temperature environment caused by the snowstorm environment in the array and Ma Xiaotao's own control, although Ma Xiaotao's martial spirit has begun to develop in the direction of darkness,Its progress is very slow. At this time, there was a faint red light on Ma Xiaotao's lower abdomen that kept flickering. That red light was the Spirit Flame Phoenix Blood Pill that Ma Xiaotao took. Now Ma Xiaotao is refining its medical power.

"How is Xiaotao doing now?" Yan Shaozhe asked Qiu Bai. Although he can see Ma Xiaotao's condition now, he can only see that Ma Xiaotao is in pain at this time, and it's hard to say anything else.

"It's going well now. Due to the environmental suppression caused by the array and the senior sister's own suppression, her spirit evolution has been curbed, as long as she fully absorbs the phoenix contained in the medicinal power of the refining pill. bloodline, the martial spirit will completely evolve towards the fire attribute." Qiu Bai looked at the current state of Ma Xiaotao replied.

"Really?" Yan Shaozhe noddéd, again focusing his attention on the image of Ma Xiaotao in his mind. His face was very grim, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

Under the gazes of the three people, Ma Xiaotao's spirit evolution process was going on slowly, time passed slowly, about two hours had passed, at this time Ma Xiaotao's body was in flames. The color is divided into two colors, one is a black flame with a sinister and strange breath; the other is a pure and hot scarlet flame. The strange black flame still wraps around Ma Xiaotao's body, but in Ma Xiaotao's dantian position, the scarlet flame firmly occupies this position and fights against the black flame and continues to expand.

At this time, the pill's medicinal power has begun to exert its effect, and the evil fire in Ma Xiaotao's body is being purified little by little. But now Ma Xiaotao's state is really not optimistic. At this time, her pretty face was flushed red. Due to the impact of the two forces, she was extremely painful, and the facial features on her face were twisted together due to the pain.

Qiu Bai's face became a little serious when he saw Ma Xiaotao's condition. Now Ma Xiaotao's condition is not very good, but according to this situation, pill has been refined for a large part. , it won't take too long for the medicinal power in pill to be completely refined, then the evil fire in Ma Xiaotao's martial spirit will be cleared and her pain will be alleviated.

About one hour later, the scarlet red flame on Ma Xiaotao's body has occupied most of Ma Xiaotao's body, leaving only a part of the black flame still struggling on whilst at death's door's resistance. Just when Qiu Bai thought that everything would continue smoothly, suddenly "hmph!" Ma Xiaotao let out a muffled sound, and the evil fire on her body suddenly became agitated, and it moved towards the body occupying Ma Xiaotao's body. Part of the scarlet red flame launched a frantic counterattack.

"Fuck, it's all to this extent, eldest sister, you can't lose the chain at the critical moment." Qiu Bai, who saw this situation, couldn't help but say, seeing that the pill was about to finish the refining , Don't you have an accident at this juncture.

"Qiu Bai, what's going on?" Yan Shaozhe saw the complexion changed after seeing Ma Xiaotao's situation. After hearing Qiu Bai's words, Yan Shaozhe couldn't help but be more anxious.

"Senior sister seems to be unable to hold on." Qiu Bai replied.

"What should I do then?" Yan Shaozhe became more anxious.

"What else can I do? This situation can only depend on the senior sister." Qiu Bai spread his hands and replied.

"Isn't there any way to help him from outside?" Yan Shaozhe asked anxiously.

Hearing what Yan Shaozhe said, Qiu Bai seemed to be stunned for a moment.

"You have a way to help Xiaotao, right? Come on!" Seeing Qiu Bai's expression, Yan Shaozhe could see it too, this kid obviously has a way.

"I have something to help senior sister, but…" Qiu Bai said in a low voice, but suddenly stopped halfway through.

"But what!" Yan Shaozhe shouted directly, unable to bear Qiu Bai's half-sentence.

"But this thing is very rare and can only be used once…" Qiu Bai said slowly.

"Add another 100,000 Year Spirit Ring." Yan Shaozhe said very simply, if something happens to Ma Xiaotao in this situation, it will be the loss of the entire Shrek Academy, so no matter what it is , as long as you can help Ma Xiaotao as much as you can.

"Deal!" Qiu Bai said very simply after hearing Yan Shaozhe's words.