
DOULUO DALU 2: Legend Of Zhu Tianmeng

10,000 thousand years after Tang San and The others ascended Many Things happened The God of Chaos and The Goddess of speed decided to send their 1st son in the Douluo Dalu World as the war in the god realm is still raging on He was named Zhu Tianmeng and this is his story

Lockedkid69 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 8: Holiday

8 months later

Everyone is excited about the upcoming Holiday, after a year of hard work Tian Meng Broke through to level 60 he was the youngest spirit master who did this in the whole history of shrek academy 13 year old rank 60, Bing Bing is just behing him now she is rank 55

Before the class ended Teacher Zhu Yi announced that when they returned they will habe their advancement test, everyone will face a spirit beast with a minumum age of 100 years old, and those who will score 80 and lower will be expelled also if your score was within the 20 lowest scores then you will be expelled too

"Are we going to participate too teacher Zhu?" Bing Bing asked

"Ofcourse no one is excempted for this" She answered

After that class everyone prepared to go home, After meeting Xiao Tao, Bing Bing and Tian Meng headed to Stardou Forest, they will for a spirit beast who can be Tian Meng's 6th spirit ring on his burger, after that they will go to the extreme north, Tian Meng said that he wants to try and absorb a 100,000 year old spirit ring for his 6th ring and try if the Grand mist pill can still upgrade 100,000 years old spirit rings

"If you want we can head near my past territory, there is an evil spirit beast their who was once my rival, but after we he lost to me his cultivation became a lot slower" Bing Bing said

"Oh what kind of spirit beast is that?" Tian Meng asked

"A 340,000 years old 8 winged wyvern" Bing Bing Said

"A wyvern? Those are dragons relayive right?" Tian meng said as they headed to the gate of shrek city

"Yes, he has a very powerfull skill called Ultimate Ice Extinction Ray, even the Ice Devil Titan the weakest king out of us 3, didnt want to fight him, If we can defeat him and you can absorb his spirit ring and obtain his spirit bone, then you will definitely get his Ultimate Ice Extinction ray" Bimg Bing said

Tian Meng became excited when he heard about it, he was confident that with the two of them, they can take down that wyvern, and if he absorbs a 340,000 years old spirit ring and the Grand Mist pill upgraded it 1,000 times then it will be a 340,000,000 years old spirit ring, just what kind of strength will he get if that really happens

"Bing Bing, Imagine it, a 340 million years old spirit ring, thinking about it makes me crazy" Tian Meng said with a smile

"I know, I thought about it last night, if that can really happen then you will be the strongest prodigy that was ever recorded in history" Bing Bing said

"But we must be carefull okay? Lets head to Stardou forest first there are reports about a hundred thousand year old spirit beast rioting there in the outer region of the forest" Tian Meng said

"Mu Lao said that it will be good if you can add its ring to your burger, Even Xuan Lao agreed to it" Bing Bing said

"But they didnt said anyghing about that beast at all, they are too stingy about the information those 2 grandpas are really something" Tian Meng said, with that the two travelled throughout the night

3 days after

Great Stardou Forest

When the two arrived at the stardou forest the spirit beast in the area are having a riot, the spirit beast who are weaker than the others are getting trampled down by the bigger spirit beast who are running away from the inner part of the forest

Tian Meng and Bing Bing are moving high in the trees to avoid them after a while they saw a giant rhino rampaging inside the forest it was battling a giant gold bear who was backed up by a lot of swans

"White Rhino, this day we will definitely eliminate you,you have killed too much of our younger generation, The Beast God deemed you unforgivable" The Giant Gold Bear said

"Do you know this beast god their talkinh about?" Tian Meng asked Bing Bing

"I onlh heard his name a few times but I never met him before" Bing Bing said after all the Stardou forest is far from the Extreme north

"Lets see if we can talk to them" Tian Meng said and he quickly disappeared, Bing Bing was going to stop him but she didnt make it

"That Idiot!!!" She said then she dashed out too

"Uhm Hello!" Tian Meng said when he appeared close where the beasts are

"Human?" The bear said

"Uhm hello excuse me to interupt you but can you let me kill him?" Tian Meng said as he pointed at the White Rhino

After he said that the whole forest became silent and after a while the Rhino and the Bear laughed

"Hey stop laughing, What do you think Mr. Bear?" Tian Meng said, then Bing Bing arrived beside him

"You big idiot I told you to wait for me" she said

"Human do you know what you are talking, you want to kill me, a 120,000 year old White Giant Rhino? You must be dreaming!" The rhino said

"Oh so you are a 120,000 year old, good, you see I recently broke through to level 60 and my 2nd spirit needs a suitable ring, and you barely pass it" Tian Meng said

"Human kid just stay away, this is a matter of stardou forest" the Golden bear said, then Tian Meng saw something that surprised him

He walked towards where the Jade Swans are standing and he pointed at the one who have a Crown on its head

"You look stronger than that bear sister swan, we can talk about this, you see I really needed that spirit ring can you do me a favor, just this once, I promise I'll owe you one" He said, the Golden bear was surprised and at the same time he was angry

"Brother Bear, dont get angry" The Jade swan said and she transformed into her human form which surprised Tian Meng even Bing Bing was shocked if this beast can transform into a human form and beast form freely then its cultivation must be passed 400,000 years old

"You looked surprised little brother" the lady said

"You see big sister, I already have a little phoenix and Bing Bing in the house, if you want to come with me then you should say it earlier dont transform into human form" Tian Meng said, the lady laughed when she heard it then she looked at Bing Bing and she smiled

"She must be Bing Bing right, dont worry little brother I wont come with you, you said that you want this Rhino's spirit beast right? I'll give a chance, kill him in an hour, and we will give you his spirit ring and spirit bone" she said seriously

"Thank you big sister, rest assured I'll do my best" Tian Meng said and with that the Golden bear step backed and Tian Meng faced the rhino

"Do you need my help?" Bing Bing said

"No need, you can relax and just watch" Tian Meng said, Bing Bing retreated quickly and the lady approached her

"You must have a lot of confidence on him to aggree, to fight him alone" She said

"You must be the Jade Swan Empress, Bi Ji,right? I'm the former Ice Scorpion Emperor" Bing Bing said this time the one surprised was the lady

The battle between Tian Meng and the white rhino started, when Tian Meng summoned his burger, the spirit beast in the vicinity got scared 1 purple, 2 black 2 red

"White Rhino, You will be the 6th spirit ring of my burger" Tian Meng said

"Tipled layer yummy burger!" The 5th spirit ring of Tian Meng light up, then a burger with 3 layers of patty was made, he quickly ate it and his body started to become blurry and distorted

"Huh what a weak concealment skill!" The rhino said then rammed at Tian Meng, Tian meng didnt do anything at all, he let the rhino attacked him, then the rhino's attack just got through Tian Meng's body

"This battle is done,Tian Meng got serious" Bing Bing said , that was Tian Meng's 5th ring skill, the burger of Intangibility, and anyone who ate this burger will have his/her body not corporeal for 10 minutes straight

"Now its time, big sister all of you should step back at least a 100 meters away from here" Tian Meng said, the lady quickly ordered everyone to retreat

"Now I can go all out on you" He said as he summoned his sword, the temperature around 100 meters suddenly dropped in a blink of an eye everything became frozen in eyes

"Void steps,Thousand Sonic slash" Tian Meng said as he appeared in the front of the Rhino, the white rhino started to freeze and as his last attempt of attack he tried to bite Tian Meng but his attack just passed on his body

When Tian Meng thousand sonic slash reached the body of the rhino he was cut down to thousand pieces of ice cubes, only his head was remained intact inside the ice

The spirit beast around became terrified, as the one tormenting them for a long time was killed in just a few minutes

A red spirit ring came out and a spirit bone come out too, it was a right arm spirit bone

"Oh what a good spirit bone" Tian Meng said, Bing Bing arrived near him and said

"You can start absorbing the ring, I'll guard you, dont worry, I already talked with the big sister"

"Thank you then" Tian Meng said then he summoned his burger and started absorbing the ring

Bi Ji, and the Golden Bear approached them

"I see what you liked about him, he is very strong" Bi Ji said

"Thats what I thought when I saw his sword, but when I got to know him more, even without his spirit essence if we met that time, I will definitely stay with him too" Bing Bing said with a caring smile

"After all, he never treated me as a monster, the looked he gave me that time was not fear or disgust, it was full of admiration and concern" She added

"He even wants to give me the meat of a thousand year old spirit beast that time, this guy is a big idiot" Bing Bing said, the Lady laughed when she heard it, then she looked at Bing Bing

"You should cherish him as much as he cherish you, this kid has a pure heart, thats why I didnt felt anything at all when he came towards me, and besides that, he really cared for you too, I wish I can find a guy that will take care of me too" She said as she laughed, Bing Bing blushed but she nodded

"I should not say it but I think I saw his face before, or someone he looked alike, its just that that man's hair is red like flame, and he got red eyes too, now that I came close to him and looked at his face carefully, he really resembles that man!" Bi Ji said as she took a step back she was shocked then she remembered that scene ten thousand years ago