
DOULUO DALU 2: Legend Of Zhu Tianmeng

10,000 thousand years after Tang San and The others ascended Many Things happened The God of Chaos and The Goddess of speed decided to send their 1st son in the Douluo Dalu World as the war in the god realm is still raging on He was named Zhu Tianmeng and this is his story

Lockedkid69 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 22: Spirit Fusions

The battle between Luo Chen and Xioa Meng ended quickly, just like Tian Meng said, Xiao Meng's poison didnt worked at Luo Chen, and in the end Luo Chen freezed her and she won easily, now the score is 5-3 in favor of Sun Moon Kingdom

The next battle is 3v3 battles, Luo Chen Dai Yao Chen And Sanshi entered the arena, The others cant participate the match, they are poisoned after all, right now they are trying to cure the poison

The sun moon kingdom sent out their team captain together with two long range soul weapon users

"The enemy are tiring them out, looks like the next battles will decide this match" Tian Meng said

In the end, Luo Chen gave her all in the match, the three of them are exhausted but they still wom the fight, then Xiao Xiao, He Caitou and Chen Zai Feng entered next, Xiao Hong Chen entered this fight and defeated them, He Caitou and Xiao Xiao are hurt very badly

"As I said to you, looks like your investments are losing" Bing Bing said to Tian Meng

"Its to early to judge,its just 6-3, now the 2v2 battles will begin , lets see if they can really turn this around" Tian Meng said

The next 2v2 battle Gong Yang Mo and Dai Yaochen Entered the arena, the Sun Moon kingdom sent some of their back up team and shrek easily won the match

Now the score was 6-4 and there are still, 5 matches remaining, which is 1 1v1, 3 2v2 and 1 3v3 fights

The next battle is still a 2v2 match, Bei Bei and Sanshi entered the arena together, and Sun moon kingdom sent out their captain and Vice Captain out

"If Shrek wins two times without Luo Chen then, this game is already set" Tian Meng said

The battle in the arena are very intense, Bei Bei and Sanshi are doing everything they can to win

"Sorry but I'm going to go all out now, For Victory!" Xu Sanshi said and he used his second awakening and he entered his berserk mode, Bei Bei used his spirit bone ability, Which is a wide lightning area attack called Wrath Of the Lightning Dragon

Bei Bei attacked at the same time when Sanshi charged towards their enemies, their enemies are not passive too and the two group clashed again, after a few minutes of battle Sanshi's berserk mode ended and he passed out on the arena

Bei Bei is only alone now his essence energy are all used up, luckily his opponents are just the same as him

The sun moon kingdom students quickly summoned out their swords and they attacked, Bei Bei smiled and he took out a black ball and threw it on the incoming enemies

The two sliced the ball and a black gas entered their body at the same time, the black mass exoded and countless black needles shot out, the referee quickly saved them

Shrek Won now it is 6-5 Sun Moon kingdom is leading 1 point

Then Yuhao and Wang Dong stepped in the arena

"What a bold decision" Bi Ji said as he looked at the arena, Sun and Moon kingdom sent out Xiao Hong Chen and his little sister in the battle too

"Hehehe this is really good" Tian Meng said

"Who do you think will win?" Tian Meng asked

"This is hard, but I think both of the two teams have a chance to win 40-60" Bi Ji said

"70-30" Bing Bing said

"Oh why is that?" Xiao Tao aksed, after all she cant see why Bing Bing said that Yuhao and Wang Dong have 70% chance to win

"This two kids have a spirit fusion after all, so I'm betting 70% percent on them" Bing Bing said

"But there is a high chance this 2 have a spirit fusion too, but if Yuhao and Wang Dong can pull that off then their chances of winning will ne 100%" Tian Meng said

"What thing?" Bi Ji asked

"Their fourth spirit fusion" Tian Meng said

In the arena Yuhao and Wang Dong flew up in thw sky and with the help of Yuhao's absolute ice that came form the Ice Devil Titan, Xiao Meng's attack are negated

Without that trump card the siblings was pushed in the corner and they used their final trump card

The two hugged each other and they spirot fusion, a big red toad came out and they quickly attacked with a black energy ball, Wang Dong and Yuhao spirit fusion too and a goddess with butterfly wings came out, she danced as she easilg destroyed the attack, then her wing flapped and the siblings spirit fusion got broken and they landed outside the ring

Everyone was shocked in what they saw, only Tian Meng was not surprised, this is not the first time he saw something like this after all

"So they have it too, just like us" Bi Ji said

"This is a big surprise, I didnt know someone with 3 and 2 rings can have this power" Bing Bing said

"Yes its like someone placed them there together perfectly" Tian Meng said

The scores are tied at 6, and the Sun Moon kingdom turned gloomy after all, Shrek Academy Sent Luo Chen who was fully recovered

The Sun Moon kingdom dont have a member that can stilk fight many of them are drained, and their captain and vice captain is poisoned how can they fight, in the end they surrendered even though it hurt their feelings

The Shrek academy won again, and everyone in the colloseum cheered, the peice of the competition is 4 spirit bones

Tian Meng and the others headed back to their room, after a while someone knocked on their door, when Xiao Tao opened it up it was the New members of the Shrek Seven Devils, and Luo Chen are with them

Everyone thanked their team for assisting them last time when they are cultivating and absorbing the spirit bones

After that the party started, the girls started to drink too, Tian Meng stepped outside and he sat down on the reclining chair in the terrace of their room, Xue Nu is already sleeping peacefully in their room

Tian Meng just laid down on the chair while looking at the stars in the sky

Then Bei Bei stepped outside and sat near him

"Brother are you going to return with us to Shrek?" Bei Bei asked

"Yes, I'll stay at Shrek for 2-3 years" Tian Meng said

"After this tournament, I'm going with Tang Ya, I'll help her reclaim the land which is from our sect" Bei Bei said

"I already destroyed the small group there, and I gave the title deed of the land, go with her so she wont do anything reckless, while I'm still here I'll guard your sect until your strong enough" Tian Meng said

"Thank You Big Brother" Bei Bei said and he stood up and entered the room to drink again

Later that night

Everyone was dead drunk, Xu Sanshi and He Caitou are on the ground with an idiotic face, Huo Yuhao is hugging Wang Dong on the corner of the room, Bei Bei is sleeping on the sofa, the other men members of the team can be seen on the floor all of them are sleeping

The girls are inside their room, and Wang Yan returned to his room too, Tian Meng guard them through the night after all this is a good time to kidnap someone

The next day

Everyone excitedly returned to Shrek, the Headmasters of both the Wuhun group and the Soul weapon research institute are there to welcome them

After that the shrek team are escorted to the Sea God Pavillion, Tian Meng,Bing Bing Bi Ji and Xiao Tao joined them too, after all the4 othem are all core member of the Sea God Island, and they are qualified to enter the Poseidon Court

After a while they arrive at the poseidon court where the 4 headmasters are already sitting, Tiang Meng and the others sat down on thier seat too, then the Shrek seven devil team stepped out, and they got berated by Headmaster Yan because of what happened in their mission, after that they are all dismissed and he granted the Shrek Seven Devils new title to Yuhao's Group

After that everyone was dismissed by Mu Lao,only Yuhao and Tian Meng's group remained, after sending Yuhao and the other to their training room Mu Lao talked to Tian Mwng's group

"I'm disbanding the Special Assault Team" Mu Lao Said which shocked Tian Meng

"Mu Lao.." Tian Meng said

"My child my time is running out, in the future I want you and your team to guard shrek, after a few more years the spirit beast will complete their migration to Stardou forest,You wont have to guard them anymore" Mu Lao said

"I know who you two really are, but I'm not going to say anything to you two, the moment you stepped inside the gates of my academy, you are all my students, in the future when I'm gone, please help our Shrek Academy" Mu Lao said to Bing Bing and Bi Ji, and the two just nodded

After that they are dismissed, when they returned home they saw Luo Chen inside their house, she is playing with Xue Nu, when she heard that the team got disbanded she became sad, but she became happy again when Tian Meng said that she can still live with them

"Hayz we will stay here until their strong enough to support shrek" Tian Meng said

"Atleast 10 years" Bi Ji said

"Then another 5 years for Xiao Chen to become a Limit Douluo" Bing Bing said

"We are not leaving until Xue Nu cant ascend with us, she is my little daughter after all" Tian Meng said

"Maybe the kids can ascend with us too" Tian Meng said with a smile

"The chances are high, specially for Wang Dong, Bei Bei, Xu Sanshi and Tang Ya, as for the other it will be hard" Bi Ji said

"If they can help each other then it will be easy" Tian Meng said

"Are you going to take the Sea God's Trials?" Bing Bing said, after all the Sea God Tang San is the publicly acknowledge as the Strongest God, so his trials are very popular

"No, I'm not, The Sea God's trial are not compatible with me, if you want you can take that Trial, if I achieve rank 99 I'll tell you guys something" Tian Meng said

"Then we are not going to participate in the Sea God's trials, we will go with you" the girls said

"Wait a little longer, In the future I will tell you guys everything" Tian Meng said with a smile