
Douluo Dalu 2: Heavenly Eyed Douluo

Huo Yuhao's destiny was to become the second legendary figure in the history of Soul Land; as the Ice Spirit Douluo, Founder of Spirit Pagoda, one who created a new era of soul master, the one who revived Tang Sect, and the God King of Emotions. That was what he meant to be. Only, in this story, it was different. His eyes witnessed helplessness, despair, tragedy, and most of all...pain. "This world, shall know pain..." A pair of scarlet eyes with strange pupils suddenly glowed. Look at world, for the Heavenly Eyed Douluo has descended. .... *I do not own Douluo Dalu, it's owned by Tang Jia San and I'm making this to fulfil my fantasy of Huo Yuhao having Sharingan. *P.S. The early chapters have some text copy-pasted from the original novel for a bit of wiki for newcomers of the Continent's situation, Soul Master and Soul Beast lore, etc. So to make up for it, I'm making the chapters longer than I usually do for my other stories. Check out my patreon and support me: https://www.patreon.com/FroztDouluo

FroztDouluo · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
151 Chs

Special Chapter 2: Gentle Fist Technique

Huo Yuhao clenched his hands, excitement and resolve on his face as he waited to draw the lot for his team.

More than 3 months has passed since he left the White Tiger Mansion and began his journey to become the strongest soul master. And since then, a lot has happened to him: encountered a million year old soul beast, became a part of the once legendary Tang Sect, and is now studying in the number one academy in the world... Shrek Academy.

He met all kinds of people in his time in the academy, had some setbacks due to his white eyes(well it is his fault for letting people think that he's blind), and had grown incredibly stronger than ever before when he started his journey.

And now, he was in a class tournament for freshmen with his new friends, fighting for the championship for glory and rewards!

"Team Huo Yuhao from Class 1, please come forward to draw your lot."

Huo Yuhao felt a nudge to his right side, and he strike back. "Wang Dong, what the hell?!"

"Stop standing there like an idiot and go already. You're the team leader, no matter what anyone else says." Wang Dong said, as he pushed Huo Yuhao out, making him the first student to draw a lot from the Dean.

"Don't be nervous, Yuhao." Xiao Xiao encouraged as she placed a hand on Huo Yuhao's shoulder. "We've trained hard for this moment. No matter who we're up against, we'll give it our all."

Huo Yuhao nodded, feeling the weight of his friends' expectations on his shoulders. He stepped forward, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Dean Yan smiled. "Little fella, there's no need to be nervous. I hope that your team can obtain good results."

After drawing his lot, Huo Yuhao took a step back, and pressed his right fist against his palm in respect towards Yan Shaozhe. Afterwards, he handed his lot over to Du Weilun before walking back towards Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao. By the time he reached Wang Dong, he discovered that the speed of his heartbeat had doubled.

"Class 1, Team Huo Yuhao. Lot Number: 2."

'Even without actively using his soul power, as expected, he's strong. Extremely so!' He thought, clenching his hands. A feeling of excitement and anticipation arose within his heart.

That power and authority, he wanted that same sense of command and strength within himself. The way Dean Yan exuded confidence and assurance left a deep impression on Huo Yuhao.

All for the sake of honoring his mother, he will become the strongest-

"Class 5, Team Dai Huabin. Please come forward and draw your lot."

'Huh...? That name, is that...' Huo Yuhao's eyes widened behind the black eye-mask he was wearing. He glanced up towards the stage and saw a youth with long golden hair and icy deep blue.

Memories of the past resurfaced in his mind.

One of suffering and sorrow, of his mother brutally beaten in his place from the ruthless commands of his half-brother, leading to her death.

Veins popped all around his now golden eyes, a white soul ring slightly arose from his feet, his martial soul activated uncontrollably. The rage, the hate and the pain from the past surged within him like a torrential wave. His hands trembled with suppressed emotions as he struggled to contain the overwhelming flood of memories.

He thought he could keep his emotions in check when he saw 'them' again, but he was wrong. He was still a child, one who suffered too much.

He suppress the hatred, but it can never be forgotten.

Wang Dong, sensing the sudden change in Huo Yuhao's aura and pursed lips, laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Yuhao, Yuhao, calm down. What happened to you?"

As the lot-drawing continued, nobody noticed the change in Huo Yuhao's expression. Only when the lot-drawing had ended did Huo Yuhao manage to regain his composure and deactivated his martial soul. However, Wang Dong could still feel his body trembling.

"Can you still fight?" Wang Dong asked, concerned.

Huo Yuhao took a deep breath, then forcefully restrained the pain he had in his heart as he softly nodded. "Yeah, I can. Come, let's go finish our match."

At this moment, Huo Yuhao seemed to have regained his composure. The trembling on his body and the violent emotional fluctuations he'd been experiencing completely vanished.

But both Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao knew it wasn't a hallucination. They could tell, it was the calm before the storm.

The opponents that Huo Yuhao's team during the semifinals were three Soul Grandmasters from Class 10. They were all boys, and their eyes showed clear fear as they looked at Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao wasn't known in the beginning, except for being the weakest blind class monitor. As for the next few days of matches, he had continued staying in the back and let his teammates fight, truly cementing the rumor of him being the weakest.

But that all changed in the last few matches, with just him alone, he defeated all the teams... with just his fists.

Nonetheless, they swallowed their fears and prepared themselves. They reached this far into the tournament, they weren't going to back down now!

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao were about to move to their usual places, when they heard Huo Yuhao's voice sounded in their mind.

'Can you two step back for this match? I... want to vent out my emotions.'

"Yuhao, are you sure about this?" Xiao Xiao asked.

'Yes,' He firmly replied.

Wang Dong bit her lower lip, considering Huo Yuhao's request carefully. After a moment, he asked. "Are you certain that you could win this?"

Huo Yuhao turned to his teammates, and smiled.

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao looked at Huo Yuhao's determined expression and knew that he wasn't asking for their permission; he was asking for their trust. With a nod from both of them, they stepped back, giving Huo Yuhao the space he needed.

"Match, start!"

As the match began, Huo Yuhao's movements were a blur of speed as he quickly covered the dozens of meters of distance between him and Class 10.

"Shit, he's fast!"

"Cao Jinxuan, use your martial soul! Long Xiangyue, throw your boomerang!"

Two yellow soul rings arose from each boys, a strange green clock appeared above Cao Jinxuan, while two soul beasts; a tiger and a bear in front of them courtesy of Zhou Sichen, and a large boomerang was then flown towards Huo Yuhao's direction.

'Slow,' Huo Yuhao thought, a white soul ring appeared around him, shining a gentle white light. His white eyes turned completely golden, a side effect of having a million year old soul beast as his soul ring.

Everything before his sight was crystal clear!

When he got the Skydream Iceworm as his first and only intelligent soul ring in the whole continent, the soul beast had given him many benefits such as four soul skills. The first soul skill was similar to his innate ability, which can now see a 360-degree as a result of the million year old soul beast, so Skydream had to use a lot more of his remaining energy to change first skill.

It was his first skill and something that Skydream wanted to create out of his remaining pride and arrogance as the world's first One Million Year Old Soul Beast.

Conqueror's Will

"Kneel." The veins around Huo Yuhao's eyes bulged, a golden light flickered across his eyes.



"This is...!"

All three boys from Class 10 fell to their knees, unable to resist the overwhelming pressure emanating from Huo Yuhao's Conqueror's Will. Their movements slowed to a crawl, their souls trembling under the weight of his command. Even the soul beasts were helpless, being pressed onto the ground.

'Tch, around 40% of my entire spiritual power? I have to finish this fast,' Huo Yuhao thought, gritting his teeth. It's why he seldom use this power, it just drains too much of his spiritual power at an insane rate.

With his opponents incapacitated, Huo Yuhao advanced with purpose and without mercy.

"Sorry about this, but you're all going to be my punching bags." Huo Yuhao said.

He first appeared before Zhou Sichen, their main attacker, and his hands moved with lightning speed, striking precise pressure points on Zhou Sichen's body. With each strike, accompanied by the soft blue glow of soul power around his hands, Zhou Sichen's movements became more sluggish until he collapsed to the ground, unable to continue the fight.

Next, Huo Yuhao turned his attention to Cao Jinxuan and was about to do the same, when he leaned back to dodge the giant boomerang that Long Xiangyue had thrown at him. With a swift movement, he twisted his body, narrowly avoiding the deadly projectile.

As he dodged the attack, Huo Yuhao's eyes narrowed in focus.

'So he can mentally control it, without grabbing it? To control his martial soul while being pressured by my Conqueror's Will, he must have considerable strength of will. But it won't be enough to stop me.'

With determination burning in his golden eyes, Huo Yuhao focused his mind, channeling his soul power with precision. In an instant, he used Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track to dodge the boomerang's deadly strikes and he unleashed a flurry of strikes, targeting Cao Jinxuan's vital points with unparalleled accuracy.

Cao Jinxuan tried to use his martial soul to save himself, but Huo Yuhao's movements were too swift and too precise. In an instant, he crumbled into the ground, unconscious.

"W-Why...?" Long Xiangyue muttered, looking up at Huo Yuhao approaching him with dread and despair. He tried attacking him with his boomerang but he was too fast! He was like a ghost.

He gritted his teeth and yelled, "Why are you being so ruthless towards us? What did we do wrong to you?!"

"Honestly, nothing." Huo Yuhao said, appearing right behind him. "You guys are just unfortunate to be our opponents today. This is a competition, and we fight to win."

With a swift strike, Huo Yuhao rendered Long Xiangyue unconscious, ending the match decisively.

As the dust settled, Huo Yuhao stood amidst his defeated opponents, his breaths heavy but his resolve unbroken. He turned to his teammates, a sense of accomplishment shining in his eyes but hidden behind his blindfold.

"Well, I'm a bit satisfied now." he said, a hint of pride in his voice. "Let's move forward, together, in the next match."

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao nodded, their own determination mirrored in their expressions. With their trust in each other unshakeable, they prepared for the next challenge that awaited them in the tournament.

Huo Yuhao looked down at his hands and clenched them.

'I think... I can do it soon, the complete form of my technique.'

Both sides had arrived in the arena early. One side was making their preparations, while the other observed their opponents.

Dai Huabin scrutinized Huo Yuhao's appearance, he didn't know why, but his face seemed familiar, stirring some memories deep within him. As he watched Huo Yuhao, he couldn't shake off the feeling that he had encountered him before, though he couldn't place where or when.

Meanwhile, Huo Yuhao's gaze was fixed on Dai Huabin, his eyes hidden behind his blindfold but still emanating great animosity. He closed his eyes and took a deep, calming inhale.

'He will get what is coming to him soon, mother.'


Wang Dong worriedly held his hand, sensing the turmoil within his friend. "Are you okay?"

Huo Yuhao nodded, his expression hardening with determination. "I'm fine. Let's focus on the match ahead."

With a reassuring squeeze of Wang Dong's hand, Huo Yuhao turned his attention back to Dai Huabin. His heart was filled with a mix of emotions—anger, sorrow, and a burning desire for justice.

"Both sides, introduce yourselves."

"Huo Yuhao."

"Wang Dong."

"Xiao Xiao.

On the other side, Dai Huabin's team of three exuded an obvious sense of hostility.

"Dai Huabin."

"Zhu Lu."

"Cui Yajie."

The referee spread his arms wide and said, "Both teams, return to your sides of the arena. When I give the signal, you may begin attacking."

Both parties slowly moved backwards, but Huo Yuhao continued to keep his eyes trained on Dai Huabin. A savage light flickered through Dai Huabin's eyes as they revealed a faint killing intent. However, he was astonished by the fact that Huo Yuhao didn't yield at all, then reminded himself that the guy he was trying to intimidate was blind.

At that moment, the onlooking teachers were completely silent.

The referee raised his right hand, looking at the participants, he then brought it down swiftly.


The instant after the announcement was made, both parties moved identically; they both charged towards each other. Huo Yuhao's eyes shone brightly as like his soul ring, enveloping almost the entire arena and sharing his sight with his teammates.

Wang Dong let out a shout as he ran, causing the wings of his Radiant Butterfly Goddess to unfurl. He flew directly into the air, but didn't overtake Huo Yuhao. Instead, he flew right above him.

Meanwhile, Xiao Xiao followed carefully behind her captain and controlling her Threelives Soul Stealing Cauldron to trail behind her.

'Xiao Xiao, you deal with Zhu Lu. Although she's fast, she can't deal with all three of your cauldrons and your second martial soul. Make sure she does not get any closer to Da Huabin! We're screwed if they get together.'

Xiao Xiao silently nodded, inwardly preparing to split her cauldrons.

'Wang Dong, you take care of Cui Yajie. From what I can tell, she's the weakest link between them. But she wouldn't be a part of their team if she doesn't have some tricks, so be careful.'

"Wait, are you going to...!" Wang Dong's eyes widened, realizing what his leader was planning to do, and it was reckless. "Are you out of your mind!? He'll...!"

'Trust me,' Huo Yuhao's voice echoed in Wang Dong's mind, cutting off his protests. 'This is something I have to do. We have to defeat them, no matter the cost.'

With determination burning in his heart, Huo Yuhao charged straight at Dai Huabin, his fists clenched tightly. He could feel the weight of his mother's memory urging him forward, urging him to seek justice for her.

For once, he was going to let his anger and vengeance guide him.

Dai Huabin's eyes widened in surprise as he watched Huo Yuhao's unyielding advance. He hadn't expected such boldness from someone he had barely considered a threat. But there was something in Huo Yuhao's demeanor that stirred a sense of unease within him.

Despite his unease, he remained undeterred. With his sharp teeth bared and claws spread out, without any hesitation, his second soul ring lit up.

Having witness some of Huo Yuhao's battles, he understood his fighting style. Though his martial soul and soul abilities are incredibly mysterious, and has lower cultivation, he is an impressive close-combat fighter with his skills, probably the best in the entire outer courtyard. Dai Huabin's transformation have increase his physique, but he wasn't sure if he was impervious to Huo Yuhao's attacks.

"White Tiger Intense Light Wave"

With a roar, a intense light from the Dai Huabin's mouth that blows the ground apart as it headed straight towards Huo Yuhao. It seemingly looked impossible to dodge, as it was coming at him with incredible speed and force.

However, Huo Yuhao's expression remained calm as he faced the incoming attack head-on.

In that split second, Huo Yuhao made a decision. He raised his right hand, using Mysterious Jade Hands, turning it jade white. His soul power surged out of his hand, enveloping it in a blue light.

'I hope this works...!'

With a swift motion, channeling all his soul power into a single point of focus, he then brought it down swiftly.


The blue light from Huo Yuhao's hand split Dai Huabin's White Tiger Intense Light Wave in half, dispersing it harmlessly to the sides.

"What?!" Dai Huabin's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched Huo Yuhao effortlessly neutralize his powerful attack. He hadn't expected such skill and strength from someone with one white soul ring! Just who is this guy?!

'That hurt like hell...!' Huo Yuhao's hand trembled, blood dripping from his fingers where the intense light wave had grazed him. But he didn't let the pain slow him down. With a determined glare, he pressed forward, closing the distance between him and Dai Huabin in an instant.

"What are you looking at?" He mockingly said, launching a palm strike with his uninjured hand, which had also turned jade-white, towards Dai Huabin.

"You dare?!"

Dai Huabin's surprise quickly turned into anger as he saw Huo Yuhao's relentless advance. He swiped at the palm with his right claw, meeting Huo Yuhao's attack head-on.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Impressively, though they used only their hands, the sounds produced resonated like the clash of metal against metal. Each strike was met with equal force and determination from both sides, their energies colliding in a fierce display of strength and willpower.

At that moment, to the shock of Huo Yuhao, a yellow glow appeared behind Dai Huabin's claw as he swiped downwards at him.

The air split apart, and blood spilled as Huo Yuhao narrowly dodged the attack, a deep gash appearing on his shoulder where Dai Huabin's claw had grazed him. He gritted his teeth against the pain.

"What? You think you're the only one who knows martial arts and incorporate their soul power with combat techniques? You're not that special!"

Dai Huabin cackled, a savage grin spreading across his face as he saw Huo Yuhao's surprise. He continued his assault, his movements becoming more frenzied as he unleashed a barrage of strikes at Huo Yuhao.

As their duel intensified, the spectators could feel the tension crackling in the air. Both combatants seemed evenly matched, each refusing to yield an inch to the other. It was a battle of skill, strategy, and sheer determination.

Huo Yuhao's eyes narrowed in determination as he deftly dodged Dai Huabin's attacks, his mind racing as he searched for an opening.

'I can't let myself get caught in his claws again. I need to find a way to turn the tide of this battle.' The veins around his eyes bulged.

With a burst of speed, Huo Yuhao leaped back, putting some distance between him and Dai Huabin. He took a moment to catch his breath, his mind working quickly to formulate a plan.

'This guy is fast and powerful, but he's also reckless. He's probably not used to using his techniques, probably used to overpowering his opponents than using skill. I need to use that to my advantage.'

He took a deep breath, concentrating all his energy into his eyes. Peer deeper into the opponent's meridians and blood vessels, analyze the weaknesses within the flow of his channels and anticipate his movements!

At that moment, Dai Huabin's entire nervous system, from his brain to his muscles, became crystal clear to Huo Yuhao's sight. He could see the flow of energy within Dai Huabin's body, the subtle shifts in his muscles as he prepared to strike.

With a newfound clarity, Huo Yuhao dodged each of Dai Huabin's attacks with ease, effortlessly slipping past his opponent's defenses.

"Hold still, you...!"

As Dai Huabin charged forward once again, his claws gleaming with a dangerous light, Huo Yuhao braced himself for the coming onslaught. As the former began to grow in size, his power and strength more than doubled, as his purple soul ring lit up brightly!

"White Tiger Vajra Transformation!"

Dai Huabin smirked, clenching his claws.

"To force me to this point, be honored."

Huo Yuhao's heart skipped a beat as he saw Dai Huabin's transformation. The surge of power emanating from his opponent was palpable, filling the arena with an oppressive atmosphere.

"Huo Yuhao!" At that moment, Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao hurried towards him. Both of them had successfully defeated both of Dai Huabin's teammates.

"What?! Zhu Lu, Cui Yajie!" Dai Huabin cried out in shock. He hurriedly look for them and was shocked to see them out of the arena, holding their wounds.

Huo Yuhao was also shocked that they had already been beaten.

They were so immersed in their battle that they hadn't noticed Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao's swift victory.


Dai Huabin gritted his teeth, putting up his claws up, preparing himself for a 3v1.

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao were just coming up towards Huo Yuhao.


However, to the surprise to everyone, Huo Yuhao suddenly shouted, his voice echoing throughout the arena with an intensity that made everyone freeze in their tracks. His blindfold slipped down slightly, revealing a glimpse of his golden eyes blazing with determination and resolve.

"This is my fight," he declared, his voice ringing with unwavering confidence.

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao exchanged a quick glance, then reluctantly stepped back, trusting in Huo Yuhao's judgment.

With a deep breath, Huo Yuhao refocused his attention on Dai Huabin, who stood before him, his aura pulsating with raw power.

"This is between you and me," Huo Yuhao said, his voice calm but resolute, his arms raise forward and hands straight, pulsing with his soul power. "bitch."

Dai Huabin grinned savagely and went into a fighting stance, "I don't like you."

"Feeling's mutual."

Dai Huabin coldly snorted, his foot dug into the ground, creating a crater. "But I respect you!" he then charged forward, his claws aimed directly at Huo Yuhao's chest.

Huo Yuhao's eyes flashed with determination as he met Dai Huabin's attack head-on. With lightning-fast reflexes, he raised his arms to block the incoming strike, his soul power surging around him in a protective barrier.


The sound of metal meeting metal reverberated through the arena as Dai Huabin's claws clashed against Huo Yuhao's soul power barrier.

Sparks flew as the two opponents pushed against each other with all their strength, neither willing to give an inch.

However, as someone with the lower cultivation and strength, even with nimble movement, Huo Yuhao was accumulating injuries.

To everyone watching, the outcome seemed obvious.

As they struggled against each other, Huo Yuhao's mind raced with calculations. He knew he couldn't match Dai Huabin's raw strength head-on, his stamina was depleting and he was getting used to his techniques now!

At this rate, it was only a matter of time for-


As they say, a second in battle could spell the difference between victory and defeat.

Being momentarily distracted, Dai Huabin went to claw at his face, a majestic golden claw projection appeared over his fist.

At that moment, Huo Yuhao felt as if the whole world had slowed down for him and he thought about the moments of when he played around with his mother.

Even when she was busy doing laundry, she would always make time for him and made sure he felt loved and cherished.

In that split second, he recalled the time when she hung thick and soft blankets over the clothesline, and she would beat the dust out of them with a stick, creating a cloud of dust that would make him sneeze and laugh.

'Soft... Gentle...' The image replayed in his mind and he slowly begun to realize something.

He begun to move his hands with a fluid grace, his movements mirroring the gentle swaying of the blankets in the breeze.

As Dai Huabin's claw descended towards him, Huo Yuhao's hands moved in a circular motion, catching the incoming attack with an unexpected gentleness.

"Gentle Fist Technique..." Huo Yuhao blankly muttered.

The golden claw projection clashed against Huo Yuhao's hands, but instead of meeting resistance, it seemed to sink into a soft, yielding surface.

For a moment, Dai Huabin's eyes widened in shock as he felt his attack being absorbed by Huo Yuhao's hands. He tried to pull back, but it was too late.

With a sudden twist of his wrists, Huo Yuhao redirected the force of Dai Huabin's attack, sending it spiraling harmlessly to the side.


Before Dai Huabin could react, Huo Yuhao seized the opportunity and started hitting Dai Huabin with a series of lightning-fast strikes, targeting his pressure points with pinpoint accuracy. Each strike was infused with Huo Yuhao's soul power, amplifying their impact and causing Dai Huabin to stagger backwards in pain, blocking his pathways.

Dai Huabin gritted his teeth, trying to shake off the effects of Huo Yuhao's relentless assault. But with each strike, he felt his strength draining away, his movements becoming sluggish and uncoordinated.

"It's over," Huo Yuhao declared, his voice firm and unwavering. With one final, decisive strike, he aimed for the center of Dai Huabin's chest, channeling all his remaining energy into the attack.

With a resounding thud, Dai Huabin was sent flying backwards, crashing to the ground with a loud impact. He lay there, motionless, defeated.

The arena fell silent as the spectators watched in awe at the outcome of the battle. Slowly, the realization sunk in that Huo Yuhao had emerged victorious, overcoming his formidable opponent against all odds.

Huo Yuhao stood tall, his chest heaving with exertion but his eyes shining with pride and determination. He had proven himself, not only to his mortal enemy but also to himself.

As the referee announced the end of the match, Huo Yuhao turned to his teammates, walking towards them with a triumphant smile on his face. Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao rushed forward to congratulate him, engulfing him into a hug their expressions filled with admiration and respect.

"Congratulations, Yuhao! That was amazing!" Wang Dong exclaimed, his eyes shining with pride.

"You did it, Yuhao! I knew you could!" Xiao Xiao added, her voice filled with excitement.

Huo Yuhao smiled gratefully at his friends, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him.


AN: Any thoughts? Also, this chapter is probably my most written this year: at least 4.3k words.

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•Swift Arrow



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•Adrian Durand


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