
Taube awakening

As of now, Bret is 5 years old, while his siblings are 3. Seeing how Bret love to use his swords, his father started to train his endurance, saying, it will be good for him, since he can play longer, and Bret accepted that easily, especially, since his father trains with him and also motivates him. There is one extra follower though, his dog, Bobi, who enjoys the morning "walks" the most. His siblings are developing nicely two in the good hands of Akela. The family attachment is growing in everyone, as they become reliant on each other.

Bret has still 1 year left until he starts his elementary education, but seeing his physical and mental capability, his parents taught him how to read, and count, giving him a little advantage in the upcoming challenge, that is called: School. Whether he gets into a spirit master school or a civil school will depend on his awakening ceremony.

His grandmother and grandfather visited them too in the years, and of course, grandma Inna spoil him always when they meet. Its true for the other two too, so Akela has to do her best later not let let her children become spoiled rich childs. Although the Taubes are not the most wealthy, they definitely cannot be considered poor. Thanks to that, if in the spirit awakening ceremony, they perform good, they have a good chance to become soul masters in the future, especially with two spirit kings as parents, and one spirit emperor grandfather.

The Taubes wealth comes from blacksmithing, which is a really profitable occupation, but the hardest aswell. Since thats the case, not everyone in the family have this occupation, and we can find mecha makers, designers, and mechanics though not on the level of their blacksmithing ability.

Edan, the family head is a rank 8 blacksmith, while Linus is rank 7. Bret is interested in their profession, though he seems rather reluctant to use the hammer all day. On the other hand, he is like a sponge when he gets information about the professions, making him a little all-rounder.

1 year went by, and finally, its the awakening ceremony for Bret. He is really excited, since he cant wait to become a soul master, and somehow he has a feeling,that something good will happen to him. He cant wait for his father to be even more proud about him.

The ceremony was held in the clan mansion, by clan head Edan.

There were 8 children this year, so the awakening ceremony would last around 1 hour this year.

The first child had the clans Heavy hammer as spirit soul, and is rank 3. With this, the clan already knows, that he will become a blacksmith for the clan, and based on his hard-working he may emerge as a decent blacksmith. The second child was not lucky though, he had a straigth chisel, and rank 1.

The next 4 children were all with Blue silver grass,and with rank 1-3.

Next was Bret childhood friend, Kane, and he awakened- to everyone suprise- an ancient eagle spirit, called Spring eagle, coming from ancient times, and said to be only second in the sky to the so called dragons. For Spirit Power he is a rank 9, and that could be called a special talent! Seeing this, the clan head and his parents already know, he will got to the capital to the Union Spirit Master Academy, which was the best academy on the continent. And lastly, it was Bret turn. And what happened next, no one could expect, because Bret even suprised himself too. While Edan did the spirit awakening ceremony, his face become ashen, when he drew forth his grandson spirit souls. Yes, spirit souls, he has twin martial souls, and not from the weaker category. His first is the Raijuu (its kind of a lightning wolf, even better than a lightning dragon slightly- though only with the lightning, not with the physical capability), and that Raijuu gave him ultimate lightning instantly! If that would not be enough, his other martial soul was a transparent dragon- called Ice Spirit Dragon.

This Dragon concentrate on spirit abilities, but also able to use ice, as part of its abilities. With twin spirits, and a spirit rank of 8 Bret became the hottest topic for the day.

Later that day, a family meeting was held in their house, where his family had to speak with Bret.

- My boy, you know, what it means to have this kind of talent, right? - said Linus, while looking towards his wife too.

- Yes, i know dad! I will be supppperrr powerful, and make you proud of me!- looking extremely excited, Bret couldnt be happier right now.

- NO! You have to understand, though you have talents, you should never use your power to abuse others, only use it for your own justice and protection of your friends and family. Bret i dont want you, to loosen your training because of your talent. I want you to feel the weight of your future actions in posession with these rare martial souls. Understand me?

- Yes dad- said Bret, while starting to sob...- are you proud of me?- he said in a weak voice

-Of course ,I AM- shouted Linus, to cheer his boy up.- And for you and Kane we will hold a big party tonight! Although, tomorrow i have to speak with you later, but dont worry about that now!

Exchanging glances, Edan, Linus, and Akela now knew, that it was a talk that needed to be done, for the future of Bret. Satisfied, Edan went to announce the party, while Akela started to prepare food for the soon arriving guests.