
Chapter 4.1, Entrance Exam and an element devouring method?

It took Liuqi exactly a month to reach the examination room in shrek.

"Yan Mo, 13, fail. Next!" came a voice from inside the building."


"Entrance fee is 20 gold."

"20 gold?"

"Don't waste my time if you don't have it."

"Uhh... Can I pay in rare metals instead?"

"Depends on what kind? If it's cheap, then you will have to pay in bulks."

Liuqi then condensed a kilogram waterinium behind himself.

"Would this be enough?"

"Hmm? Yeah sure this is barelt enough to cover the entrance fee, let me check your age now. Also what is your name?"

"My name is Si Liuqi."

"What a weird name."

"Well, thank you."

After getting his age checked, Liuqi proceeded to the first exam, soul power and spiritual power calculation.

"Si Liuqi, Soul power, level 14 at the age of 11. Spiritual power 289. Barely above the average, pass."

He barely passed the second test. The second test was the test of fighting power. In the second test the exam takers would be able to use their soul abilities. The exam takers would have to fight witch each other in 10 matches, one versus one. If one got more than 5 wins, they would pass the test and become an official student.

After the test concluded, Liuqi had 6 wins and 4 loses. He barely past the test, once again. He had barely became a shrek student.

"You dorm number is 67 in the fourth floor."

"Is this a joke?"

"Excuse me? Ah, you must mean that you got the room where all residents would dropout sooner or later." said the worker in shrek. "Also the normal rooms are shared between two people, but yours is a bit small, so you will not be sharing it with others."

Liuqi made his way to his room after he learned which number it was. It was a room that was on the highest floor of the dormitory building with 4 floors, and it was the room on the very end of the seemingly long corridor.

"Good grief, this room is as small as clothing closet. There is no way to even put a bed in there. Ew what is this, there is book covered with dust and spiderwebs here." He then cleared the book, and read its name outloud. "Ice Devouring? What a funny name! Couldn't they have just named it eating ice! LoL!"

But after reading the book he was very surprised. This book in front of him actually included a cultivation method, that was able to turn the freezing soul power inside of ice, whenever you consume ice. Of course, the colder the ice, the greater the results.

"Wha-What is this? A cultivation method? Old man, -this was what Liuqi chose to call him since his actual name gave of a scary aura when said outloud- is this cultivation technique true?"

"Intresting, I would have never thought there were cultivation methods than suggested devouring elements, worth of shrek, I guess?"

"So should I try cultivating it?" Without giving a thought to what the old man had said, asked Liuqi.

"Head to the cafeteria after welcoming the freshman ceremony, and ask for some leftover ice. You need a great amount of element to start cultivating the method. As you master it, the amount you need will decrease and increase from time to time."

Part 2 coming either late today, or tomorrow. Depends on whether I can find time. Also he won't have the powe to control ice, just completely immune to ice, as long as he can handle the temperature.

Zusaecreators' thoughts