
Douluo Dalu (DD 1): Seraph Of Hope And Light

If there was anybody to blame for half the tragedies that occur in Douluo Dalu, it would be Qian Xunji. A hard working and honest man gets transmigrated into the evil mentor of Bibi Dong. He never asked to be transmigrated. He didn't want all this power. All he wanted was a warm home, a loving family and friends. A new Seraphim rises from the ashes of the old, and they always did tell, 'What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.' ------------ Also, this is gonna be realistic, well, as realistic as a fantasy/kind-of Xianxia world can be. So no 3 year old Titled Douluo for you guys. No Pokemon harems. I'd like to think I've grown from before writing my first few fanfics, so this one is gonna be pretty different from the first few I wrote, which, now that I look back at are almost wish fulfillment. He's just a hardworking and honest guy trying to do his best. However, I'll probably be including a system, but like I said, it's gonna be realistic, so the system is not gonna be there just for the sake of overpowering the MC, it'll have it's role in the plot. It's gonna be a pretty unique at that... I hope. Also uploaded on fanfiction.net under the name IWannaImprove. ----------- Also, I don't own Douluo Dalu or any of it's versions. They belong to Tang Jia San Shao. I also don't own any elements from other works (animes, books, etc) which may or may not appear in my story. All images (if) uploaded in the novel do not belong to me. I am not an artist. They belong to their respective artists, if you wish to remove them please text me, I will do so.

Yug_Oswal · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 5: Morals and Evolution


Douluo Dalu: Seraph of Hope and Light


Chapter 5: Morals and Evolution

Just because Qian Xunji had resolved to help and protect the powerless - becoming a hero worthy of wielding Excalibur - did not mean that he had to immediately embark on an epic quest, slay great beasts, and save beauties.

No, similar to how a house is built brick by brick, large goals are often met with the start of small, consistent actions. Yes, Qian Xunji had to...

"Good morning, Your Holiness. It is a pleasure to see you in good health," spoke a portly, middle-aged man wearing purple robes. He had a slightly balding head, and clean shaven face.

"The pleasure is mine too, Merchant Zhang," replied Qian Xunji softly.

...network and socialize.

He couldn't change the world on his own. To do so would be no different than him being a tyrant; it would be him imposing his will on people with his strength and status. He had to gain support and create trust. He had to build a strong and reliable presence in front of his subordinates and connections.

Nobody was going to give up their way of life just because he asked them to. He wasn't one of those protagonists who could bruteforce their way through anything, and rely on their luck and strength to achieve their results, ultimately 'faceslapping' those who didn't believe him.

Trust wasn't something achieved in a day. Constant effort, time, and attention was needed to create meaningful bonds and deepen them.

The Merchant Zhang in front of him was one of the owners of The Purple Cloud Chambers of Commerce. This organization was one of the largest associations involved in trade, dominating businesses in the Heaven Dou Empire and in important cities of the Star Dou Empire.

"How is your daughter doing?" asked Qian Xunji, a faint smile on his face.

Hearing the question from Qian Xunji, Zhang Cang replied cheerfully, "She's doing well, Your Holiness! All thanks to you!"

"I'm glad to hear that." Qian Xunji's smile was sincere.

"On to important matters..." Qian Xunji trailed off, expecting Merchant Zhang would continue.

"Yes, it's being carried out as we speak, Your Holiness," Merchant Zhang nodded, "The results of this 'survey' of yours will have reached our hands in but a few months."

"Good. You were a great help, Merchant Zhang." Qian Xunji smiled faintly, pleased to receive good news.

"Haha... You praise me too much, Your Holiness."

Although he said that, Zhang Cang's smile got a tad bit wider.

The two conversed for a few more minutes, before both of them had to leave.

"It was a pleasure talking to you, Your Holiness." Zhang Cang bowed slightly before he left.

Normally, it wasn't required for a man of Zhang Cang's status to bow, however, he still did so due to the respect he held for Qian Xunji. This showed that Qian Xunji's efforts were not in vain. Qian Xunji inclined his head faintly, acknowledging Zhang Cang's bow.

The same situation continued on and on for hours, and Qian Xunji ended up meeting 20 different people from merchants to Spirit Masters, to nobles and more, each hailing from a diverse background.

Qian Xunji was a man of quick action, be it in his previous life or this. And he had already set a small set of objectives to be completed to achieve his goal of changing this cutthroat world. The first few objectives were to create a strong social presence and network; and he was making good use of his and the Spirit Hall's status to do so.

Qian Xunji spun on his heel, walking quickly towards the venue of his next meeting, greeting servants and attendants with a smile and softly offering a few words of gratitude as he did so.

The people greeted by him had noticeably brighter moods; it was expected, considering the Holy Son took out the time to appreciate them like this.

Sometimes, it was small actions of kindness and empathy like this, which could brighten somebody's day. One didn't need to always provide some life-saving grace or unparalleled treasure to find the loyalty of one's subordinates. They were, in the end, people - those who liked to be appreciated, and find happiness wherever they could.

Already, his efforts were bearing fruit, and his voice now carried more weight in certain circles outside of the Spirit Hall, even with his single-digit-age.

However, Qian Xunji was unusually agitated today; It was the day he would get his first Spirit Ring, truly embarking on the path of cultivation. Despite that, his mind was plagued with the problems which he eventually realized had always existed in this world. Qian Xunji's horizons had been broadened forcefully by being handed Excalibur, the sword representing the world and his thoughts now encompassed a much wider world than they did before.

He now thought of the much bigger picture. He started thinking about other people; people who couldn't cultivate, those who were enslaved, the war for power between the 2 Empires and the Spirit Hall, and the future of the world and Spirit Beasts. Moreover, he also knew that it wouldn't be so easy solving problems such as these, even with the power of the Spirit Hall at his disposal.

It was as he was brooding, that he hadn't realized he had already arrived at the place for rendezvous. His father, Qian Daoliu, was already there, waiting for him.

He bowed. "Father."

Qian Daoliu nodded. There was no need for unnecessary words and formalities.

Then, the both of them softly shouted, ""Martial Spirit Possession!""

Instantly, six-white wings popped out of each of their back, looking pristine and regal. Qian Daoliu gestured his son to follow him before he took off and flew.

Qian Xunji, heeding his instructions, followed behind him, relishing the feeling of flight as he did. The wind hitting his skin, the fresh lungfuls of air he breathed in, and the unfettered feeling flight gave him had made him instantly fall in love with it. With this, he had also temporarily soothed his worried mind.

His wings flapped harder and faster, accelerating him as he enjoyed himself. Qian Xunji had a big smile on his face, appreciating the wonderful experience.

Qian Daoliu himself had a smile on his face; his son was shaping up to be a good man.

Even though the high altitude, and the winds that came with it were cold, there existed an inexplicable warmth as the father and son glided to their destination.



The White Spirit Cat, one of the rarer species having a holy element, jumped and turned into a white blur as it attacked the impudent Spirit Master in front of it.

The youth, although shocked by the White Spirit Cat's speed at the start, swiftly backstepped, his body's muscle memory coming into play. As soon as the cat landed on the ground, it tried to jump back up to the cover of another massive tree. It, however, was intercepted by the youth in front of it, just as it's hind legs tensed in preparation.

"Vajra Fist Form: Heavy Golden Palms"

Qian Xunji's took a heavy step forward, and his palms blurred as he unleashed a flurry of quick hits on the cat. Each palm attack had faint gold silhouette of a larger palm shrouding it, enhancing the power of the attacks several times more.

"Roar!" The Spirit Cat roared weakly as it switched directions, abruptly jumping backwards, attempting to create space between the both of them. However, it was with this in mind that Qian Xunji had targeted it's hind legs; and indeed, it could only manage a weak push of it's legs.

Qian Xunji pushed his advantage, using his footwork to quickly near the wounded beast as he kept raining blow upon blow to it.

Twist, dodge it's tail, counterattack, follow up, and dodge again.

Qian Xunji's mind raced as he analyzed his battle tactically. It was his first with a Spirit Beast, and he was not afraid to admit that he was a bit anxious.

Spirit Beasts under 1000 years usually didn't need much strategizing to take down. They weren't as intelligent as the older Spirit Beasts, after all. However, it was the thought of what would come after that scared him; after all, it was his first time taking a life, even if it was a mostly animalistic beast. He knew it was something he had to get used to in this world.


The Spirit Cat let out another unwilling roar before it attempted to flee, turning it's back to Qian Xunji.

"Vajra Fist Form: Dancing Palm"

Qian Xunji smashed with his palm again, however, it was nowhere near the cat. At the last moment of the hit, however, the attack miraculously turned, abruptly targeting the Spirit Cat's legs again.

The weakened Spirit Cat could not dodge and was hit harshly. One of it's legs was broken, and it laid down helplessly, weakly roaring at the detestable Spirit Master approaching it.

'Would it die just like that? Just like many of it's clansmen did before it? What about it's dreams? Were they not important enough?'

Qian Xunji, who was approaching the cat, saw the look in it's eyes and unwilling roars, and abruptly stopped. It seemed that he was right, this random Spirit Cat really was unusually intelligent. However, that was not what stopped him...

'What am I doing? Is this really what I shall do, sacrificing one for the sake of the many? In the end, is that not my weakness? Having to sacrifice even that single one?'

'What nonsense of 'getting used to killing in this world' am I thinking of?' Qian Xunji let out a mental scoff.

Moments before Qian Xunji planned on killing the Spirit Cat, his thoughts cleared, and he felt as though a burden was lifted from his chest. He knew he couldn't do it - and he was alright with it.

'If I can abandon my principles and morals when faced with survival, would "I" still be "me" - the Arjun Raj that my grandma brought up?'

His eyes grew resolute as a determination took place in him. He looked up and said, "Father, please give me the Ganoderma we brought with us."

Just as Qian Xunji blinked, his father, Qian Daoliu abruptly appeared in front of him.

"What are you doing? Do you think you can change the world with just words, without becoming a Spirit Master - without power?" Qian Daoliu had a big frown on his face.

If he still didn't know what was happening, he wouldn't be qualified to call himself an experienced Limit Douluo.

He was really angry this time. Although Qian Xunji was excessively kind, he didn't expect this to happen. To abandon the path of a Spirit Master was to abandon the path of power. To abandon the path of power meant losing your right to choose in this world.

Qian Xunji looked at Qian Daoliu with the same eyes he had when he declared his goals - they were burning with a preternatural will that even Qian Daoliu found it hard to look away.

"Father, if I can abandon my morals when faced with death once, who's to say I won't do it again? In the path to my goals, for power and for survival, if I keep abandoning a piece of me behind - what will be left of me? Will I have the right to still call myself Qian Xunji? Will I still have the right to pursue my goal as before?"

'Hasn't the same happened to countless transmigrators I once read about? Hardening your heart to killing and getting used to it just because their world wouldn't allow them to survive otherwise?'

The world was all about the trend of "Anti-heroes" who were ruthless and willing to kill. From an immature perspective, it was cool of them, and from a more rational perspective - smart of them. However, was it really right? Qian Xunji didn't think so.

This world was real, and each person in it had their own dreams, aspirations, bonds, and lives.

To kill just because you wanted live and survive for longer in this world was, in his opinion, a choice. And he wouldn't make this choice. He would live, grow stronger, and maybe even reach the peak of this world if he did so. But he would no longer live as Arjun Raj; From the day he killed someone, be it even a beast, he had abandoned something that made him who "he" was. He didn't want to live a life like that - even with the promise of longevity and power it offered.

"I don't want to live like that. I may gain power and more, but I won't be the same person I was. Not to mention, abandoning a part of what makes me "me" so easily would just make me detest myself. In the end, it is nothing but my own weakness which leads me to kill a creature - one with it's own life and dreams and one who had done nothing to me - for the sake of survival and power. I won't sugarcoat my actions. These are the actions of a hypocrite. I was born as "me" and I will die as "me", not someone who was molded by the reality this world imposes in me."

Qian Xunji had never spoken this long, however, he felt free - relieved of a burden. Yet, the flames of determination that had sparked when he got Excalibur, now burned like a fiery inferno, threatening to burn down everything that denied them.

Qian Daoliu stood there stunned for a second. Then, he... laughed.

He laughed and laughed, and Qian Xunji just looked at him silently, his determination palpable.

After a long time, Qian Daoliu stopped. He looked at his heir. There was anger and disappointment in his eyes. Yet, they still glowed with an unconcealable pride.

"You... You really are one of a kind, Xunji." Qian Daoliu's had never spoken this informally before.

"But did you really have to be like this? This is a great trouble for me." A wry smile appeared on his face.

"However, I haven't become a Limit Douluo just for show. Very well, this 'Invincible of the Sky' shall help you reach your goal. It is an honour for you to have someone like me as your ally. It is not so easy to win my allegiance. And if you shan't have the power required, I shall just become the Angel God then."

Qian Daoliu's words carried with them an immoveable will and great vigor. Qian Xunji's words had managed to light a fire in Qian Daoliu, the Douluo whose mental state had long stagnated. And he was now filled with a greater ambition to go beyond. Qian Daoliu's fists were clenched and he had a fierce smile on his face.

'If my son, in his young age, can go against the world, defying it's rules even on his lonesome - why can't I, as a Limit Douluo, do so?'

A big smile broke out on Qian Xunji's face, one that depicted his happiness and relief. If Qian Daoliu really forced him, he wouldn't be able to escape this path. Moreover, he didn't wish for their relationship to be damaged because of this.

The father and son looked at each other solemnly, the determination in each of their eyes known to the other.

No matter what, this world wouldn't be enough to stop them.

It was at this moment the long-dormant System's voice sounded out.

[Conditions for Evolution met]


[Evolution complete]

[Available Commands:


Spirit Shop]

[System now in Active Mode]

[Congratulations for awakening the System!]



First things first, can you tell me how to italicize characters on Webnovel, if you know about it? It's really bugging me, and I thought it wasn't possible until I read novels with different fonts and styles on Webnovel. Thanks in advance!

Also, before you lash out at me, I would like to ask you to wait a second.

Now that you've calmed down, listen to me - I've recently realized that writer's block and procrastination are fearsome things when put together. And I've now seriously resolved to free myself of them.

Ok, ok, before you actually start cursing in the reviews, jokes aside, I would now like to apologize. I had taken out time for starting an original novel, which unfortunately, didn't come out like I wanted it to, thus, I didn't have time to seriously write this fanfic. However, I've learnt a lot, and I'm sorry again to have kept you guys hanging. Unfortunately, I still can't make any claims of regular updates. I have a busy schedule as a student, especially as a fresher, and I'm constantly trying to explore things and grow. Although the updates might be irregular, I'm most likely not going to drop this fic.

I hope you guys like this chapter!

Thanks for reading!
