
Douluo:Arceus Martial Soul

AirTheTruth · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


Heaven Dou City

In a luxurious mansion in a secluded corner of Heaven Dou City, a man of about 26 years old with black hair and some green locks was hugging a beautiful woman of the same age, the woman's blue hair fell gracefully and nobly over her mature body.

"Xin, your father already took 1 month, although he was able to hire other Soul Douluo, I feel worried" the beautiful woman spoke in a soft and worried tone to the man.

The man looked at her and with a slightly sad and worried look replied to the woman "You should not worry, he knows that without a Soul Douluo, he cannot hunt a 100,000 year old beast" the man caressed the woman and she closed her eyes to rest on him.

Both enjoyed each other's presence in silence, this couple is Dugu Xin and Yin Xia, Dugubo son and Dugu Xin future wife, as well as Dugu Yan mother.

At present Dugu Xin has not yet been corroded by the poison of his Martial Soul that will lead him to his death, while Dugubo is about to be promoted to Titled Douluo.

Dugu Yan was born 3 years before Tang San and her parents died when she was still a child and Dugubo, even as a Douluo Graduate, could not save his daughter.

Likewise, Qian Renxue was born 10 years before Tang San, because when Bibi Dong killed Qian Xunji, she was already 9 to 10 years old, years after that she started her mission to supplant Prince Xue.

After a couple of hours, a powerful aura subdued the entire Heaven Dou City and followed by an arrogant voice transmitted to the ears and minds of everyone in the city.

"I Dugubo from today I will be Poison Douluo."

The arrogant words surprised many, some felt fear, others amazement and very few happiness, of the latter was the couple Dugu Xin and Yin Xia.

Their happiness increased more when they saw a man in his 50's appear before them, he had black and green hair, as well as green eyes and pale skin.

"Dad" x2

The couple happily greeted Dugubo and rushed to hug him, he greeted them with a happy smile.

"Haha, good to see you little ones, did you enjoy your honeymoon" with happy and joking tone, Dugubo patted the head of his son and daughter-in-law, this pair blushed but they did not deny that in the absence of the old father, the loneliness of a loving couple flourishes.

Dugubo laughed and led them both inside the house, he knew that soon the emperor and several nobles would come to disturb his house, so he should at least clean the dirt and blood on his body and clothes.

They did not even take two steps when an even more oppressive, majestic and divine aura covered the entire city, no, it covered much more than the city.

The skies were filled with colorful clouds for hundreds of kilometers and everything felt like ants, including the titular Douluo himself.

-15 minutes earlier

In a luxurious mansion in the rich area of the city, in the garden of the house, a group of 20 people were gathered, 15 boys and girls and 5 adults.

One of the adults was possessed by his Martial Soul with 4 spirit rings floating behind him, in front of him was the ritual circle of awakening.

Calmly the children passed by, the first 3 awakened junk spirits and no spiritual energy, the next 7 had between 1 and 3 spiritual energy, 3 of them awakened 4 and 5 spiritual power, the one before me awakened a spear type Martial Soul and had a spiritual power of level 6.

I had to say that this little family was quite lucky, although I did not feel good in my mind.

The closer I got to my awakening, the more I felt that something big was going to happen.

Something inside me wanted to burst, something deep inside me was waking up and wanted to emerge, wanted to break free.

Thirteen minutes after they started to wake up, I was called and with my mind blank I slowly walked to the center of the awakening circle.

My blank stare confused the man a little but he did not inquire and just continued with the awakening.

The moment the ritual began, Erym consciousness was taken to his inner world, or his mental space.

His mental space is a dark void, so much so that for a few seconds it frightened Erym, it was then that a point of light was noticed in the infinite darkness.

Erym brought his gaze to that point of light and what seemed like years and seconds simultaneously, that small flash of light became bigger and stronger.

In a moment all the darkness was swept away by the light and Erym consciousness came back to itself, then he saw what was before his eyes in the now world of light.

Before him was a being he knew well, he had the body of a steed, only his skin was like white armor, he had golden eyes, a golden bow with spikes on his back, a divine and majestic aura surrounded his whole being.

His name came to my mind as an unforgettable memory of happiness and nostalgia.


He (Arceus) seemed to understand Erym and let out a soft snort that neighborhood all his consciousness and soul, likewise, emerged.

In the real world the golden bow on Arceus back manifested on Erym shoulder, emerging directly from his body, the golden aura manifested around his body, his eyes filled with golden energy illuminating everything in his sight.

He rose a few centimeters off the ground and Arceus' divine aura spread throughout the city in the blink of an eye, within seconds it covered the entire continent and if it weren't for the celestial laws that suppressed the divine aura, it would have spread throughout the world, but even so, the divine aura persisted.

All the Titled Douluo, the beasts over 100,000 years old could sense this divine aura and where it came from, the Silver Dragon inside the Star Dou Forest awoke from its slumber and looked in Erym direction.

Everyone showed an expression of fear, as well as feeling it, a primitive fear towards a superior entity.

It was 10 seconds, for some those seconds were the longest and most terrifying of their lives.

At the end of those 10 seconds, the aura compressed into Erym's body and formed a small divine domain of 10 meters and then compressed completely inside his body and the possession of Martial Soul was cancelled.

Although the possession was cancelled, Erym black hair turned golden-white, his skin became whiter, and his eyes became golden and his pupil white.

At the same time, in Dugubo's house, Dugubo came to his senses when the divine aura stopped suppressing him.

His gaze still had that primitive fear, but at the same time it was filled with curiosity, so he wordlessly took flight to where the divine aura arose.

Qian Daoliu also mobilized his forces to gather information as quickly as possible, the great sects and families repeated this process, even the Silver Dragon told Ditian to go to Heaven Dou to bring the person who expelled the divine aura.

Although Arceus possession was lifted, the divine aura could still be felt by level 90+ and 100,000 year old beasts when they are near.

This is how Dugubo could sense Erym, but the remnants of the divine aura on his body would eventually cleanse and in a few months he could no longer be sensed, unless he used his martial soul.

In just a few seconds after Erym returned to normal, everyone around him looked at him with fear and terror, they moved away unconsciously.

Erym didn't say anything or give them another look, he just looked up and saw Dugubo who had just arrived.

"It is an honor to meet you your Excellency Poison Douluo" Erym said respectfully, he had heard Dugubo's voice but at the time he didn't think much of it, until now.

"Child, come with me" said Dugubo seriously as he descended in front of Erym, the latter nodded, he had no choice after all.