
Douluo's dragon spear against the world

## What would happen if Angle God of soul land (Douluo) will start listening to the inner voice of a transmigrated boy. ### Is it start of a new legend

Best_Movies · Livros e literatura
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141 Chs

16: Don't go out of the womb

Qian Renxue stood up straight, came to Jun Xuehan, squatted down, her face changed from the appearance of Xue Qinghe to that of Qian Renxue, she reached out and touched Jun Xuehan's head, she was absolutely beautiful. With a faint smile on his face, he said in a gentle voice: "Xuehan, this matter may be really difficult for you, but how do you know that you can't do it without trying it?"

  "Three months is a bit short, but I will provide you with enough training resources. With reasonable training, your strength can be greatly improved. At that time, as long as you do your best, it will be enough. It's enough. For other things, let us do it."

  Looking at the gentle smile on Qian Renxue's face, Jun Xuehan was stunned for a while, letting Qian Renxue's hand caress her head.

  After a while, Jun Xuehan nodded lightly and said, "Sister Xue'er, I will do my best."

  Although Jun Xuehan's voice was still very cold, Qian Renxue felt a little happy in her heart. Because in the past, when he wanted to touch Jun Xuehan's head, he would subconsciously avoid him, but this time he didn't dodge, but let himself touch it.

  Although this was just a small move, it was also a good start, a start that made him accept himself from his heart.

  "Well, Xuehan, you don't want to leave the imperial palace. As long as you stay in the imperial palace, no one will be able to discover your existence in the entire Tiandou Palace. My sister is now making a three-month training plan for you. The two elders, Long and Thorn Blood, guide you in your cultivation respectively, you have no shortage of talent and effort, as long as you keep your current diligence, you will definitely become a Titled Douluo in the future." Qian Renxue smiled and stretched out. Fingers pinched on Jun Xuehan's face.

  [Please don't pinch my face. Forget it, the life-saving grace should be reciprocated, but the difficulty of this matter is really not ordinary, and I can only do my best. ] Jun Xuehan thought secretly in his heart, exhaled lightly, nodded, and said that after he knew, he was not talking.

  Qian Renxue smiled and let go of the hand that was holding Jun Xuehan's small face, but the hand felt really good, how did he grow, how could he look like a big porcelain doll.

  Thinking about it, Qian Renxue walked straight back to the main seat and sat down. After taking out a piece of white paper and a pen, he began to formulate Jun Xuehan's training.

  Jun Xuehan has the ability to never forget it, so he can learn a lot from it by going to the Tiandou Great Soul Arena to watch the games.

  Moreover, his combat experience and skills are also very lacking. It is also a good choice to participate in the Soul Battle in the Heaven Dou Da Soul Arena. It's just that he is too young and his spirit power is a little too low. If he participates, he can only leapfrog to participate in the spirit competition of the great spirit master level.


  Soon, after Qian Renxue formulated the training plan, she handed the training plan to Jun Xuehan, and said slowly: "Xuehan, this is the training plan I made for you, the most suitable training plan for you at present, you Come and see if there are any problems. If there are no problems, then starting from tomorrow, you will train according to it, and you must complete it all, understand?"

Jun Xuehan took the training plan in Qian Renxue's hands and watched it carefully. Wake up at five in the morning, practice for two hours in the morning, wash and eat for one hour, and go to the Tiandou Battle Arena at eight o'clock to watch the four-hour game, and try to participate in a battle of the soul as much as possible.

  Eat at 12 noon, start gun practice at 1 pm, meditate at 5 pm, and rest while you are in the best condition tomorrow.

  Jun Xuehan looked at the training plan and thought about it, the training intensity did not seem to be very high, and it was all within his tolerance.

  "There's no problem with this." Jun Xuehan said softly, and handed over the training plan to Qian Renxue again.

  "Okay, then starting from tomorrow, you will train according to this plan. Now I will let She Long take you to the room. You should have a good rest for a day. It is a good thing to practice diligently, but you must also pay attention to the combination of work and rest." Qian Renxue said softly, and handed over the plan to She Long who was beside her.

  She Long took the plan, nodded lightly, and walked outside with Jun Xuehan.

  After the two of them left, Lan Xue asked a little puzzled: "Young Master, you seem to value that child very much, and you actually entrust such an important thing to him. It's just that I think..."

  Qian Renxue interrupted him before he could finish speaking, and said, "What do you think? Xuehan is far beyond your imagination. What you see from him is only a surface, and what he thinks is what he thinks. It's just for you to see."

  "And I leave things to him to do, there is naturally my reason, don't ask things that shouldn't be asked, just do what you should do. As for how to do it, how to do it, and who to let it go Do it, that's what I say."

  Hearing this, Bloody smiled shyly, and the words that UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was just about to say stopped abruptly and stopped talking.


  In a room of the imperial palace, Jun Xuehan looked at the environment in the room, and asked aloud: "Uncle She Long, do you have time? I have a few things about spear skills, and I want to ask She. Uncle Long."

  She Long heard the words, thought for a while, and said, "I don't have anything to do for the time being. If you have any questions, just do it."

  Jun Xuehan nodded lightly, his martial soul: Silver Dragon Spear, released, and demonstrated his problem directly in front of She Long.

  After Jun Xuehan's demonstration, She Long nodded slightly, and said thoughtfully: "Xuehan, your progress is really great, the problem with your moves is that you focus too much on attacking and lack spear skills. Dexterity in itself. Simply put, you use dexterity, not brute force."

  "With the reduction of three points of brute force and the addition of three points of skill, the attack ability is only stronger than before, and the moves will be more coherent and smooth."

  She Long explained in detail, and Jun Xuehan listened very carefully and attentively, and in his mind, combined with his combat experience, he made corresponding adjustments.

  "Thank you, Uncle She Long." Jun Xuehan thanked him, and with a spin of the silver dragon spear in his hand, he continued to practice the spear.

He will write down what She Long said, but he will not change it completely according to what She Long said. Instead, he will use what She Long said as a reference for changes, and then proceed in the direction that is most suitable for him. change.

  In this world, there is no perfect move, as long as the move is the most suitable for you, instead of making changes according to what other people say and walking the old way of others, it is better to integrate other people's ideas and blaze a path of your own.