
Chapter 1: The upcoming Wuhun awakening

Douluo Continent, southwest of Tiandou Empire, Fanos province, Holy Soul Village.

The sky was just getting bright, and the fiery red sun had not yet revealed its head in the eastern sky.

In this faint morning light, not even many adults in Shenghun Village got up.

But in a house at the end of Shenghun Village, a young man dressed in white, with short silver-white hair and light purple eyes, looked very handsome, had already got up and washed and was about to leave the house.

The boy's name is Baige Fabiro. This name may sound a little weird. It is because Baige's mother's surname is Bai and his father's surname is Fabiro.

Therefore, after negotiation, the parents gave Baige the name of Fabiro.

Although Bai Ge is only six years old, for some reason, he is born very precocious. Compared with most children of the same age who lay in bed, Bai Ge has to get up early to exercise every day, and it is as usual today.

"Grandpa, I went to exercise."

Pushing open the door, the boy turned his head and shouted loudly into the room.

"Well, grandpa knows, but Bai Ge, grandpa has something to go to Notting City today. He may only be back at night, so I can't prepare breakfast and lunch for you. You can go to Tang San's house for dinner today. Don't forget. Bring a bag of rice."

In the room, Grandpa Jack's voice came.

"Go to Notting City? Grandpa, did you go to the soul master of Notting City Wuhun Branch Hall to perform the Wuhun awakening ceremony for us?"

Hearing what Grandpa Jack said, Bai Ge couldn't help but asked.

"Well, yes, you are also six years old this year, and it's time for the spirit awakening."

In the room, Grandpa Jack sighed.

"Well, I see, grandpa, then you are careful on the way, I will go first, Tang San is still waiting for me!"

Nodding in his heart, Bai Ge said with concern.

"Okay, let's go, don't let Xiao San wait for a long time."

In the room, Jack waved his hand.

Walking out of the house, Bai Ge turned around and closed the door, and started to trot up, running towards the back mountain of the village, where Tang San was still waiting for him.

Walking in the Holy Soul Village and looking at the familiar scenery around, Bai Ge couldn't help but fall into memories.

It's been six years since the journey to the present...

Bai Ge felt a little emotional.

That's right, Bai Ge is actually a traverser, and he also knows that his friend Tang San is also a traverser, but the two of them are not from the same world.

But even though he didn't come from the same world, Bai Ge knew a lot about Tang San, and also knew a lot about the Douluo Continent where he now lives.

Because in Bai Ge's previous life, he lived in a world called Earth, and Tang San was the male protagonist in a novel he had read in his previous life, and the name of this work was the Douluo continent he now lives in!

In the novel, Tang San seems to be the protagonist of the waste stream, but in fact he is the hidden protagonist of the genius stream.

On the surface, Tang San's martial spirit is just the waste martial soul Blue Silver Grass that can be seen everywhere, but in fact, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass is the untransformed top martial spirit Blue Silver Emperor, not to mention that Tang San actually still has it. The second martial spirit-Clear Sky Hammer!

However, Bai Ge is also a traverser.

In the novel, traversers like him are obviously equipped with golden finger indicators, such as systems and extra abilities, but it has been six years from birth to now, but Bai Ge even has a golden finger shadow. I haven't seen it!

In the Douluo Continent, the awakening of martial arts is traceable. Everyone's martial arts are often inherited from their parents, one of the martial arts of their parents, or the product of the fusion and mutation of both martial arts.

But the cheap parents of Bai Ge who have passed away in this life are ordinary people with awakened sickles and wooden stick martial arts, and even if you look back a few generations, all Bai Ge knows is that grandfather awakens a better hammer martial arts. But there was still no spirit power produced, which almost made Bai Ge want to vomit blood.

Even if he is a traverser and has innate spirit power, what is the use of awakening a sickle spirit? Mowing?

And not to mention that Bai Ge is simply not sure that he is sure that the identity of the traveler will bring innate soul power.

Because in the novel, Tang San's innate full soul power comes from the mysterious power he cultivated since childhood, not from his identity as a traveler.

Although Bai Ge can be said to be a miserable group in terms of hard conditions, and the hope of awakening the martial soul is slim, but the tree moves the dead, and Bai Ge is a traverser who knows some plots.

Since the congenital conditions cannot be changed, then I will change the acquired conditions!

Bai Ge could not interfere with Wuhun's awakening, but through a certain understanding of the plot and his own unremitting efforts, Bai Ge managed to establish a good relationship with Tang San.

After becoming Tang San's only friend of the same age in Shenghun Village, after a long period of hard work, Bai Ge finally learned from Tang San the unique knowledge of Tang Sect—Xuan Tian Gong!

The effort involved may be a little difficult to explain, but in simple terms, Bai Ge has been playing with Tang San, and then he often expressed curiosity when Tang San was practicing. In the end, Tang San may have been entangled for a long time. Finally decided to teach Bai Ge Xuantian Gong.

Of course, it was impossible for Tang San to teach Baige Xuantian Gong at will. Instead, before the teaching, he solemnly accepted Baige as his apprentice on behalf of Tang Sect. After letting Baige vowed never to be passed on, Tang San taught Baige. Ge Xuan Tian Gong.

In fact, Bai Ge also learned the Purple Demon Eye and Ghost Shadow.

Although the process of achieving the above goals was very difficult, when he finally learned Xuantian Gong, Bai Ge was so excited that he wanted to cry.

After making a good relationship with the protagonist Tang San, and learning Xuantian Gong, this martial soul awakening is finally okay!

Leaving the Holy Soul Village, Bai Ge ran all the way to the back mountain, and finally came to a sea of ​​flowers.

On a small mountain bag not far from the sea of ​​flowers, a young man was sitting cross-legged on a large rock on the mountain bag. The boy had a very ordinary face and plain clothes, but he had an extremely indifferent and elegant temperament, which was outstanding.

The boy was Tang San.

Seeing Tang San, Bai Ge didn't bother loudly, but quietly walked to Tang San's side, and sat cross-legged to face the Chaoyang.

As the sky became brighter and brighter, the distant sky gradually revealed a touch of white belly. On the mountain bag, two teenagers slowly inhaled and exhaled in the morning sun.

Vaguely you can see that from time to time, a wisp of purple gas is inhaled into the body along with the breathing of the two teenagers.

When the sky was completely bright, the purple gas finally dissipated, and the hills covered the mountains. The two teenagers opened their eyes at the same time and exhaled a stale breath.

But Tang San's turbid air was like a white pike, extremely obvious, but Bai Ge's turbid air could only see the condensed white air current.

This is because Tang San's cultivation is much higher than that of Bai Ge.


Opening his eyes, Tang San couldn't help sighing.

"what happened?"

Bai Ge couldn't help asking with some doubts.

"It still doesn't work. My Profound Sky Art still cannot break through the first bottleneck. It has been three full months. Why is this?"

Tang San was a little confused.

"Could it be because we didn't awaken the Martial Spirit?"

Bai Ge naturally knew the reason for Tang San's inability to break through, but Bai Ge couldn't say it with certainty, because he couldn't say the reason at all, so he could only speak in a guessing tone.

"Awakening Martial Soul?"

Hearing this unfamiliar term, Tang San couldn't help but wonder.

"You know Wuhun Temple, it's the house in the middle of our village."

Bai Ge explained.

"I heard from my grandfather that in Douluo Continent, all children who are six years old will be awakened under the auspices of the Spirit Hall, and only those who have awakened their spirit and have innate spirit power can practice. To become a soul master, a soul master must absorb a soul ring at each stage to enter the next stage, otherwise you will not be able to continue to practice. Could you not break through because you did not awaken the spirit and absorb the soul ring?

"Spirit ring, what is a spirit ring?"

Tang San then asked.

"I heard it has something to do with spirit beasts, but I don't know the details."

Bai Ge naturally couldn't answer Tang San's question any more.

His explanation just now can be said to be "Super Gang", which can barely be explained by the identity of Grandpa Jack as the head of the Holy Soul Village.

But he undoubtedly had no way to answer the spiritual master's cultivation, because the Holy Soul Village hadn't had a soul master for many years.