
Doubled Adversity: The Villain's Desire

The villain Lin Beifan found himself wielding a peculiar power: a wishing system that granted him a single wish each day, coupled with a twisted catch—each wish he made inadvertently bolstered his adversaries twofold. Undeterred by this curse, Lin Beifan chuckled mischievously and declared, "So be it! From this moment forth, with every wish I make, let the enemy's strength double!" With a smirk, he set his plan in motion, weaving chaos and upheaval into the fabric of his world. Lin Beifan merely chuckled at this revelation: "Is that all?" "I wish to maintain my body temperature at 36.8 degrees!" he declared. The brain of the first protagonist overheated to 73.6 degrees, resulting in their demise! "I wish to sleep for 12 hours every day!" he exclaimed. The second protagonist lapsed into a vegetative state, meeting their end! "I wish to be crushed to death by a 120-pound beauty!" he proclaimed. The third protagonist met their end, flattened into a mere sheet by a 240-pound woman! And thus, the plot was once again thrown into disarray!

Naveen_Chand · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Ye Xingchen! You traitor!

"Brother Xiao Chen, how are you feeling now? Are you getting better?" Lin Beifan inquired with genuine concern, placing the bouquet of white flowers he brought on the pile of flowers nearby, adding a somber atmosphere to the room.

The protagonist Xiao Chen let out a tired sigh. "Do you have to come here so often?" he grumbled inwardly. He really didn't want to see Lin Beifan's face again. Every time he saw him, it reminded him of his painful past, and it only served to upset him further.

"But if I don't come, who will?" Lin Beifan replied, seemingly oblivious to Xiao Chen's discomfort. "You're alone in this city, injured and hospitalized. If I don't take care of you, who will?" His words were filled with genuine concern, though Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel a sense of irritation.

Internally, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel disappointed. "You actually seem a bit happy today," he remarked, surprised by the slight change in Lin Beifan's demeanor.

Lin Beifan's face lit up with happiness as he exclaimed, "Of course I'm happy! I made money today!"

Xiao Chen's heart sank as he narrowed his eyes, knowing all too well the implications of Lin Beifan's newfound wealth. In a previous life, Lin Beifan, his arch-nemesis, had embarked on his path to success around this time. Starting from a modest investment company, Lin Beifan had rapidly expanded his influence through shrewd investments and strategic business maneuvers. Eventually, he built a sprawling business empire that spanned across multiple countries, becoming a formidable force to be reckoned with. It was this immense power and influence that ultimately led to Xiao Chen's defeat.

Now, lying injured in the hospital, Xiao Chen was in no position to pose any threat to Lin Beifan. However, he understood the importance of staying informed about his adversary's activities. Knowledge was power, and knowing Lin Beifan's movements could potentially provide valuable insights for the future.

Feigning surprise, Xiao Chen asked, "You made money already today? How much did you earn?"

With a modest smile, Lin Beifan replied, "It's not much..."

Xiao Chen's relief was short-lived as Lin Beifan's next words struck him like a blow.

"Not much, just a few hundred million," Lin Beifan casually remarked.

"Pfft!" Xiao Chen couldn't help but let out a disbelieving scoff.

"Specifically, it's 490 million, rounding up to 500 million," Lin Beifan continued, his expression filled with satisfaction.

Xiao Chen felt a sense of collapse wash over him. In just one day, Lin Beifan had earned 500 million yuan. This was a staggering amount, especially considering that when Lin Beifan had first started working, he had only possessed a modest 100 million yuan as startup capital. Yet, through astute securities investments over the course of just over a month, Lin Beifan had managed to increase his wealth to between 500 million and 600 million yuan.

The realization of Lin Beifan's rapid success left Xiao Chen feeling both envious and unsettled. It was clear that his adversary possessed an uncanny ability to navigate the world of finance and business, making him a formidable opponent indeed.

Xiao Chen's mind raced with incredulity. "In one month, achieving a 500% rate of return is already impressive! But to make 500 million in just one day... How did he do it? This means his wealth is multiplying at an incredible speed! Could it be that my rebirth has triggered a butterfly effect again? But this butterfly effect is too significant, I can hardly believe it!"

Trembling slightly, Xiao Chen asked, "How did you make?"

With evident pride, Lin Beifan replied, "It's all thanks to Brother Ye!"

Xiao Chen was surprised. "Brother Ye? You mean your bodyguard, Ye Xingchen?"

Lin Beifan nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! At first, I only had 100 million in funds, and I was at a loss about what to do. But he suggested trying stone gambling. So, I selected a stone in the gambling market, took a chance, and after cutting it, it turned out to be worth 90 million yuan, resulting in a substantial profit!"

The protagonist Xiao Chen couldn't help but let out a disbelieving scoff.

"This stone only cost me 4 million, but it turned out to be a return of 90 million, a super high rate of return of 20 times! Are you surprised or not?" Lin Beifan asked, excitement evident in his voice.

Xiao Chen clenched his teeth. "I'm... surprised!"

"This is just the beginning!" Lin Beifan continued, his excitement mounting. "Then next, my brother Ye also helped me choose a stone! Guess what, after the stone was cut, it turned out to be all the finest glass imperial jade, a peerless treasure. I made 400 million all of a sudden! Are you surprised?"

The protagonist Xiao Chen's lips were now bleeding from biting too hard. "I'm... surprised!"

"Moreover, in this transaction involving the rough stone, I also gained the acquaintance of many esteemed individuals and made numerous friends! This is a valuable asset that cannot be bought with money," Lin Beifan expressed with gratitude. "Brother Ye brought all this to me. He is truly my lucky star. I am indebted to him and must repay his kindness! Right, Brother Xiao?"

"Yes, precisely!" replied the protagonist Xiao Chen through gritted teeth, his eyes ablaze with fury.

Ye Xingchen!

You traitor!

You're a complete turncoat!

Someone stole your woman and ruined your career, and yet you're helping him!

I initially thought it was a misunderstanding, but now it's clear there's no mistake at all!

You're a total sellout!

A treacherous lackey!

Don't give me the opportunity, or I'll end you!

After putting in the eye drops, Lin Beifan tapped Xiao Chen on the shoulder. "Alright, I'll take off now. Take care of yourself. I'll drop by tomorrow when I have some free time."

As Lin Beifan left, Xiao Chen clenched his fists in anger. Ye Xingchen's betrayal weighed heavily on his mind, filling him with a burning desire for revenge.