
Doubled Adversity: The Villain's Desire

The villain Lin Beifan found himself wielding a peculiar power: a wishing system that granted him a single wish each day, coupled with a twisted catch—each wish he made inadvertently bolstered his adversaries twofold. Undeterred by this curse, Lin Beifan chuckled mischievously and declared, "So be it! From this moment forth, with every wish I make, let the enemy's strength double!" With a smirk, he set his plan in motion, weaving chaos and upheaval into the fabric of his world. Lin Beifan merely chuckled at this revelation: "Is that all?" "I wish to maintain my body temperature at 36.8 degrees!" he declared. The brain of the first protagonist overheated to 73.6 degrees, resulting in their demise! "I wish to sleep for 12 hours every day!" he exclaimed. The second protagonist lapsed into a vegetative state, meeting their end! "I wish to be crushed to death by a 120-pound beauty!" he proclaimed. The third protagonist met their end, flattened into a mere sheet by a 240-pound woman! And thus, the plot was once again thrown into disarray!

Naveen_Chand · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

The Pursuit of Affection: A Wife's Endeavor Again

Next, they both headed home.

At 10:00 a.m. on the second day, Song Yuqing led her team to the Lin Group Company.

At the entrance, a middle-aged man with a beer belly spotted Song Yuqing and warmly greeted her with a smile.

"Hello, Miss Song Yuqing, the president of Song Family Hospital, right? You're as beautiful as they say! I'm Yang Wu, the marketing director of the Lin Family Group. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Hello, Director Yang!"

They shook hands cordially before Song Yuqing's team was escorted into the company's meeting room.

After some pleasantries over tea, they got down to business.

"President Song, the young master gave instructions last night, so we'll proceed as you requested. We'll purchase this batch of medical equipment on credit, and the interest will be calculated at today's bank loan rate!"

After reviewing the contract, Song Yuqing nodded in agreement. "Just as outlined in the contract."

"Mr. Song, I'm glad you're satisfied! Additionally, we've already expedited the delivery of the equipment you requested. It'll be shipped to your hospital tomorrow and can be assembled and debugged the day after. It'll be ready for use!"

Song Yuqing was pleasantly surprised. "So quickly?"

Large medical equipment like the ones they were purchasing typically took days to ship, let alone be installed and debugged.

"That's what the young master ordered! With this speedy delivery, you can start generating revenue from the equipment sooner and alleviate financial pressure," Director Yang explained.

Song Yuqing felt a sense of gratitude at the gesture.

"Furthermore, the young master mentioned that if you're unsure what to do with your old equipment, you can hand it over to us, and we'll offer you a fair price."

"Really?" Song Yuqing's eyes sparkled with hope.

Disposing of old medical equipment wasn't as simple as tossing it out; it required dealing with qualified companies.

But there were very few companies with the required qualifications, and they often took advantage of the situation to negotiate lower prices. Consequently, negotiations for the old equipment had yet to be finalized.

These large pieces of equipment were taking up both space and money, becoming a headache for Song Yuqing. However, if the Song Group could take them back and offer a favorable price, it would save her a lot of trouble.

"Mr. Song, we're not making empty promises," Director Yang said with a bitter smile. "If you agree, we can send someone over now to remove the old equipment."

"Thank you, Director Yang, for your company's support," Song Yuqing expressed her gratitude.

She hadn't expected the trip to go so smoothly. With just a cup of tea, everything was sorted out, and she even managed to get rid of the old equipment that had been bothering her while getting a good price for it. All of this was thanks to one person.

"By the way, where's your son? Why haven't we seen him?" she inquired.

"Our son..." Director Yang sighed. "He probably hasn't gotten up yet! He has a reputation in our group for never arriving before noon! The master and the madam are endlessly worried about it!"

"So he likes to sleep in!" Song Yuqing chuckled. "Don't worry, maybe he's having more fun this way!"

"I hope so," Director Yang said, his expression reflecting his concern as the elder of the group. He didn't want the group's future to be jeopardized because of his son's behavior.

After everything was taken care of, Song Yuqing left the group feeling relieved. On her way back, she couldn't resist picking up her phone and sending a WeChat message.

Song Yuqing: I visited your group today, and everything has been sorted out. Thank you!

Lin Beifan: You're welcome! 😊

Song Yuqing: Huh? You're responding so quickly, shouldn't you be sleeping in?

Lin Beifan: Can't sleep, feeling annoyed.

Song Yuqing: What are you bothering about?

Lin Beifan: The money thing! Recently, I am especially short of money, and I can't do anything!

Song Yuqing: You are a dignified young man who still lacks money?

 Lin Beifan: Why is there no shortage? My parents cut off my bank card in order to prevent me from going crazy! In my card, there are less than 1 million left, and even eating is a problem! 

Song Yuqing: Haha, maybe it's a lesson to manage your finances better.

Lin Beifan: Yeah, it's definitely a wake-up call for me.

Song Yuqing: Don't worry too much. We'll have dinner together soon, my treat.

Lin Beifan: That's very kind of you, thank you.

Song Yuqing: Haha, I mean no fancy restaurants or clubs. Just a simple meal.

Lin Beifan: Sure, I'm fine with anything as long as I can eat!

Song Yuqing: Great, I'll let you know the time and place later.

Lin Beifan: Looking forward to it!

With the dinner invitation settled, Song Yuqing felt pleased to be able to treat Lin Beifan to a meal. She appreciated his help and wanted to express her gratitude.

"Disclaimer: This translation is based on the original work [My Wish, the Enemy Gets Doubled!]. All rights to the characters, plot, and storyline belong to the original author. This translation is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only, and no copyright infringement is intended."

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