
Doubled Adversity: The Villain's Desire

The villain Lin Beifan found himself wielding a peculiar power: a wishing system that granted him a single wish each day, coupled with a twisted catch—each wish he made inadvertently bolstered his adversaries twofold. Undeterred by this curse, Lin Beifan chuckled mischievously and declared, "So be it! From this moment forth, with every wish I make, let the enemy's strength double!" With a smirk, he set his plan in motion, weaving chaos and upheaval into the fabric of his world. Lin Beifan merely chuckled at this revelation: "Is that all?" "I wish to maintain my body temperature at 36.8 degrees!" he declared. The brain of the first protagonist overheated to 73.6 degrees, resulting in their demise! "I wish to sleep for 12 hours every day!" he exclaimed. The second protagonist lapsed into a vegetative state, meeting their end! "I wish to be crushed to death by a 120-pound beauty!" he proclaimed. The third protagonist met their end, flattened into a mere sheet by a 240-pound woman! And thus, the plot was once again thrown into disarray!

Naveen_Chand · Urbano
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50 Chs

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In this manner, Lin Beifan silenced all opposing voices and firmly stood by the protagonist Ye Xingchen.

Everyone harbored dissatisfaction, but they were at a loss on how to sway Lin Beifan's decision. Even Liu Rumei sighed.

Ultimately, this marked Lin Beifan's inaugural decision. Despite its seeming absurdity, as subordinates, they couldn't contest the authority of their leader. It was an unwritten rule of the workplace. Only if the leader made a blatant mistake could they justifiably reclaim the funds.

Following this, all departments adhered to Lin Beifan's investment plan. Out of the total 580 million funds, 30 million were reserved as working capital. Of the remaining 550 million, 50 million were entrusted to the protagonist Ye Xingchen, while the rest, a staggering 500 million, was fully invested in the stock market.

Then, quietly, Ye Xingchen made a wish.

"I wish for a return on investment of more than 8% today."

It wasn't that he didn't desire higher returns, but in the stock market, fluctuations typically ranged around 10%. Moreover, purchasing stocks required some time, limiting the potential for returns exceeding that threshold.

"Ding! Wish granted successfully!"

Lin Beifan smiled faintly, anticipating the forthcoming rewards.

Another surprise awaited him.

On the other hand, the protagonist Ye Xingchen returned home excitedly.

"What's the best way to make him lose more?"

"It would be ideal to incur substantial losses immediately after the investment, catching him off guard!"

Ye Xingchen pondered earnestly. He knew that the stock and bond markets were unlikely to plummet drastically, and their declines were typically limited, not exceeding 10% in a single day. Therefore, it was essential to devise a strategy that would prevent Lin Beifan from reacting in time.

"Ideally, I should invest in futures, foreign exchange, gold, crude oil, and other highly leveraged products. Moreover, I should go against the market trend and fully commit to positions, ensuring he doesn't have the chance to respond!"

"It's settled. I'll short gold!"

In the current economic climate, with global growth slowing down, gold's reputation as a safe haven asset has only grown stronger, resulting in a consistent upward trajectory in its price.

The trend was unmistakable - only those who went long on gold stood to profit, while shorting it would be a risky move.

With this realization, Ye Xingchen wasted no time. He promptly accessed the trading account provided by the company and used the allocated 50 million funds to short gold.

Given the substantial amount of funds involved, the bank offered a margin of 10 times the initial investment. This meant that the 50 million could effectively be leveraged to 500 million, amplifying potential gains by tenfold. However, it also meant that a mere 10% loss would wipe out the entire investment.

Such was the allure of margin trading - massive potential returns, but equally substantial risks.

"I won't lose to you," Ye Xingchen vowed silently, determined to see his plan through to fruition.

As Ye Xingchen found a quiet spot to rest, the employees in Lin Beifan's department were glued to their computer screens, closely monitoring the market movements and the performance of their investments.

Excitement rippled through the room as they observed the positive trends unfolding before their eyes.

"Look, Gathering Bio's stock has surged by 3%! With the trading volume increasing significantly, it might even surpass 5% by the end of the day!"

"Wanchuang's stock is also on the rise, exceeding 5% already! Several institutions have started buying into Wanchuang, indicating strong confidence in its future prospects!"

"Multi-cloud real estate is up by 4%, possibly due to recent favorable news!"

"And colorful furniture city's stock is climbing too!"

The atmosphere was charged with optimism as the employees eagerly awaited the outcome of their investments.

With good news streaming in one after another, the stocks purchased by the department started showing significant gains, with their prices turning red across the board.

Some stocks saw their values rise by as much as 5%, while others even hit the daily limit for price increase.

Excitement filled the air as everyone celebrated this promising start to their investments.

The news quickly reached Lin Beifan's ears, who couldn't help but feel delighted. "Is that so? It seems like today will bring us a bountiful harvest!"

Liu Rumei nodded enthusiastically in agreement. "Yes, indeed!"

An investment manager exclaimed excitedly, "Mr. Lin, you're incredible! All the stocks you selected have soared, you're like a living stock deity! My admiration for you knows no bounds, it's like the unstoppable flood of the Yellow River..."

"Come on, cut the flattery! I'm just overseeing the overall direction. The actual operations are carried out by everyone, so the credit belongs to all of us," Lin Beifan replied modestly, waving his hand.

The investment manager's admiration only grew, and even Liu Rumei looked at Lin Beifan with admiration.

A great leader knows how to share credit without arrogance and always considers their subordinates!

At that moment, Lin Beifan wondered, "What about our brother Ye? How's his investment performing?"

Liu Rumei pursed her lips and replied, "Him? It'd be good if he doesn't end up losing money!"

"Let's go take a look. Perhaps he'll bring us some unexpected surprises!" Lin Beifan said with a mysterious smile.

Liu Rumei couldn't help but roll her eyes inwardly, still unable to get used to Ye Xingchen's demeanor. He didn't seem like a bodyguard at all, and his lack of self-awareness was baffling. If it weren't for Lin Beifan's high regard for him, she would have been inclined to get rid of him.