
Doubled Adversity: The Villain's Desire

The villain Lin Beifan found himself wielding a peculiar power: a wishing system that granted him a single wish each day, coupled with a twisted catch—each wish he made inadvertently bolstered his adversaries twofold. Undeterred by this curse, Lin Beifan chuckled mischievously and declared, "So be it! From this moment forth, with every wish I make, let the enemy's strength double!" With a smirk, he set his plan in motion, weaving chaos and upheaval into the fabric of his world. Lin Beifan merely chuckled at this revelation: "Is that all?" "I wish to maintain my body temperature at 36.8 degrees!" he declared. The brain of the first protagonist overheated to 73.6 degrees, resulting in their demise! "I wish to sleep for 12 hours every day!" he exclaimed. The second protagonist lapsed into a vegetative state, meeting their end! "I wish to be crushed to death by a 120-pound beauty!" he proclaimed. The third protagonist met their end, flattened into a mere sheet by a 240-pound woman! And thus, the plot was once again thrown into disarray!

Naveen_Chand · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Fooling the Chaos King

The protagonist Ye Xingchen was thrilled. What an opportunity this was!

In his previous life, Lin Beifan, the chaotic demon king, had risen rapidly by investing in the securities market, beating almost every stock and gold futures. Now, in this rebirth, he must be stopped! At the very least, his progress must be slowed down to prevent him from rising too fast.

But how to deceive him?

Lin Beifan's intelligence is nearly demonic, with a profound understanding of all walks of life. Moreover, he has the smart Liu Rumei by his side. Ordinary reasons won't convince him in the slightest.

So, there could be no room for nonsense!

The approach must be entirely reasonable!

After contemplating for a moment, Ye Xingchen furrowed his brow. "I don't think it's a good idea to invest in the securities market right now."

Lin Beifan was caught off guard. "Why do you say that?"

Liu Rumei also looked puzzled.

"As a bodyguard, I haven't picked up a book in years, so I may not grasp the big picture, but I do know that the economy isn't doing well at the moment. Not only is our country's economy struggling, but the global economy is also in a downturn. Therefore, the stock market is experiencing a continuous decline, with everything showing red. Entering the stock market at this time poses very high risks, and one could easily be taken advantage of."

"The stock market, along with futures, options, and other markets, is highly volatile and unpredictable. I've heard they even offer leveraged trading, where 1 yuan can act as 10 yuan, increasing the risk significantly."

"Similarly, bonds, while offering stable returns, are too slow in yielding profits. Mr. Lin, you're here to make a mark, and higher returns would be more desirable for you. You certainly wouldn't prefer slow returns."

"So, my suggestion is to steer clear of securities investments for the time being."

Liu Rumei was taken aback, not expecting such a thorough analysis from a bodyguard.

Lin Beifan narrowed his eyes, sensing that there might be something off about the protagonist.

"Yes, the global economy isn't in the best shape right now, and the securities market is indeed sluggish. Either the returns are low or the risks are high. However, I still recommend investing in the securities market."

"Because our funds are quite limited, and there aren't many alternative investment options available. Additionally, the securities market offers high liquidity, allowing us to withdraw funds promptly if we encounter any issues, thereby minimizing potential losses."

Liu Rumei voiced her opinion.

Ye Xingchen thought to himself that Liu Rumei was not easily fooled, so he needed to step up his efforts.

At that moment, Lin Beifan smiled and asked, "Brother Ye, what you said makes sense! But if we're not investing in the securities market, what would you suggest as a good investment? Do you have any advice?"

Pretending to be clueless, Ye Xingchen scratched the back of his head and smirked, "I'm not much of an expert in these matters, but if I had the money, my first choice would definitely be to invest in real estate! Houses hold their value, and you can either live in them or rent them out. Either way, you won't lose money. Plus, with the current real estate boom, property prices are only going up, so you're sure to make some profit!"

This was his first mischievous suggestion.

Before his rebirth, due to the global economic downturn, many people couldn't afford to buy houses, leading to a downturn in the real estate market after a 20-year bull run.

Even in major cities, housing prices began to decline.

Therefore, if the other party were to invest in real estate now, not only would they not make a profit, but their funds might also become tied up.

Moreover, Ye Xingchen had presented himself as ignorant and uneducated, so it was expected for him to suggest something incorrect!

You couldn't blame him for pointing in the wrong direction, could you?

At that moment, Liu Rumei chimed in, "While the domestic real estate market is currently booming, the global and domestic economies are showing signs of deterioration. As a result, the real estate sector, heavily reliant on capital, is bound to enter a downturn. Entering the real estate market now would be very unwise."

"And another thing, our capital is still too small! With 100 million yuan, how many houses can we buy in Mohai City? It's too much if we have more, and too little if we have less. There's really no need to wade into this murky waters!"

Ye Xingchen, the protagonist, once again displayed his foresight.

As expected of the right-hand man of the Demon King of Chaos, he could even see the future trends in real estate!

It seemed that he had to come up with something skillful.

"How about the education industry?" Ye Xingchen suggested seriously. "As the saying goes, no matter how poor you are, you can't afford poor education, and no matter how hard you are, you can't let your children suffer! Every parent wants their children to have a good start, so they place great emphasis on education and are willing to invest. I may be frugal, but I would still spend tens of thousands of dollars to enroll my children in cram schools!"

"Just look at how rapidly the education industry is developing in our country. It's reported that it employs tens of millions and has a market scale of one trillion! This industry won't be significantly impacted by the economy. Investing in this sector guarantees substantial profits!"