
Double Life of CEO's Wife

As the illegitimate daughter of the Montrose family, the richest family in S City, Natalia is often overlooked by her father and scorned by her half-siblings and their mother. But when the richest family in Z City reaches out, suggesting a marriage between their sickly son and one of the Montrose daughters, Maxwell Montrose chooses Natalia to be the one married off to the eldest son of the Black family. When the wedding day comes, Natalia finally meets her spouse. Standing at the altar is Sebastian Black. After they are married, he brings her back to Z City with him. In the Black family household, she is treated well and begins to believe that her life can take a turn for the better. When she discovers that Sebastian has lied and faked his illness for over ten years, he threatens to reveal her identity as an illegitimate daughter to his family. Forced to choose between her in-name-only husband and being casted out, she decides on her husband. But what nobody knows is that Natalia is the leader of the largest crime syndicate in the country. With many people loyal to her, she can find information on whatever or whomever she wants and has an unfathomable amount of money to her name. And yet, as she starts to fall for her husband, her double life risks being found out. Will she be able to balance her two true identities... or will her career as a criminal land her in deep trouble? *Original story *Copyright @TMHT

TMHT · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs


"Urgh, can't you do anything right?"

A young woman of twenty-four years wrung her hands nervously and lowered her head, black hair falling into her line of sight. "I'm sorry. All you asked was for cupcakes to be made. You never specified what flavor, so I just made vanilla since not everyone likes chocolate."

"You ungrateful little! Ahh! Make all forty-eight again! This time, I want twelve chocolate, twelve vanilla birthday cake, twelve red velvet, and twelve key lime!"

"Yes, Mira."

Mira Montrose, the eldest daughter of the richest family in S City, hmphed and crossed her arms before storming out of the kitchen. Tomorrow was her twenty-ninth birthday, and so she has having her younger half-sister prepare them.

Natalia sighed and turned towards the four different sizes of mixing bowls. She started cleaning them in the sink to remake the cupcake batter. As she was doing so, the Madam of the house, Adrianna Montrose, walked up.

"You stupid spawn! What have you done to upset my Mira?"

"I'm sorry, Madam. I made all vanilla birthday cupcakes instead of a variety. But Mira never specified before, so I didn't know what to do."


The sound resounded throughout the large kitchen. A handprint was left on Natalia's left cheek, and she held a hand up to her sore skin as tears threatened to well in her eyes.

"You're useless! Utterly useless! I don't know why Maxwell even keeps you around, you good-for-nothing ingrate!"

Adrianna whirled and left. Natalia sunk to her knees. Although this treatment was nothing new to her, tears finally sliding down her face. She took a shuddering breath before standing back up and returning to the cupcake matter.

  - - - - -

The next day, children of prominent members in S City came to the Montrose household. They were the next generation of the richest and most elite. Mira's full-blood younger sister, Tallulah, and their two brothers greeted the guests that came in wearing suits and cocktail dresses. Natalia looked on sadly; Adrianna had already forbidden her presence at the birthday party.

It's so no one has to lay eyes on a dirty, groveling bastard child such as you,  she had said.

While the others were enjoying themselves with cupcakes and martinis, Natalia stood outside in the back garden, watching the red and white koi fish swim leisurely in the pond. Soon, a soft cough echoed behind her as a person came up to her side.

"I thought I was the only one escaping out here."

She turned to see a handsome man with platinum blonde hair and sharp, striking facial features. His light brown eyes that contrasted his black suit rested on her warmly. A smile broke out on his lips.

A blush rose to her cheeks. "No... I- partying scenes just aren't my thing."

"Oh? Then why did you come to Ms. Montrose's birthday party?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

He laughed a hearty chuckle before falling into a short coughing fit. Her eyebrows furrowed with concern.

"Are you alright?"

He waved it off. "It's nothing. It's a chronic, genetic illness. Don't worry, it's not contagious or anything."

When the man had recovered, he said, "It seems Mr. and Mrs. Montrose had other plans for this party. Not only is it a gathering to celebrate their eldest daughter's birthday, but it's also to find her a suitable husband."

I should've figured that, Natalia thought.  No wonder Mira was so giddy about this birthday party last night.

"Oh. You don't want to marry her?"

"I'm quite happy being a bachelor."

He coughed a couple more times and glanced at her. "Are you very good friends with Mira? If so, why aren't you celebrating with her?"

"I- we're not close."

"Did your parents make you come?"

She shook her head. "I live here."

His eyes widened. "Y- you're a Montrose?"

She nodded sadly. "I'm the youngest daughter of the Montrose family."

"I thought there were only two Montrose daughters. But, I've already met Mira and Lulu."

"No, I'm the third daughter." Then, she partially joked, "The unloved third daughter."

Just then, Adrianna slid open the glass doors in the kitchen and yelled, "You little minx! Wherever you are, get back here right now and come clean these dirty dishes!"

Natalia winced. "I'm sorry, I have to go."

"Wait!" He caught her arm. "Why does your mother treat you like this?"

She yanked herself free from his grasp, eyes narrowing as she snarled, "That woman's not my mother."

Then, she left.

In the kitchen, she began to load the dishes in the dishwasher. Whatever didn't fit, she cleaned by hand. At the same time, the party was still going on in full-swing.

When she had finally finished all of the dishes, Natalia started back for her room. But halfway there, she was stopped by a drunk young man. He pinned her between the wall and himself while trapped in his arms. She could smell the alcohol on him and recoiled in disgust.

"Beauty," he drawled. "Where'd you come from?"

Of all three daughters that Maxwell Montrose had, Natalia was undoubtedly the most beautiful. Her looks all came from her mother, who had been a model that her father had had a one-night stand with. She had the peachiest skin with the gentlest of feminine facial features, the shiniest black hair, and the most dazzling hazel eyes. It was partially because of this that Adrianna, Tallulah, and Mira hated her.

Natalia squirmed. Turning her head, she didn't see anyone around. So, she brought her knee up. He immediately stumbled away from the wall and seethed.

"F*ing woman!"

But, Natalia's gaze hardened. She walked forward, clasped her hands together, and swiftly brought her elbow down on his trapezius, rendering him unconscious. Scoffing, she turned and headed for her room. Once there, she closed the door and leaned against it before sliding to the ground, letting out a long and slow breath.

One day, I will walk out of here with my head held high. Until then, I have to endure all hardships faced.

Just then, her phone buzzed in her leggings' pocket. She pulled it out and looked at the caller id.

"Ian, how's the task I assigned you going?" she asked as she stood.

"It's in progress, Ma'am. We're having a hard time tracing her whereabouts."

Natalia sighed and walked over to her window, looking out over the rows and rows of villas in the eastern sector of S City. "Just- just find her. Expend whatever resources you need to."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Oh, and Ian?"


Her eye narrowed as she thought of the family that stole her from her mother and despised her. "Prepare to take full control of Montrose Investment Group's stocks. When I tell you to do ruin everything my father holds dear, do it. Understand?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

She hung up the phone and sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.  Soon, everything will change. Soon, I won't be Natalia Montrose anymore. Soon, there won't be any prestigious Montrose family anymore anyways.