
Double Date With Mafia

Anything can happen in this world, including when your enemies become friends as Cylo and Ivo did. As a result of the fierce battle they waged over forbidden items in the underworld, they chose to become partners. But without the two sweet men realizing it, there are two supreme leaders of the BlackWolf mafia group who are targeting the two of them to be partners. *** Cylo is a sweet young man who works as an assassin with his older sister. He is a talented young assassin who can defeat his enemies before they know it. One day, Cylo faces a very fierce battle with a professional hacker, Ivo, in fighting over forbidden items in the underworld. Realizing that if they are fighting the same enemy, Cylo and Ivo agree to become temporary partners. On the other hand, there are two top leaders of the Black Wolf mafia group who are targeting temporary partners who are none other than Jefford who is the mafia leader, and Lewis who is the right hand of the mafia leader. Jeff is very interested in Cylo because, besides his toughness in using taekwondo, Cylo has a sweet face, soft white skin, and a sexy body. Meanwhile, Law is very interested in Ivo because of his intelligence in hacking and Ivo also has a sweet face, cute black hair, and a small slender body. "Stay there baby, no one should have you beside me." – Jeff “You are only mine baby, only mine without exception.” – Law

Red_Milllo · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

[2] Failure Mission

Ivo is preparing to start his dangerous mission this time, now he is in a hotel in Russia close to the port because according to the data he hacked, Robert and the Blood mafia group will make transactions around here.

Even though carrying out a mission is something that Ivo has often done, this mission is considered dangerous because if he takes one wrong step, he will have to deal with the mafia or other people with great power. Enough to make me nervous but it looks like fun to live.

Ivo prepared a lot of weapons such as pistols, kunai, and bulletproof vests. Don't forget the small gadgets that have been modified in such a way that they are easy to use in difficult situations but can still maximize Ivo's hacking skills. Looks like disguising as a passerby wouldn't be bad in order to trick his opponents.

"Okay let's get started," Ivo said while pointing his gun at the mirror and smiling sinisterly.


On the other hand, Cylo was preparing his equipment at a hotel in Russia which was close to the port as Chelsea had told him. His mission this time is to take the mind control chipset from the hands of Robert and the Blood mafia and then destroy it so that there is no potential to control the world.

The good news, I don't know if this is good or bad news but what is clear in this mission is that Cylo is accompanied by Jaki who is a black man who works as an assassin as well as himself and indeed they have been partners for several missions as ordered by Chelsea. Despite the fact that Cylo and Jaki aren't that close.

I Cylo didn't know why Chelsea His sister ordered Jaki on the mission this time even though Cylo didn't mind it, he still preferred to complete the mission alone without anyone else disturbing him.

"Let's start," said Jaki to Cylo after wearing the typical clothes of the people here.

Cylo only glanced briefly then nodded lazily. Yes, let's hope Jaki doesn't hinder him and doesn't put him in danger because even if he's a partner, anything can happen, right?

"Okay, Chelsea has sent the coordinates to me." Obviously, Cylo then left the hotel with Jaki.

With the typical clothes of the people here worn by Cylo and Jaki, it's easier for them to mingle without anyone getting suspicious.

They stared at each other then nodded their heads and started to scatter. Cylo to the west and Jaki to the east because this way they will be able to make ambushes more easily and neatly.

From a distance, Cylo had seen Robert and one of his bodyguards walking quietly with a crowd of people toward one of the abandoned ports.

Target locked. Cylo should be able to keep up well. By sneaking around and walking like other normal people, it's easier for the assassin to follow the mad scientist.

But Cylo's were uncomfortable as if someone was watching them. And sure enough, a man in a black costume was seen on the roof of a resident's house.

"Huft .. many people really want that chipset," Cylo muttered as he continued to do stealth reconnaissance.


On the other hand, Jaki, who is another assassin, is also carrying out reconnaissance on Robert and his bodyguards in another direction so he can keep an eye on Cylo while looking for the right time to retrieve the chipset.

It's the same as Cylo who wears people's clothes here, so Jaki also does this so he can easily carry out reconnaissance without people suspecting him.

Jaki continues to follow Robert and, of course, he suspects that this transaction will be carried out in an abandoned old port that only leaves old, rusty containers.

This will be easier than imagined because indeed he and Cylo are on the right track so it's easy to make maximum ambushes.

"Okay Robert looks like the chipset will be mine soon," Jaki muttered then continued his scouting.

Even so, unbeknownst to Jaki, a cute guy wearing a black hoodie was also stalking him from behind. It seems that it's true, that mind control chipset is so dangerous that everyone in the world wants it for various purposes.

Jaki's reconnaissance continues to the old port by bringing together Robert and his bodyguards as well as representatives of the Blood mafia.

"Which one does our leader want Robert." Said the mafia representative who only smiled in response to Robert.

Without wanting to answer the mafia representative's question, Robert immediately opened his briefcase which contained a chipset with a brain logo in the middle and there were several serums that were not used for what.

"Where is the money."

The mafia representative smiled and then opened his briefcase filled with money. He took the money and rubbed it, indicating that the money was genuine, not fake, so Robert was really interested in doing this transaction.

Robert looked around and felt safe. "All right, on the count of three let's toss each other's cases," Robert said then got ready and the mafia representative also did the same thing.





Before Robert could catch the suitcase filled with money, the mad scientist fell into a pool of blood with a bullet that went through his head.

Instantly everyone who witnessed the transaction secretly turned their eyes on the roof of one of the houses and it turned out that it was the man dressed all in black who did this and the man immediately ran away.

Before everyone had time to digest what just happened, the mafia representative immediately ran away with a briefcase containing a mind control chipset in his hand. However, as if he didn't care about his dead master, Robert's bodyguard casually took the briefcase containing the money earlier.

But Jaki didn't let that happen, he shot at the bodyguard and killed him instantly without being able to touch the suitcase filled with money.

Jaki must quickly catch up with the mafia representative so that the mind control chipset can be his own. Just as he was about to take his steps to run, a voice startled him.

"LOCKDOWN," Cylo shouted and Jaki reflexively did this.


Sure enough, a bullet shot toward the old container in front of him. Damn it, why didn't he realize that someone was following him and almost killed him.

"Protect me Cylo, I will go after the mafia," Jaki said then started to chase.

Meanwhile, Cylo only nodded because it seemed that the man wearing the black hoodie was not an easy person to deal with.

Suddenly a firefight occurred between Cylo who is an assassin and Ivo who is a hacker. The two cute but ferocious men carried out a very fierce shootout between these old containers.





Cylo admits that the person he is facing this time is very shrewd and has quick reflexes like someone who has often had shootouts. This was also felt by Ivo because indeed this white-haired man wearing traditional clothes was very good at shooting as well as dodging so Ivo had to really be on guard against his enemy this time.

Ivo and Cylo enter the old warehouse that is in this port. They shot at close range but still, both of them were able to avoid each other's shots so the longer they both completely ran out of bullets.

The two of them looked at each other as if they were agreeing on something. Cylo dashed towards Ivo but the hacker was able to dodge him. Not wanting to be outdone by Cylo, Ivo kicked Cylo's waist and Cylo responded by punching Ivo in the face.

The two of them brought out their fighting skills against each other very fiercely. Until the two faces were very red indicating that they were really angry and had put out a lot of energy into this fight.

"Tsk, you're getting in my way, you idiot," Ivo said angrily.

"Fuck, you're the one who got in my way," Cylo replied angrily too.

The two of them met eyes again and started running toward each other. But someone from the Blood mafia with a briefcase filled with money pointed a bazooka bullet at the old warehouse in which Cylo and Ivo lived.


The explosion in the old warehouse was so powerful that Cylo and Ivo had to end their fierce battle and run in opposite directions to save themselves.


At the same time, Jaki continues to chase the mafia representative because he really wants to get a mind-control chipset for himself.

It didn't matter if he was currently chasing the crowd at the fish market in this harbor. He kept on chasing so as not to lose the mafia representative. In no time, the fish market area that was crowded with civilians had been passed by so now Jaki could easily shoot the person.

While running, Jaki took out his gun and started aiming right at the man's heart from behind.


Suddenly Jaki's body went limp and helpless, pain started to spread to his body.

Jaki turned his gaze to someone in the distance who smiled with satisfaction. Damn, it turns out that not only did he not shoot but now his body was also in excruciating pain and even blood began to flow little by little from his chest and mouth. It really hurts.

He shouldn't be this ambitious to be able to get this mind control chipset, he should be helping Cylo and he shouldn't want to betray his work partner. But what power, he really will die now.


Jaki's body which was covered in blood fell on the deserted road and left the members of the Blood mafia who laughed at the incident.

"Haha. Stupid and reckless hitman."

"Come on, let's go back to the ship because the boss will surely reward us for succeeding in this mission."

"Okay let's go."

About 5 members of the Blood mafia laughed at Jaki's death and continued their journey to a Speedboat parked at the pier.

However, it was because of their excitement over Jaki's death that the members of the Blood mafia did not realize that the members of the speedboat had been finished off by the man in all black and even the man was now waiting inside casually, and smiling knowingly.

"There's nothing wrong with a wolf playing with its prey for a while."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Red_Milllocreators' thoughts