
Dou Luo: This Tang San is Different

Transmigrator 1: "Tang San, you reincarnated by seizing someone else's body, how despicable!" Slap! Tang San slapped him back and scolded: "You are the one who reincarnated and awakened your previous life's memories, and I am the one who seized someone else's body, right?" Transmigrator 2: "Tang San, you are so hypocritical! You actually told Dugu Bo the worst way to treat his poison, and stole his immortal grass." Slap! Tang San slapped him again and said: "Were those immortal grasses planted by Dugu Bo? No? Then in this fantasy world, killing and robbing is very normal, right? As long as I am strong, then everything I do is right!" Transmigrator 3: "I'd rather be Xiao Yan's lackey than Tang San's brother!" Bang! Tang San smashed his head with a Sky Hammer and said: "You like Xiao Yan so much, why did you transmigrate to Douluo Continent? I am kind-hearted, I'll send you to Douqi Continent!" In his previous life, Tang Chuan transmigrated to Tang San, without any cheats, he wanted to follow the rules, practice Xuantian Gong diligently, and break through the hundredth level by researching his martial soul. He didn't expect that transmigrators would come one after another, and each one of them was a "moral model". Tang San said: "You guys are bored, right?" ****** Power Stone Goal: 200PS = 1 CHAP 600PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

Un1que · Anime e quadrinhos
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318 Chs

Chapter 188 Third Martial Soul: Five-Clawed Golden Dragon

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"What do you think of this Silver Crystal Dragon Pattern Sword?" Tang San took out Norman's Blood Blade, the materialized martial soul, and asked Electrolux.

"It's a peculiar short sword, seems to be energy materialization, especially the dragon patterns on it, like a natural law... I have an idea, should we give it a try?" Electrolux spoke mysteriously, only to stop abruptly.

"What idea?" Tang San suddenly became wary.

Although Electrolux shouldn't deceive him, this guy might have been influenced by Tang San's spiritual power, which had a life attribute, and had become slightly humorous.

Can't say, I might end up making a joke of myself.

"Don't be so nervous, your spiritual sea is already churning." Electrolux felt a bit speechless. "Before coming into your spiritual sea, which you call the Upper Dantian and Yintang acupoints, I was in another person's spiritual sea. At that time, I was relatively weak and didn't see his memories, so I don't know what kind of person he was. However, there were two meat worms in his spiritual sea."

"According to the naming conventions of this world, they're Iceworms, and they're even million-year Iceworms."

"I have to say, that guy's luck was just off the charts!"

Tang San raised an eyebrow, "Did you learn some new fancy words from the memory library I opened for you?"

"Cough! After all, I've experienced rebirth, and I've become younger, don't mind." Electrolux straightened up, "Based on my observations, martial souls can be endowed. That million-year Iceworm, besides its spiritual attribute, also has an ice attribute. Because the person himself is of a spiritual attribute, the original ice attribute was retained. I estimate that as long as he hunts a soul beast, the ice attribute can be shaped and molded, forming a brand new martial soul, and it's definitely a beast martial soul."

"And, it's two beast martial souls."


Tang San narrowed his eyes.

So, that traveler, Huo Yuhao, also received the sacrifice of the Tianemeng Iceworm in this era?


Even if he traveled to this era, he couldn't change the setting of having three martial souls, right?

But, so what?

He had already established himself and had nothing to fear!

"As for the golden dragon patterns inside this Silver Crystal Dragon Pattern Sword, they resemble laws, and they have already taken shape. I can give it a try, let you absorb it, and then you'll have a third martial soul." Electrolux continued, "In this way, with my help, if you obtain the third martial soul from the golden dragon patterns inside this Silver Crystal Dragon Pattern Sword, you won't need to acquire additional soul rings." Electrolux spoke with absolute certainty, "Because this law itself can form a soul ring under the rules of this world, and it's a law soul ring that only gods can control, or, let's say, a divine ring."

"Divine ring? Without corresponding divine power, the consumption of the user's soul ring skills must be enormous." Tang San wasn't swayed by power, but analyzed the pros and cons clearly, "But, the power must be extremely formidable. It should be a good choice for a life-saving skill."

"So, do you agree?" Electrolux seemed eager to give it a try.

"I agree, let's give it a try, no harm in that." Tang San looked at his left hand, "If there's a problem, I'll just shatter it with the destruction power contained in the Haotian Hammer. As for my injuries, with the Blue Silver Emperor, it won't take much time to recover to my peak."

"Then, I'll get started, hold on, it might sting a bit." Electrolux said with a smile.

Tang San: "..."

Under Electrolux's mental connection, the Silver Crystal Dragon Pattern Sword floated up from Tang San's hand and adhered to Tang San's forehead, slowly piercing into it.

Strangely, the skin on Tang San's forehead wasn't pierced, as if the entire Silver Crystal Dragon Pattern Sword had drilled into it.

After that, Tang San felt a slight pain, as if he had been pricked by a needle, and his soul trembled for a moment.

But after the tremor, Tang San found himself inside the Yintang acupoint, where he saw that the dragon patterns inside the Silver Crystal Dragon Pattern Sword were being extracted by Electrolux's manipulation. In Electrolux's continuous construction of magical circuits, they formed a five-clawed golden dragon.

It wasn't the Western dragon type, but the Chinese dragon!

At the moment of its formation, its lifeless eyes turned towards Tang San, as if confirming his identity, then suddenly plunged into Tang San's soul.


In the study, Tang San suddenly opened his eyes, accompanied by a slight low hum, golden dragon scales appeared on his body, with peculiar elemental power circulating among them; his hands transformed into dragon claws, with each claw appearing silver-white and extremely sharp; on his arms, there were also cyan-colored bristles, fluttering without wind.

However, there wasn't much change in his facial features, just a pair of golden dragon horns grew from two places on his forehead, symmetrically positioned, each one extending into three forks, extremely sharp at the top.

As soul power surged, clouds surrounded his body, with flame-like energy patterns flowing behind him.

But the most eye-catching thing was the "divine ring" Electrolux mentioned, all over it was bright gold, but transparent, like crystal, and not the conventional solid gold-covered divine ring.

This soul ring was broken into eight parts, each part forming a peculiar "trigram," some of the strokes of which were broken.

This was the Eight Trigrams!

Qian, Kun, Xun, Dui, Gen, Zhen, Li, Kan

Eight parts, interconnected, forming a peculiar ring, with the inner and outer edges of the ring, which were wrapped in the trigrams, also containing four peculiar cloud-like, flame-like, ripple-like, and natural-like patterns.

Especially at the position inside the soul ring, there were two black and white beads revolving, vaguely forming the momentum of Tai Chi.

"Dragon patterns first appeared on Yang Long's body, and the spear, Eight Poles, Eight Trigrams... What excellent cheats. It's a pity he didn't think it through, wanting to go to the Nuoding city, picking a fight with me, the 'protagonist,' and ended up losing his life for nothing. After numerous twists and turns, this cheat finally came into my hands." For a moment, Tang San lamented the fickleness of fate. Then he sensed the state after the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon martial soul attached itself to him and found that he had a very strong perception of elemental forces and his physical strength had been greatly enhanced.

In this state, even without using fusion skills, his strength would probably be on par with Tang Hao when he released water.

You should know, he's still a Soul King!

And with this unique soul ring skill, Tang San felt like he could control everything in the world, mastering time and space.

It couldn't be more perfect.

However, Tang San didn't dare to use it because he sensed that this skill would drain everything from him at the moment, soul power, blood, spirit... This was definitely not an ability that could be used before reaching Rank 100.

Once used, perhaps he wouldn't even have time to recover using the Blue Silver Emperor.

"Hoo~" Electrolux exhaled a sigh of relief, smiling, "I didn't expect the rules within these dragon patterns to be so powerful. Among the dragon species, there are actually such powerful characters?"

"Thanks, I'm very satisfied with this martial soul, and the form of this divine ring will greatly assist me in constructing the Three Dan Tian." Tang San was excited, "Especially when I condense the core of soul power in the future, the momentum of Yin and Yang within it will provide great help when I refine life and destruction."

The core of soul power, Tang San didn't just want to condense the aura of life, but also the aura of destruction, which would allow him to construct Yin and Yang.

The Xuantian Gong is a Taoist cultivation method, and the internal force cultivated is balanced and moderate. After being imbued with the aura of life by the Blue Silver Emperor, and imbued with the aura of destruction by the Haotian Hammer, it will become imbued with both life and destruction.

Currently, unless it's a critical moment, Tang San won't let his soul power be imbued with the aura of the Haotian Hammer because the auras of destruction and life aren't balanced yet.

In Tang San's view, the main reason is that the two aren't completely opposite.

The opposite of life is death.

The opposite of destruction is creation.

As for death, after the Haotian Hammer became Austin Griffin's Avatar, and after experiencing the hunting of Norman's Blood Blade, devouring a large amount of fragmented soul power, the sixth head will represent death. This allows the Haotian Hammer to carry the power of death and be able to confront life.

However, Austin Griffin's destruction itself isn't something that life can confront, so Tang San needs to let life evolve into creation before condensing it.

Even if it's just a bit, it's enough.

And where does this bit of creative power come from? Since Tang San returned from hunting Norman's Blood Blade, he has searched for a large amount of information related to the Cloud Tree and combined it with his feelings from communicating with that level 90,000 Cloud Tree. He has formed a certain speculation—historically, the soul master who obtained the soul ring of the Cloud Tree and gained the skill of Featherfalling, probably really had the nature of "turning the virtual into the real." This unique plant soul beast, the Cloud Tree, had a greater than 90% chance of encountering a threshold of a bit of creative power.

"To control death and destruction, life and creation, you're really crazy." After learning about Tang San's thoughts, Electrolux couldn't help but get excited. "In my plane, there are also legends of the creator god. I actually have the honor to participate in it, truly fortunate in my three lives!"

After the excitement, Electrolux calmed down and said, "But, this path isn't easy. Fortunately, you have me. I have merged light and death, as well as space. I have experience and can provide you with a lot of help."

"In the future, I'll help you resurrect." Tang San gave Electrolux assurance.

"Resurrect... that's good too. I used to be too pessimistic. I need to open up to a new life, just like those famous quotes from your past life: 'The world is so big, I want to see it!' 'Our journey is in the vast ocean of stars!'" Electrolux didn't want to be resurrected at first, after all, his last life was pretty miserable, and he was disappointed with life. But this strand of remnant soul saw the memories of his past life that Tang San opened for him, and his thoughts and concepts were much broader.

After all, a remnant soul, when it grows stronger again, even if it remembers the past, in the process of growing stronger, accepting new thoughts, it will not be exactly the same as its original personality.

Electrolux didn't think about philosophical questions like "Am I me?" or "Am I not me?" because wise beings are always growing. The various experiences in the past have formed the current personality.

For this reason, Electrolux also admired the world where Tang San lived in his previous life. Clearly, there were no extraordinary powers, but various thoughts emerged endlessly. Even ordinary people could create all kinds of technological devices, flying in the sky, manipulating the weather, even moving mountains and filling seas.

Especially those large-scale weapons of mass destruction, which were unstoppable by ordinary people.

Moreover, regarding the universe, the ordinary people of that world also calculated various formulas and simulated images... Unfortunately, Tang San didn't know the specific formulas, just the general idea, and would need to deduce them one by one in the future...

He really wanted to go and see the world where Tang San lived in his previous life!

"There will be a chance." Tang San looked out at the sky outside the window. "But before heading towards the vast ocean of stars, we also need to be down-to-earth. It's impossible to reach the stars with just one person, two people, or even ten people. We need unity."

"That's difficult." Electrolux knew the evil of human nature. Unity of purpose, how difficult is that?

"Not difficult. If you've seen my memories, you'll know what unity of purpose means." Tang San shook his head. "And the first step we need to take is to expand our influence."

"The Elite Tournament of Advanced Soul Masters on the entire continent will be the foundation for us to step onto the world stage."

"If you want to change the world, you need to adapt to the world first. But in the process of adaptation, you can't let your own thinking be assimilated, otherwise everything will be in vain."

Electrolux was deeply moved and completely convinced of Tang San. He knew that such a person couldn't be changed by even a hair's breadth unless a god descended to the world and directly altered his memory.

But how could a god suddenly descend to the world?

With Tang San's talent, Electrolux estimated that as long as the Cloud Tree could truly bring Tang San the power of creation, then it was highly probable that he could condense the core of the three major Dan Tians before reaching Rank 100.

In Electrolux's calculations, the spiritual soul grid is the foundation of the divine grid, and by then, Tang San will still have the support of the Golden Core of Qi and Blood and the Soul Power Core. It would be difficult for the gods to modify his memory.

Moreover, with his semi-divine consciousness, combined with Tang San, at the level of a Soul Saint, even without using the third martial soul: the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon, Electrolux felt that they would already be comparable to the gods of the divine realm...

Elsewhere, Yu Tianheng was practicing the "Railgun" when suddenly he sensed a burst of dragon might, and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon martial soul trembled, his whole body shaking, and even his soul power became chaotic.

"Such a strong dragon might!"

Yu Tianheng looked around in confusion, not knowing where this dragon might came from, but his heart became extremely heavy. "It's stronger than the true dragon martial soul like the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon. Could it be that someone in the academy has a martial soul that surpasses the true dragon martial soul?"

As the dragon might spread, many soul masters with dragon martial souls and pseudo-dragon martial souls also felt a deep-seated shock emanating from their souls. Their martial souls wanted to resist, but could only submit.

Especially the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family and the Holy Dragon Sect, the direct disciples of these two major sects felt the deepest sensation, as if an extremely powerful true dragon was being born.

In addition to this, the vast majority of powerful beast martial souls also sensed a pressure.

"What's going on?"

"Suddenly, my heart trembled, and my martial soul also shook."

"A powerful dragon martial soul is born!"

"Perhaps it's a true dragon soul beast."


Various major forces have taken action in secret...


Star Dou Great Forest.

Core area.

Underneath the Life Pool.

A massive figure stirred, opening an eye and transmitting a message to Emperor Tian, "Among the dragon breeds, a true dragon of non-dragon god lineage has been born. Its pressure is extremely formidable, on par with a dragon god, even... whether it's a soul beast or a martial soul, we must find it. If it's a soul beast, it's the key to creating our own divine beasts. If it's a martial soul, we can also befriend its owner, borrowing their luck to protect us."

Emperor Tian immediately ordered the major fierce beasts to explore the Star Dou Great Forest, while the Imperial Rui Beast and the Three-Eyed Golden Lion observed the luck, sensing the true dragon luck, and followed along with a Soft Bone Rabbit with a hundred thousand-year transformation... Is it the same person?

After receiving the Three-Eyed Golden Lion's answer, Emperor Tian was puzzled: "Why is this Soft Boned Rabbit so lucky?"

The Three-Eyed Golden Lion couldn't answer; she didn't understand why a Soft Boned Rabbit with a hundred thousand-year transformation could have such great luck, encountering the son of luck...


Although Bibi Dong of the Spirit Hall also sensed the dragon might, she didn't pay much attention to it. No matter how strong the dragon breed was, it couldn't compare to her destined godhood.

Moreover, the Elite Tournament of Advanced Soul Masters on the entire continent was about to open soon, and she was focusing all her energy on this matter.

For this tournament, Bibi Dong had decided to invite participants from both empires to the Spirit Hall City. The preliminary rounds, qualifiers, and finals would all be held in Spirit Hall City.

Thanks to the development of soul guide cameras, soul guide cameras, and mother-son soul guide camera balls, the process of each match could be recorded and broadcasted to all cities and towns with Spirit Hall branches.

Under the promotion of local Spirit Hall personnel, almost everyone on the continent knew that this continent-wide elite competition could be broadcasted, allowing people from all over the continent to watch.

Moreover, local Spirit Hall personnel could charge viewers for watching. Depending on the prices in different cities and towns, ticket prices varied, ranging from one copper soul coin to one gold soul coin per person.

This was also a considerable income for the Spirit Hall.

Among the personnel of the Spirit Hall in various places, there were bound to be those with hidden agendas. This opportunity was perfect for them to replace some of the branch masters of the Spirit Hall...

(End of this chapter)