
Dou Luo: This Tang San is Different

Transmigrator 1: "Tang San, you reincarnated by seizing someone else's body, how despicable!" Slap! Tang San slapped him back and scolded: "You are the one who reincarnated and awakened your previous life's memories, and I am the one who seized someone else's body, right?" Transmigrator 2: "Tang San, you are so hypocritical! You actually told Dugu Bo the worst way to treat his poison, and stole his immortal grass." Slap! Tang San slapped him again and said: "Were those immortal grasses planted by Dugu Bo? No? Then in this fantasy world, killing and robbing is very normal, right? As long as I am strong, then everything I do is right!" Transmigrator 3: "I'd rather be Xiao Yan's lackey than Tang San's brother!" Bang! Tang San smashed his head with a Sky Hammer and said: "You like Xiao Yan so much, why did you transmigrate to Douluo Continent? I am kind-hearted, I'll send you to Douqi Continent!" In his previous life, Tang Chuan transmigrated to Tang San, without any cheats, he wanted to follow the rules, practice Xuantian Gong diligently, and break through the hundredth level by researching his martial soul. He didn't expect that transmigrators would come one after another, and each one of them was a "moral model". Tang San said: "You guys are bored, right?" ****** Power Stone Goal: 200PS = 1 CHAP 600PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

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457 Chs

Chapter 168: Jade Bone Golden Skin Divine Treasure Method(Part 2)

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Although the Soul Core had not fully condensed yet, Dugu Bo realized that if it were to fully condense, Tang San's previous words were not false; before reaching level ninety-five, he would not encounter any bottlenecks.

"It seems that senior believes it. Then, I can assure senior that if you can condense a second Soul Core in the future, and if it presents a yin-yang merging trend with the first one, perhaps the bottleneck between level ninety-five and level ninety-nine will no longer exist. You just need to accumulate enough Soul Power," Tang San smiled faintly, "May I ask if this is worth your treasure trove?"

"Good, it's worth it," Dugu Bo was excited. "How should I condense the second Soul Core?"

"I'll give you guidance when the time comes," Tang San shook his head. He needed to leave himself some room, after all, he couldn't fully trust Dugu Bo. "But I can give you a reminder. Your first Soul Core is based on your martial soul poison, so it's best if the second Soul Core isn't poisonous."

"Yin-yang merging trend... cannot be poisonous. Then it should be medicinal? That makes sense," Dugu Bo speculated, but seeing Tang San's ambiguous smile, he didn't dare to jump to conclusions and could only curse, "You little fox, are you trying to trick me? Well, since I've gained great benefits, I'll give you this place and all its treasures."

"Then I thank senior for your generosity," Tang San thanked, then promised, "Once I thoroughly research the method of condensing the second Soul Core, I'll inform senior."

"So you haven't figured it out yet?" Dugu Bo raised an eyebrow, feeling like he had been tricked by Tang San, but he didn't feel any anger.

"I dare not deceive senior," Tang San smiled, "But within ten years, I should be able to create it. Can senior wait for five years?"

"Of course, even if you don't give it to me, I still have to thank you. After all, you've helped me out of illness," Dugu Bo sighed, "In the future, don't call me senior anymore, just call me old poison."

"Okay, Old Poison."

"Heh! You're really not polite at all... but I like your temper." Dugu Bo laughed heartily, then asked another question, "Are you really going to stay here for about half a year?"

"Yes, there are many good things here worth studying," Tang San looked at the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eyes, a faint smile appearing on his face, imperceptible to ordinary people, "This will be an opportunity for me to reach the level of a Titled Douluo without using my trump cards."

"You're just a Soul Ancestor, but you want to match a Titled Douluo?" Dugu Bo acknowledged Tang San's excellence, but wanting to match a Titled Douluo with a Soul Sage was nothing more than a pipe dream.

However, it was indeed amazing for Tang San to reach Soul Ancestor at the age of twelve.

"Wait and see, Old Poison," Tang San teased.

"Since you're so confident, I'll wait to see how you match a Titled Douluo after half a year. By then, I can be your opponent," Dugu Bo was also looking forward to it.

In the following days, Dugu Bo condensed the Soul Core beside the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eyes.

Guang Ling mainly cultivated Soul Power and refined her Jade Bone using the environment here.

In addition to cultivation, Xiao Wu also learned medical knowledge from Dugu Bo, which was stored in the house.

And Tang San?

Apart from cultivation and understanding some pharmacology, he relied on the Blue Silver Emperor to communicate with various exotic plants here, using the energy absorbed by the Blue Silver Emperor from the earth, moonlight, and the aura of the Golden Tree to continuously improve the cultivation of these exotic plants.

Coupled with the unique environment of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eyes, the cultivation of various exotic plants rapidly improved. In just three months, some of them had already awakened their intelligence.

For example: Infernal Delicate Apricot, Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass,

Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum, Beautiful Silk Tulip, Daffodil Jade Flesh Bone, Eight-petal Immortal Orchid, Land Dragon Golden Melon, etc.

These kinds of exotic plants, growing here year-round, already had impressive cultivation ages. Now, after Tang San's nurturing and the aura of the Golden Tree, they naturally awakened their intelligence.

With intelligence, these exotic plants could utilize the much richer celestial and terrestrial energy and magnetic fields here compared to other places to condense corresponding energy forms.




Because of Tang San's influence with the Blue Silver Emperor, these exotic plants, upon gaining intelligence, immediately recognized Tang San as their father.

"Cough! I'm not your father, but indeed, I played a part in your awakening. You can call me Valley Master, as I am now the owner of this valley," Tang San coughed and corrected the energy forms that had taken the form of children.

"They're such adorable dolls," Xiao Wu reached out to touch the energy form condensed by the Beautiful Silk Tulip but found her hand passing through it, unable to touch it.

"They haven't truly taken physical form; they just condensed illusory forms using the unique energy field of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eyes with their spiritual power," Tang San explained. "Compared to animal spirit beasts, this is much more convenient for plant spirit beasts."

"Is there such a thing?" Xiao Wu was surprised but nodded afterward, carefully observing each exotic plant.

Guang Ling also stopped her cultivation, observing these adorable "children."

With the awakening of intelligence in these exotic plants, communication with Tang San became more convenient, and it was easier to observe the energy flow channels and patterns on their bodies.

After recording them one by one, Tang San began to correspond them with his own meridians, imitating and delineating the flow of soul power.

In the blink of an eye, another three months passed.

Tang San's entire Jade Bone had already condensed, and he had integrated all the energy flow patterns of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eyes' exotic plants, creating the second method of cultivating Qi and blood: Divine Repository.

Five viscera: liver, heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys.

Five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, earth.

The Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum corresponds to the lungs, which belong to metal.

The Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower corresponds to the heart, which belongs to fire.

The Land Dragon Golden Melon corresponds to the spleen, which belongs to earth.

The Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng corresponds to the liver, which belongs to wood.

The Daffodil Jade Flesh Bone corresponds to the kidneys, which belong to water.

In this way, the five viscera and five elements were all condensed.

Next, there were the six viscera: gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, bladder, and triple burner.

These six were also matched by Tang San with corresponding exotic plants. He recorded their energy flow patterns, modified them, and used the Xuantian Technique as the foundation, circulating soul power and blood energy to form the six paths of reincarnation.

The brain corresponded to the Autumn Water Dew, using its energy flow circuit to strengthen the brain and eyes.

After the cultivation of Jade Bone and Divine Repository was completed, Tang San's muscles and membranes began to transform actively, becoming as hard as gold and stone, yet soft as cotton.

For this reason, Tang San named it: Golden Muscle.

This complete method of cultivating the body and blood energy was also named by Tang San: the Jade Bone Golden Muscle Divine Repository Method.

This method cultivates a set of jade bones, molds a divine repository, and casts a golden body.

Using the five viscera and five elements, one could form the Five Emperor's Canopy, blocking all attacks using soul power as energy. Operating the six viscera and six paths could form the cycle of reincarnation, applying boxing force could crush all things.

Of course, the instinctive use of these two required further exploration. The specific methods of operation and use would need to be gradually developed in the future...

And displaying the golden body was akin to the Golden Body Indestructible.

Especially in terms of spiritual power, Tang San had already reached the vast level of the Purple Extreme Magic Eye, comparable to a Titled Douluo.

"My physical body and spirit have both reached the level of a Titled Douluo, and my soul power has reached level fifty. Now, using the Merging Rings technique, Tang Hao will have to bow before me!" Feeling his current state, Tang San's confidence swelled unprecedentedly, but he quickly suppressed his excitement. Before leaving, he increased the cultivation of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eyes' exotic plants and imparted a part of the Jade Bone Golden Muscle Divine Repository Method - Plant Version, based on their corresponding attributes.

Plants also have "blood and energy" and can cultivate.

This was naturally to give these little guys some self-defense power.

Upon learning that Tang San was about to leave, the exotic plants were reluctant to part, especially the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and the Infernal Delicate Apricot. One was ice, and the other was fire; both wanted to leave with Tang San.

"This is your home. Although the outside world is exciting, it's too dangerous for you. Let's talk about it when you grow to a hundred thousand years old," Tang San refused their idea of following him, also understanding why they wanted to follow him—when creating the Jade Bone Golden Muscle Divine Repository Method, he didn't utilize their energy flow patterns.

Mainly because these two, taken separately, are both highly poisonous. Although they represent ice and fire, compared to the energy flow patterns of other exotic plants, they are somewhat overbearing and not very compatible with their own five viscera and six bowels.

Therefore, they felt they couldn't help Tang San and were a bit useless.

"Dangerous or not, it doesn't matter. We can sacrifice ourselves to you... oh no, Valley Master," the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass spoke up.

"Yes, as plant spirit beasts, we have this ability," the Infernal Delicate Apricot echoed, "Although you only need one soul ring, we can merge our cultivation in the unique magnetic field of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eyes, fuse our souls into the soul ring together with you, and then we can go out together with you."

"Merge souls together for sacrifice? I've heard of it, that's the most domineering way of sacrifice. But you can also merge sacrifices?" Xiao Wu tilted her head, understanding the uniqueness of plant spirit beasts.

The setup for the enhancement of the True Body Armor of Martial Soul doesn't feel out of place, right?

Being able to fight with Tang Hao, having high-quality soul power and Jade Bone, and the strong recovery ability of the Blue Silver Emperor, he even borrowed the power of Austin Griffin.

The groundwork for merging rings was laid before...

It can be regarded as similar to the Super Saiyan transformation in Dragon Ball.

(End of this chapter)