
Dou Luo: This Tang San is Different

Transmigrator 1: "Tang San, you reincarnated by seizing someone else's body, how despicable!" Slap! Tang San slapped him back and scolded: "You are the one who reincarnated and awakened your previous life's memories, and I am the one who seized someone else's body, right?" Transmigrator 2: "Tang San, you are so hypocritical! You actually told Dugu Bo the worst way to treat his poison, and stole his immortal grass." Slap! Tang San slapped him again and said: "Were those immortal grasses planted by Dugu Bo? No? Then in this fantasy world, killing and robbing is very normal, right? As long as I am strong, then everything I do is right!" Transmigrator 3: "I'd rather be Xiao Yan's lackey than Tang San's brother!" Bang! Tang San smashed his head with a Sky Hammer and said: "You like Xiao Yan so much, why did you transmigrate to Douluo Continent? I am kind-hearted, I'll send you to Douqi Continent!" In his previous life, Tang Chuan transmigrated to Tang San, without any cheats, he wanted to follow the rules, practice Xuantian Gong diligently, and break through the hundredth level by researching his martial soul. He didn't expect that transmigrators would come one after another, and each one of them was a "moral model". Tang San said: "You guys are bored, right?" ****** Power Stone Goal: 200PS = 1 CHAP 600PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

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460 Chs

Chapter 148: Tang San's Guidance

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The Purple Gold Jiuhao Battle Armor transformed back into the Haotian Hammer and was stored in Tang San's left hand.

"With this power, I'm not afraid of any Soul Douluo-level opponent, at least until Austin Griffin fully awakens. Even a Titled Douluo..."

Speaking of Titled Douluo, Tang San touched the "hair tie" behind his head. "...as long as I have the Nine Section Jade, I can kill them as long as they don't have expertise in poison."

At this moment, Tang San was extremely confident.

After finishing his ablutions, Tang San went to the study to begin his research on soul tools. Guang Ling followed him, while Xiao Wu focused on practicing to strengthen her skills and also write some novels.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed in haste.

On the playground in the south of Tian Dou Royal Academy, Tang San began teaching Huo Wu, Yu Tianheng, and others about soul power control.

"Soul power control?" Yu Feng was puzzled. "What's the point of learning that?"

"Of course, it's useful." Tang San condensed a bit of soul power on his index finger and stabbed it towards a stone on the ground.


Tang San's finger sank into the stone. When he withdrew his finger, there was a hole in the stone.

"Can you do this?"

"Let me try." Shi Mo was the first to step forward, mimicking Tang San, condensing soul power on his index finger and thrusting it towards a stone.


The stone cracked!

"My attack is more powerful than yours," Shi Mo said proudly.

"No, your strength is dispersed," Yu Tianheng compared the two stones and realized the importance of soul power control as Tang San had mentioned. "Shi Mo, although your destructive effect appears to be stronger, in reality, if you were to attack a person with the same amount of soul power as Tang San, you might only inflict severe injuries, whereas Tang San could directly cause death."

"Why is that?" Shi Mo was puzzled.

"It's simple. Your strength is too dispersed. When it hits a person, it will be spread across other organs in the body. But Tang San's attack can focus on one point, directly shattering the attacked area, causing the entire body to collapse." Born into the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon family, Yu Tianheng immediately recognized the importance of soul power control.

When he was in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon family, Yu Tianheng was also taught to train his control over soul power, but mainly to be used in injecting soul power into soul skills to achieve maximum effect with minimal soul power.

But now, Tang San was showing them another aspect of controlling soul power to the extreme — that finger strike was almost like a self-created soul skill!

Even, Yu Tianheng couldn't imagine if Tang San condensed more soul power on his finger, whether Shi Mo and Shi Mo's defenses could withstand it.

"How do we train soul power control? Poke stones?" Yu Feng was eager to try. As a reconnaissance-type and assassination-type agility attacker, if he could learn this move in the future, he estimated he could penetrate even the defense of a Soul King with his flying speed.

"No, it's climbing trees." Tang San decided to teach them the practice method of climbing trees. Of course, he wouldn't teach them the Control Crane Catching Dragon technique; after all, their relationship wasn't close enough for him to pass on his secrets.

"Climbing trees? What kind of training is that?" Huo Wu was puzzled. "Are you kidding us?"

"When I say climbing trees, I don't mean using both hands and feet, or jumping from branch to branch." Tang San smiled and said to Xiao Wu, "Xiao Wu, demonstrate for them."

"No problem."

Xiao Wu walked to a tall tree about the height of a person, stepped onto the tree, and walked up it vertically, even hanging upside down on a branch. This wasn't done by hooking her feet onto the branch but by firmly stepping on the branch underneath.


"How did you do that?"

"Could this be soul power control?"

Everyone looked at Tang San.

"This is tree climbing," Tang San explained. "By condensing soul power at the soles of your feet, you can adhere to other objects and walk on them. This greatly exercises one's control over soul power. In theory, if one's control over soul power reaches an extraordinary level, they can imitate and learn all soul skills in the world."

"After all, soul skills are simply the release of soul power through specific circulation routes within the body, via soul rings. Once a person's control over soul power reaches its peak and they can observe the circulation routes of soul power, they naturally can imitate all the soul skills in the world. However, due to differences in personal martial souls, there may be variations in the effectiveness of the imitated soul skills."

"Huo Wu," Tang San continued, "for instance, if a person has extremely strong control over soul power, theoretically, they can learn all soul skills, as long as they know the circulation method of soul power when releasing the skill."

"That's incredible," Huo Wu said incredulously. "You mean, if a person has extremely strong control over soul power, theoretically, they can learn all soul skills, as long as they know the circulation method of soul power when releasing the skill?"

"That's the idea," Tang San nodded. "Among them, body technique-type soul skills are the easiest to imitate since the human body structure is generally similar. Other soul skills, especially those requiring specific martial souls, are the most difficult to imitate. Therefore, it's only theoretical."

"However, imitating soul skills or not, for both you and me, is still too far away. It's better to focus on strengthening your control over soul power. If you can reach Xiao Wu's level of proficiency, then one unit of soul power can be equivalent to ten units, reducing unnecessary wastage during battles."

"If you can walk on trees like this, you can also freely move on various walls and ceilings."

At this moment, Xiao Wu jumped down from the tree and stood steadily.

For Xiao Wu at the moment, climbing trees was nothing more than child's play. She still couldn't walk on water; she needed to use wooden planks on the water's surface.

Of course, Tang San couldn't truly walk on water at this point either. However, his control over soul power was slightly stronger than Xiao Wu's, so he could run on the water without relying on tools.

"After climbing trees, there's walking on water?" Huo Wu listened to Xiao Wu's explanation, her eyes widening. "Walking on the water's surface? Isn't that too exaggerated?"

"Not at all," Tang San said. "Water is just another substance, and it's also flowing. If one day we can walk freely on the water's surface, that would truly be an extraordinary mastery of soul power." Tang San took out a few wooden planks from his storage wristband, went to the edge of the lake, and threw the planks into the water. Then he jumped onto one of the planks.

The plank sank slightly, causing Tang San's shoe soles to touch the lake's surface, making it appear as if he were standing on the water.

"At present, I still need to rely on these planks to walk on water. It's still a long way from truly walking on the water's surface, or even walking on the surfaces of rivers or oceans." Tang San explained his situation to the others.

"I'll give it a try," Yu Feng targeted a wooden plank and jumped onto it, then—


He ended up soaking wet, becoming a drowned rat.

"For you guys, it's better to start with tree climbing."

Watching the thoroughly soaked Yu Feng, Tang San couldn't help but feel speechless. "You have to start with the basics, right?"

(End of chapter)