
Doted By My Brother-In-Law

Ross Michael Varga’s marriage, being arranged without his consent, left a bitter taste in his mouth. However, despite his disappointment, he didn’t want to disobey his mother’s wishes. When he was introduced to a gorgeous and charismatic girl, Shenna Villegas, just then, he understood why his family picked her as his wife—numerous men will go to great lengths to win her affection. However, everything took a turn when he met the woman he had always longed for, leading to a complex and perplexing situation, as his younger brother also fell in love with her. Would he move heaven and earth to follow his heart’s desire? * EXCERPT: “Why did you kiss me?” As he stared at her, the girl in front of him had captivating eyes that widened in surprise when their lips unexpectedly met. “I’m sorry. I thought you were…” He was cut halfway when the girl snapped at him. “Kuya Ross, I am your sister-in-law!”

Elise_Elleneth · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

A Birthday Gift

"What did you say, bro?" With anticipation crawling in his chest, Shaun didn't understand what his brother had muttered; thus, he asked. He has confidence his brother would give in right away, which is why it was strange he had to explain things beforehand.

'Why is it too hard to extort money from him? Ah, he must be saving up for his marriage with sister Shenna!'

Having this assumption, Shaun's chest filled with delight. Even though the two had just started dating two months ago, he prayed his brother would marry Shenna. She was gorgeous, outstanding, and a genius doctor with a big heart. He would be glad to be her brother-in-law.

Their mom likes her so much that she urges Ross to hasten the wedding. But his brother seems to have no plans to propose yet, so he doesn't understand what holds him back from marrying such a woman who dreams of being their wife and the mother of their children.

It isn't a secret among the family that his male cousins were also after Shenna. Everyone wants to curry favor from their grandfather, so they want to win her over. Fortunately, their grandfather had arranged the marriage two years ago, and he picked Ross to pursue Villegas's eldest princess.

However, Shaun was unaware that Ross had other plans. He has been mulling over whether he could break up with Shenna since their engagement hasn't been official yet.

"Hey, bro? It's time to return to Earth." When Ross stays still and looks blankly at the door leading to his hidden room, Shaun snaps his finger near his face, inquiring, "Are you okay? Is your migraine still bothering you?"

Shaun has noticed that Ross seems less himself lately. He is often in deep thought and dazes whenever their dad and grandfather speak with him over dinner at home.

"Do you have any concerns regarding the delayed K Group of Company contract? According to Grandpa, we should be able to finalize the deal soon."

"Hm. It is something that has been on my mind recently." Ross made eye contact with Shaun, whose gaze had a deep meaning. After a brief pause, he smiled and added, "I might have an overseas business trip soon."

"That's great, then! You look too troubled lately."

"Hah. Are you worried it will affect your allowance?" he teased.

Shaun chuckled nervously, nodding as his way of admitting it. He plans to accompany Yonah shopping and then take her to a nice restaurant.

"So? Where were we now?" Ross tilted his head to the side to recall what he and Shaun had discussed. "Ah, so what are you going to do about it? Have you not had someone make your outfit since you are incapable of doing so yourself?"

He believed a contest like that should have uniqueness—not just copying the original outfit, but creativity.

"That's right. Yonah designed and tailored her costume, so she planned to shop for the needed materials. As for me, I have to look for someone to make my outfit."

"Oh, she is interested in designing? That sounds great! But in that case, how about you? Aren't you hopeless for not making your own?"

"Hey, you're offending me, brother!"

Shaun was displeased when Ross sounded sharp, which was the first time it had happened.

Ross has been careful with his words every time he speaks to him. But now he appears hostile. He doesn't understand why the sudden change occurred.

"I can design my costume, of course! It's just that I am not into the clothing industry. Also, they allow us to hire someone to craft our costumes. So, I need someone creative and passionate about anime and online games."

Shaun explained himself, but his words even incited frustration in Ross's heart. He doesn't like the fact that Shaun and Yonah have a lot in common; once again, he can taste the bitterness on his tongue from this observation.

"Now that you mention that, isn't Steph planning to take a fashion design course?" asked Ross. "How about her?"

"You're right, brother! I should talk with Steph to make my outfit!"

Having mentioned his good friend, Shaun smacks his forehead. 'Why did I forget about Steph?'

Steph is Shaun's childhood friend who lives in their neighborhood. The two families often hang out, and the two children have attended the same school since preschool. Thus, they become good friends.

Ross thought Shaun liked Steph, but the way he looked at Yonah during the family dinner made him conclude that Steph's feelings were unrequited love.

'Poor girl,' he mused inwardly.

"It would be best for Yonah and Steph to meet. The two girls can be good friends since they are both interested in designing. I heard that Uncle John would set up a studio for her. This is her stepping stone to getting more experience in the fashion industry." Ross suggested, seemingly convincing Shaun.

There is a teasing smile on his lips that Shaun missed noticing when his mind was occupied with something else.

Oblivious to his brother's true intention, Shaun nodded in agreement.

"That's right, it is best to introduce them to each other one of these days." He said, then asked pitifully, "So? Are you lending me some grand, brother?"

"What if I don't?" Ross said lazily, his face solemn, which disheartened Shaun.

"Can you at least let me show you my desired outfit?"

Shaun took his iPad from his bag and showed his brother the website where he could buy varied costumes and weapons.

"This is Long Haochen's costume and his weapons. Isn't that cool?"

Browsing through the store, Shaun pointed out the weapons he wished to purchase. Ross could tell that they were authentic, so the cost was reasonable. However, he had been thinking not to spoil him this much but to teach him how to be financially literate. He must learn how to run their company and earn independently instead of having fun outside and wasting money.

"Well, here it is!" After pressing something, weapons suitable for mages and healers are displayed on the screen.

"It's expensive. Are they real gemstones?" he asked suspiciously. "I thought Long Haochen only used a sword since he was a knight. What are you going to do with a mage staff?"

Shaun was taken aback when Ross inquired. In the past, his brother never questioned the cost of the toys or gadgets he wanted him to purchase. Why is he inquisitive now?

If he isn't mistaken, this is the first time he has said no to him. He mused, 'And when did he become this stingy?'

This left him puzzled.

"So, you're saying you won't buy it for me?" His eyes welled up with sorrow, and his voice trembled with a sense of hopelessness.


Shaun was in disbelief that, for the first time, Ross would not grant his request.

"What do you want me to do for you to buy that mage staff? Do you want me to be on top of my class? Then, I promised to study harder from here on!"

Ross still needs to be convinced. He keeps browsing the store, which is his way of ignoring Shaun's blab.

Shaun pursed his lips. He had no plan to reveal the truth, but he needed to convince his brother.

"Erm, bro, the truth is... The mage staff is actually another surprise gift for Yonah. So, can you please help me out? I will do anything you want me to do to pay you back."

"Hmm… Anything?"