

Zombie Apocalypse

2young4this · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Upper Basic Skill

[Golden Needle]

[Skill level - Upper Basic]

[A Golden Needle its known for its sharpness it can pierce through a metal vault, It can change its size up to 20 inches, User can use up to 8 Golden needles at a time, after the Golden needle is fired it will disappear after two minutes, Two MP per needle]

[Usage - ∞]

[Accept] [Decline]

When read the description he immediately accept it, But then a sound again rang in Mark's head.

[Warning two out of three primary skill is gain please choose wisely].

But Mark ignored the warning because he had a idea about how to use this Golden Needle in a Crossbow it length was perfect for a Crossbow.

Mark summoned the Golden needle and adjust the length to a six inches than stabbed it towards the wall which easily pierced through the wall leaving behind a hole.

The golden needle disappeared after two minutes.

"Hey you can come out" Mark said while looking towards the the hole left behind by the Golden needle. As the door opened two figures appeared hugging each other in fright.

"Mark what was that" Leo spoke in disoriented voice while looking at Mark's clothes which were covered in blood.

"Leo It's good to see you again it's finally time our fantasy turns into reality, It's a Zombie Apocalypse" Mark said while looking towards the hugging couple.

"What?" Leo spoke while walked towards Mark.

"Yes its true Its a Zombie Apocalypse" Mark said as he saw confused face of Leo.

"But where it the body whom you were killing?" Leo was getting confused by passing minutes.

"First come with me to the third Floor I will explain there about this" Mark said while looking through the window checking for their safety.

He saw two zombies roaming around the entrance of the building in which Mark, Leo and Shelly was at.

They gone to the third floor with caution by arriving in the room they quickly blocked the door with some old desks.

When they felt safe in the room Leo and Shelly started asking about what was happening. After explaining about how Mark saw the first zombie and Martha dying by eaten alive by zombies.

"Thank god she died" said Leo but right after the word left by Leo's mouth a pain came from his left side of the chest it was like a ant bite which was done by Shelly.

Shelly and Martha were friends, Martha was obsessed with Mark but Mark wasn't interested in Martha. Whenever Mark rejects to be in relation with Martha, Martha gave threat about committing suicide. but one time Mark had enough about Martha so he refused to be in relationship with Martha, She cut her hand and was hospitalized.

So Mark had no hard feeling about the death of Martha. Mark was a model student.

"So what do we do now Wait for rescue or leave by our self" Leo spoke while looking outside the window.

Mark still hasn't said anything about the Wooden manuscript he was waiting to Surprise Leo with it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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