

Zombie Apocalypse

2young4this · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

No Emotions

Mark's eyes were dead his face had become pale His lips were becoming dry and pale.

He stood on the window frame looking down at a zombie which was slamming his head against the wall. Memories were passing before his eyes.

When he was about to jump a scream was heard by Mark.

"Ahhhhh Help me" "Somebody help me"

When Mark saw towards where scream came he saw that it was a girl surrounded by six zombies in the cabin of the watchman.

Mark which was about to jump a thought came to his mind he had seen that a person kill his first zombie always gets a Wooden manuscript. Mark had already lost his guilt about Leo.

Mark had something weird about his emotions he always forgets about his emotions like when His father and mother died in a accident he cried for two minutes then a thought came in his mind like why am i crying then he stopped crying instantly and had a smile on his face which terrified his relatives.

Mark overcame his depression in just few minutes not even hours. Mark had decided to farm the Wooden Manuscript and become the most powerful person present on the earth.

By Farming he meant He will help people kill their first zombie and take Wooden manuscript from them if he have interest in their skills.

"Kekekekeke" He laughed evilly

He Decided to Help the girl so he began to take supplies from Leo and Shelly's bag he found a energy bar and two water bottles. he packed it in a bag, But then a memory of the dagger came to his mind which was still laying near the door of the room.

[Blood Dagger]

[Weapon level - Lower Intermediate]

[This Blood Dagger can drain the Blood of enemy and repair itself by absorbing the blood of enemy and heal minor injuries of User by the blood of enemy]

'What a nice weapon' Mark Thought.

'Can it heal me using my own blood' as he thought that he decides to make a small cut in his finger.

As the blood flow out from the small cut it was absorbed by the Dagger. after waiting for one minutes the small cut had heal not even a scar was left.

Mark decided to go help the girl and take the wooden manuscript if he liked it. He checked the surrounding for any zombies but didn't find any zombies left.

He put asides the desk which helped to barricade the doors. but just when he left the room a zombie was standing at stairs. Mark decides to kill it using a sneak attack.

He threw a pen towards the wall which attract the zombie by sound. As zombie turn and show his back towards the zombie he stabbed it at the back of the head of the zombie.

"Hisssss" Sizzling sound came zombie's body left Behind a white glowing Wooden Manuscript. as he picked up the Manuscript he lips turned towards the ears smile he had on his face which was like lossing virginity.