
Doomsday: The Card Master (English Version)

Earth in 3059 experienced a disaster The sky is red and darkness covers the earth Monster portals appear in different parts of the world zombies and monsters everywhere Humans build shelters to survive.

Tukang_Cangkul · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

The beginning of the Disaster

The clear blue sky and the scorching sun shone on the city streets. The roar of vehicles is heard all the time, Vehicles pass by non-stop.

On the side of the road was a tall, lush tree, casting a cool shadow beneath it.

A young man was seen taking shelter under a shady tree. Beside it was a sack containing a plastic bottle, as well as a long metal rod with a rounded pointed end.

After 6 hours of walking around the city looking for plastic waste, Meng Hao took a short break to take off his pen. Seeing passing vehicles and lamenting fate.

Meng Hao is 21 this year, both of his parents are dead. But in order to support his younger brother who is still in elementary school, Meng Hao is forced to drop out of school and become a scavenger.

Meng Hao stood up and continued his work when suddenly the surrounding atmosphere changed.

The sky suddenly turned blood red in the blink of an eye, and the rain was slowly falling and getting heavier every second.

Meng Hao was stunned into silence and goosebumps all over his body. He had been a scavenger for 5 years on the streets but an incident like this never happened.

Meng Hao's first thought was that something bad was bound to happen, and immediately he thought of his younger brother at school.

passing vehicles stop due to environmental changes.

1 minute passed, but the sky was getting blood red, the rain was getting heavier and thunder was booming every second.

The people who were previously busy filming the video of the blood red sky started to panic. Trying to find out what really happened.

Meng Hao was drenched in the rain, without thinking he lifted the sack onto his back and picked up a pointed iron rod.

Running across the shoulder of the road to the school where his sister was.

after 5 minutes the heavy rain stopped falling, but the surroundings were still as dark as night.

Without people realizing it, strange events began to occur in various places around the earth.

In front of a bakery, there was a drenched dog eating leftovers. His eyes were bloodshot and his body was shaking violently.

Unable to stand it, the dog lay down and spit out white foam in his mouth.

10 seconds without moving, the dog stood up and barked. His eyes were crimson red and his teeth were extremely sharp. Sticky mucus flowed from his mouth.

He sniffed in all directions and his head stopped to the right. He saw an old beggar who was sitting against the wall of the shop which was lined with old cardboard.

Without warning he pounced on the beggar and tore his body viciously to pieces.

The beggar was in pain and screamed for help, but the people around just watched without any intention of helping.

Something they didn't expect to happen. After being satisfied with the beggar, the mad dog looked at the people around and pounced indiscriminately.

People run away from mad dogs, and save themselves. But mad dogs run very fast than normal dogs. One person who was a bit slow was pounced on and finished off by him.

Behind the dog, to be exact, the corpse of a beggar who had been killed by a mad dog. the corpse of the previous beggar moved and then stood up

His eyes were red, his body looked lethargic. The corpse glanced in all directions, and walked straight ahead as if looking for something.

After running for 30 minutes Meng Hao arrived at his sister's school. Around the school fence, many parents came to pick up their children because they were worried.

Meng Hao headed for the school gate, and walked through the crowd of old people.

But when he glanced to the right side of the gate, he saw a female student in a ponytail squatting down and sobbing.

The student also glanced at him and their gazes met. A look of relief appeared on his tearful face, he immediately stood up towards Meng Hao to hug him.

Meng Hao sighed seeing that his little brother was fine. He crouched down and hugged Meng Xue who was approaching.

"Why are you outside and not waiting in class?"

Meng Hao asked curiously

"The teacher told us to go out and look for the parents, because the school clerk was bitten by a black cat, and the school clerk attacked anyone he saw"

Meng Xue replied in a frightened and broken voice as she still remembered the terrible incident that happened in class.

"It is okay now"

"Brother is here, let's go home"

Hearing Meng Xue's words, Meng Hao felt even more danger from today's events. He's worried about his sister's safety

After much deliberation, Meng Hao intended to head to a less populated area.

When he was thinking of a quiet place and not many things. A loud noise came from inside the school area

"run away there are zombies...."

Hearing the shout, Meng Hao immediately carried Meng Xue in his arms. Not forgetting to carry his pointed iron rod, Meng Hao sped away from the school.

On the run, Meng Hao decided to find food and shelter.

45 minutes after the incident of heavy rain and red skies, the governments of various countries broadcast information through all media

"Judgment Day"

"Monday, November 28, 3058, Earth lost contact from various space stations"

"All living things mutate and turn into monsters"

"All people are advised not to panic. Stay calm and follow TNI directions to evacuate to a refugee camp"

"If you come across mutated beasts, strange monsters, And zombies... Stay away and don't be bitten by them because you will get infected and become a monster too"

"If anyone experiences the awakening of power, please join the army and become part of the sanctuary"

News from various media spread everywhere, many people went crazy because they couldn't accept this unexpected situation.

Knowing the news, Meng Hao felt a chill wrap around his heart. The thing he least expected would happen.

He kept running and looking for where the food was, things like going home under the bridge no longer occurred to him.

Now the main thing is to survive and continue to live.