
Doomsday: The Card Master (English Version)

Earth in 3059 experienced a disaster The sky is red and darkness covers the earth Monster portals appear in different parts of the world zombies and monsters everywhere Humans build shelters to survive.

Tukang_Cangkul · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Awaken Power: Card Master

"please save me"

"run fast...there are zombies"

screams for help were heard everywhere, everyone ran away from the zombies.

the streets were filled with speeding cars, and the horns honked non-stop.

Meng Hao in the crowd, carrying Meng Xue also ran for safety.

100m ahead there is an army defense post, everyone goes to that place.

"Hurry up and follow the officer's instructions"

"People who are bitten by zombies are not allowed to enter," the TNI Commander shouted through the loudspeaker.

Meng Hao approached the army post, but 20m from the outpost was filled with people.

"Please, I want to come in" cried a pregnant woman desperately.

Seeing the density of people, Meng Hao was also hopeless and helpless.

"Brother, I am afraid that there are zombies..." Meng Xue was also crying on her back

"Relax Xue Xue, we won't be bitten by zombies... trust me" said Meng Hao comforting her.

Since there was no other way, Meng Hao turned around and tried to find another way.

he looks towards the west there are no zombies and rushes there.

as everyone rushed towards the army post, the opposite direction was deserted.

Meng Hao plucked up the courage and walked straight west across the highway.

on the street many people ran in the opposite direction. some people were confused and mocked him for not knowing the safe direction of the army post.

without caring, Meng Hao continued to run for a temporary shelter to calm Meng Xue down.

30 minutes of running, Meng Hao felt safe and stopped because he was tired.

he looked around and his gaze stopped on a house on the right side of the road.

the house was not stained with blood and there was no damage. The door of the house was wide open, but the fence was damaged as if it had been run over by a car.

Meng Hao rushed into the house and entered.

the room is 10m². there is a tv, table, sofa, bookshelf, and other medium-sized household appliances. Meng Hao's gaze fell on the photo on the wall.

The photo shows a man in an official government uniform.

"Looks like this was the official residence before, they should have priority to enter the shelter" Meng Hao mocked

"Brother what happened, why are there so many zombies. I'm scared... hu...." said Meng Xue while sobbing.

Meng Hao put Xue Xue down and said

"Sweet child, stop crying...they're just wearing costumes, because this month is Halloween festival" said Meng Hao comforting him

he had to lie so that Meng Xue would not be traumatized. Meng Xue was just an 8 year old child, her mind was unable to comprehend what was going on.

"ok brother... hu.... hu..." Meng Xue was still sobbing.

"are you hungry?" asked Meng Hao

Xue Xue shook her head, and rubbed her eyes. he looks sleepy.

Seeing this, Meng Hao picked him up, and carried him into the bedroom to the left of the room.

"Let's go to sleep, looks like you were tired at school earlier." Meng Hao said while touching Xue Xue's nose.

Meng Xue's head was already resting on Meng Hao's shoulder and her eyes were closed.

"Sweet child, sleep well." Meng Hao stroked Xue Xue's back and placed her on the wide mattress.

Meng Hao took the blanket and covered it, kissed his head and walked out of the room.

In the main hall, Meng Hao observed the conditions outside from the window.

Meng Hao had an idea to kill some zombies. because he remembered the information spread by the government about power.

he speculated that the source of the power came from zombies. so he decided to kill zombies

Before acting, he checks the entire condition of the house to make sure there is no way in through the door, and looks for the house keys.

after it finishes. he readied his pointed iron rod and walked to the door, then locked it from the outside.

around the house there is a road with a width of 10m. on the east side of the house is the direction of City E, and on the south side is the road to City A, and on the west side is the Mount Merapi area.

Meng Hao looked around in front of the house.

he saw a bus and beside the bus there were 3 zombies eating someone's corpse.

Meng Hao sneakily approached and hid behind the trash can. he threw a small stone to attract the attention of one of the zombies.

A small rock "knock" hit the car body, and one of the zombies turned towards the source of the sound. Looking around, the zombie stared at Meng Hao's trash can.

The zombie stood up and walked over.

Meng Hao stood up and deliberately exposed himself. Meng Hao turned backwards to pull the zombies away from the bus.

The zombies walked faster, and tried to bite Meng Hao.

"argh.... argh..." zombie moan

Feeling quite far away, Meng Hao stopped and prepared to finish off the approaching zombies.

Meng hao got ready and his right hand tightly gripped the pointed iron rod that he always carried when scavenging.

As the zombie got closer to 1m from him, Meng Hao swung the iron rod at the zombie's neck and pulled it back after the end hooked the zombie's neck.

Zombies lose their balance and fall.

Meng Hao who saw the zombies fall, swung the pointed iron rod back towards the zombie head area.

He did this several times until the zombie's brain shattered and didn't move anymore.

Meng Hao gasped for air after finishing off the zombies, then a transparent ball the size of a ping pong ball caught his attention.

He then picked up the ball and observed it.

"It seems that after swallowing this orb, I will awaken the power"

Meng Hao speculated, and put it in his mouth.

The moment the ball entered his mouth, it melted and flowed down his throat.

Meng Hao felt nothing but a chill in his throat.

1 minute passed and a panel appeared in front of him

[Requirements are met, please choose the power of the master]

[Do you want to draw power? y/n]

Meng Hao chose y.

[Congratulations on acquiring power: Card Master]

[Do you want to proceed to the status panel? y/n]


[Meng Hao: Card Master (F)]

Rate: 0/10

STR : 2 (physical attack power)

INT : 3 (skill attack power)

SPD : 2 (speed)

VIT: 2 (endurance)

Points : 0 (2 points/level)

Mana: 1


• Card Summon: Activated (0/20)

• Card Control: Passive (10 meters)

[Upgrade requirements]: Level 10, Magic Core 100, Kill 50 F monsters, 1000 Mana


[Card Summon] : draw 20 cards every day (Combat Card, Unique Card, Control Card), maximum F card.

[Card Control] : can control 10 cards within 10m.

After the appearance of the panel, Meng Hao felt his body getting stronger.

he was curious about the power of Card Control, he then did a card draw.

[Would you like to draw a card? y/n]


[Combat Card: F] 4

• Dmg +50

[Control Card F] 12

• Dmg +2

• Hold Day 200

[Unique Card: F] 2

• Exp x2

[Combat Card: F] 2

• Creates a 2m barrier, absorbs 200 dmg

black, white, and black and white cards appeared in front of Meng Hao.

upon further inspection. Combat Cards are black, Unique Cards are white, and Control Cards are black and white.

he can absorb cards into his body and can take them out with his mind.

Meng Hao thought of the 10 Control Cards from his body, and the 10 cards danced around him. he can freely control all 10 cards.

After playing around, Meng Hao headed for the 2 remaining zombies near the bus.