
4 : The game has just begun

It seems like Sage's troubles are only just beginning.

"Hmm... This is harder than it looks. Treasures on the left and trash on the right... A person is blind but has good eyesight. And three boxes"

Sage took a look at the timer at the top of his head.

(*1hr : 52min : 20sec*)

He then began to think about his current situation.

"So there are three boxes, the one the left is probably for the treasure, while the one on the right is for the trash... But what about the one in the middle? What does it lead to?"

Sage was very concerned about the third box in the middle, but what troubled Sage more was the fact that the time limit was two hours.

"But it doesn't make sense, to have two hours to complete such a simp_"

He suddenly came into realisation, his mind became engulfed with thoughts.

''What if, the mission was simple and it just wants me to think it's difficult? and what if the time is there to confuse me into straying away from the real mission?"

This was indeed a very simple riddle for Sage. Although he needed money, he was never once filled with greed, and even if he values everything including things people would normally consider as trash, he does not take unless it is necessary for him to do so.

''Ah! I got it, it's the middle, that should end it right?''

When he stepped onto the box in the middle, it glowed a bright yellow light, some of the treasure and trash disappeared and the green screen appeared once again.


[*Congratulations on completing the first step*]

[Steps> 2 left ]

[Time> ( 1hr : 40mins : 60sec ) ]

[ Step 2 will now begin ]

[Explanation> A person can be innocent but not ignorant, they can be trusted but not foolish. when needed it can be used, but must it be old or new? ]

Sage came to realise that this was only the begging. There was another set of three boxes present from where the items disappeared. By knowing this, he was more determined to finish the mission a quickly as possible.

''Now I get it, there were more steps, no wonder the time was two hours. But why didn't it appear the last time? Perhaps there is something or rather someone behind all this... Anyway that's not important at the moment I'll find out when I complete the mission''



"Huh!?! he already suspected something? fascinating!!, he may look scrawny and weak but he has a sharp mind...Well let's not get too hasty, it might have been a stroke of luck."


Sage began solving the riddle, at first he wondered why the mission was in riddle form in the first place, especially when the reward he received from the last mission was a sword.

"Something feels off if this is a riddle game then why would I have a sword in hand? and the time still doesn't add up, it won't take me that long to complete two more riddles."

"Agh!! now is not the time to think about something else, let's get on with this riddle."

Sage ruffled his hair with his hand and began to solve the riddle. Although this time the riddle was not as simple as the last.

"Okay, 'innocent but not ignorant, trusting but not foolish, when needed and old or new'...This must mean the answer isn't the middle this time, it's got to be ethier the treasures or trash. But what's with this old or new business?"

Sage racked his head looking for the answer, he was obvious to the fact that this answer could be just as simple as the last, that was until...

"Wait a minute, does it have to be old or new? or do you need both to solve it? for example, if I had to solve a math problem, I could use both the old and new way to get the answers. So the answer to this riddle must be both. The answer is the middle!!"

Sage concluded on his answer but whether he got it right or wrong, time will tell.

He hopped onto the middle and it once again glowed of a yellow bright light, the items disappeared and the green screen appeared.


[*Congratulations on completing step two*]

[Time > ( 60mins : 2sec) ]

[ The last step will now begin ]

[ Explanation> Move your sword whether for good or evil. But one should not be deceived by an outer appearance for this is the only way to survive. ]


After the green screen disappeared, monsters began to appear around Sage, they were short and green about the height of the average human child they were an endless amount of them armed with weapons. Among them was a bigger monster it was 10 feats taller, it's colour was different from the others, it was red.

Sage broke into a cold sweat, his face became as pale as a ghost. His legs were shaking, he was filled with fear. This was something he had never encountered before.


[ Trolls > 0/500 ]

[ Level > 1 ]

[ Ogre Boss >0/1 ]

[Level> 5 ]

"Aren't these trolls? then the red one must be their leader. don't tell me his an ogre?!! Ah, I'm doomed, seriously doomed."

Sage took a minute to think, he had a sword in his hand and is faced with countless monsters, with one leader.

"In normal cases, in games, I'll usually be killing the boss, but... the riddle says otherwise, do I have to kill all of them?"

He was confused he didn't know where to start, but the monsters weren't waiting for him to think, they started attacking. Two of the trolls began attacking from the side while one at the front and the other at the back. it was a perfect cross formation.

"I don't have time to think, I've got to get out of this mess first, the only way to escape is above"

Sage jumped above the trolls causing them to crash into each other, he then rushed forward attacking the rest of them, he swung his sabres left and right, and heads began to fly. His eyes were lit with fire.

"What!?! what is this feelin!? it's like my body is moving on its own, the blood is rushing into my head, it's like I was made to do this!!!"

<End of chapter >

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