
doomsday return

omen was just another teen that wished something interesting happend in his life but will he keep wishing that after the world collaps and horible monsters decend to the earth (image not mine contact me if u want me to take it down)

Rainy_3267 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

(1) The great change

"Ahhhh!" omen woke up sweating when he felt the ground shake. 'what was that?' he thought as he saw notifications appear in front of him [energy manipulation system recived] [error] [retrying] [error] [error] foreign bloodline detected] his eyes widened as he read it again and got a strange feeling. 'what does that mean?' he wondered as he looked around the room for any clues or information, but found nothing. he laid on his bed and thought, maybe its like those novels, system! omen screamed [trying to find fitting system for host bloodline] [downloading....] [underworld prince system is compatible with host bloodline] [ does host want to take the system or disappear] omen gasped "no! i don't wanna vanish!" he tried to keep his eyes open against the bright light emitted from the system, but failed as he fell into deep sleep.

He woke up in his own bed in his bedroom at home. Ok I need to understand this but before that, i need to find out about the rest of the world, so I need to do my morning routine. Omen said, he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and was terrified his hair turned as black as the night instead of his normal blonde hair and his blue eyes also changed color to blood red. 'what the hell's going on?' he thought as he stared at himself in the mirror and realized he had grown taller than his father. 'this is not happening!' he cried , "system!?" he said [system analysis complete] [system interference is open now] [if host wish to open the system interference just say "system]

"open system" omen said but before he could take a look at his system his whole house began shaking and building broke down as he heard screams coming from outside. "what's happening!?" he yelled as he ran through the wreckage of his house, "What happened?" he wondered as he saw people running away from him in terror. and than he realized they weren't running away from him they were running away from something that was behind him. 'why am I not afraid? what's wrong with me?' he wondered as he turned around and saw a giant man with horns growing out of his head, his skin was dark purple and he was covered in black scales.

"system" don't u have anything to help me against that thing!? he thought as he reached for a crowbar on the ground.

"system, system!" he shouted but the only result he received was an error message. he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and opened his eyes in front of the monster, ok looks like its only me, Omen said as he picked up a crowbar and ran towards the monster. "i've seen enough horror movies to know how this goes," he chuckled as he hit the monster on the shoulder with the crowbar, breaking its arm. the monster roared in anger and slashed its hand towards Omen but the second it was supposed to hit him he got a system notification [host is in danger] [host is able to choose one skill as a reward for getting the system] [chains of darkness] [the black rain] [shadow physique] " I choose shadow physique" Omen said as he felt power flowing through his veins.

The monster stumbled back with surprise as Omen punched it in the face with his right fist, killing the giant beast. "Good job kid!" someone yelled from outside the destroyed wall. "who are you?" the man asked Omen. "my name is Omen and I'm here to save the day." he replied jokingly . "you're welcome!" he added as he helped the man and his friends to get out of the ruins of their house.

As soon as the last man got out of the ruins, Omen went to his phone and checked the news. "oh no!" he exclaimed. "what is going on!?" he wondered as he saw the headlines. "The entire world is collapsing people are getting systems that make them superhumans while the weaker people are dying, and some unlucky ones that die by zombies are turning to zombies themselves, it doesn't look good for the humans and we would probably have all our power cut off in a few hours so we hope you all are staying safe and we advise to move in groups. Also we advise everyone to stay away from the government because they might be infected and if you hear a siren that means that the military is attacking a city or a group of people. So stay safe and stay strong.

Omen throw his almost dead phone away and went searching for supplies so they have stuff to eat and live from, after he got a single kg of dried meat from the closest shop he laid on the ground and went to sleep.

he woke up from the light at 5AM "what? what happened?" he wondered as he looked around and noticed that the world is gone, "how did this happen!?" he panicked but soon remembered what happened yesterday, and so he said once again "system" [system is active] [does host wish to know about himself?] "yes of course" Omen said [name: Omen ( no last name found in host memories) race: halfling

class: none (available at level 5) secondary class: none (available at level 10)

-exp: 300\1000 (level 1)


-height: 6 feet 5 inches

-weight: 180 pounds

-health: 150\150

-strength: 110 (average:95)

-dexterity: 90 (average:85)

-endurance: 70 (average:70)

-intelligence: 120 (average:90)

-magic: 60 (average:40)

-speed:105 (average:95)

-agility:95 (average:90)

-combat skills: none

-physique: shadow physique(stage 1\5)

-passive skills: shadow movement (1-while in shade agility and speed get a +15 buff

2-non enchanted physical weapons do 12.5% less damage)

-enhanced senses: enhanced hearing, enhanced sight, enhanced touch and enhanced smell

-weaknesses: magic weakness

-traits: shadow form, shadow sense, weak to fire, low health

-pet: none (available after first evolution).]